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UploadedMar 6, 2013
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.2.0
Florian Anderiasch <fa@art-core.org>
2013-03-06 12:58:18 +0100
Tagging as
Florian Anderiasch:
- Release as
- Bump TOC to 50200 for 5.2
- Add license
- Update README
- Add config.debug remove Rogue cooldowns
- MoP updates: remove select(), fix spell oddities
- MoP updates: Restore basic Druid functionality
- MoP fixes: bump ToC, fix Warrior+DK
- MoP fixes: Rogue numbers,glyphs,GetNumGlyphSockets
- MoP fixes: Remove SnD-Glyph/Talent
- Trying to figure out cooldown bars
- Add configureable colors
- Added Feint, CloS and Vanish bars
- Added Envenom buff bar. Tweaked some colors and ordering
- Fixed wrong Mangle bear spell. Added Garrote bar. Fixed an issue with Vendetta.
- Fixed glyph detection.
- Defaults need to match.
- Added Art of War
- Added paladin module, currently only supports Sacred Duty
- Added recuperate.
- Lacerate stacks to 3 now.
- Added Vendetta and Revealing Strike.
- - Update TOC for 4.0, most talents/glyphs/item sets are broken, please contribute patches. - Added borderTexture configuration option.
- Changed CreateBar to be language independent, you can now pass a spell id instead of a spell name to the function.
- Updated rogue colors to better match their importance in 3.3.3.
- Fixed a critical bug in the warrior module. Less verbose sample configuration.
- Refactored to use addon specific tables. Cleanups.
- Switched Eclipse colors
- Several new feral bars implemented (thanks nin)
- Include bar when calling the aura function. Split Eclipse into two separate bars because of the recent 3.3.3 fix.
- Adjusted bar heights.
- Added Death Knight module.
- Better organization of bars and some naming clarifications.
- Reordered moonkin bars to better reflect the importance of each bar.
- Updated max duration to reflect previous change.
- Fixed a cooldown issue with Eclipse
- As per nin's request, the bar now counts twice from 15 to 0 depending if it's showing the duration of the internal cooldown.
- Fixed last rebase issue.
- Fixed some mixed up calculations
- Fixed some mixed up calculations
- Updated README.
- The eclipse bar color now reflects the status of the buff as well as the type. A bright color indicates that the corresponding colored buff is active while a darker shade of the same color indicates the ICD is in effect.
- Fixed a typo causing expiration to miss completely.
- Rewrote Eclipse detection.
- Renamed a variable
- Fixed a typo.
- More work on eclipse for Moonkin
- Integrated Moonkin module from nin, split druid into two modules.
- Updated description.
- Remove obsoleted isDebuff on stock bars.
- Update TOC for 3.3. Optimized buff detection routines. Rearranged default rogue bars to better suit 3.3.
- Update TOC for 3.3
- More responsive bar hiding. Minor optimizations
- Slight optimization
- Don't anchor to MainMenuBar by default, messes up when in a vehicle.
- Updated to get in changes in evl/SliceDice
- Added missing sample configuration file
Updated to get in changes in evl/SliceDice
- Updated to get in changes in evl/SliceDice
- Updated to get in changes in evl/SliceDice
- Added configuration file. Added ability to grow bars upwards.
- Added missing sample configuration file
- Added configuration file. Added ability to grow bars upwards.
- Optimized layout functions.
- Fixed typo in Nightsong set check
- Added items to druid and rogue module
- Added README
- Fix CRLF
- More distinguishable color on Hunger for Blood bar, bars will now resume after a relog/reload
- Fixed a vehicle issue
- - Added Joust module (currently tracks Defend charges) - Added vehicle support
- Replace isMine with source to reflect 3.1 API change
- Initial import