Torghast Blessings/Curses missing #125

  • Modreynx created this issue Oct 27, 2022

    Since the prepatch (10.0) SQL has stopped working in Torghast in regards exclusively to the Blessings and Curses. It still shows phantasma and the clickable bar to open powers (although I recall words being on it before, could be wrong).


    I have to show default tracker for the first few seconds of a run to check the blessings/curses to see what they are, then I just turn it back off, so it's not the biggest deal, and we are moving on to another xpac so I'm not sure if this is worth fixing, but wanted to bring to your attention anyhow.



    I found out this is just a refresh problem. It does not update my phantasma, empower bar, or anything, until I enter a load screen or manually /reload

    It does appear to be working but it does not update on changes, only during a load screen.


  • Modreynx edited description Oct 30, 2022
  • humfras posted a comment Nov 6, 2022

    Looks like Blizzard changed something.
    Need to investigate further when I find the time.


    Thanks for the report.

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