The War Within Pre-Patch Errors #134

  • danawhitaker created this issue Jul 24, 2024

    Message: Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/SorhaQuestLog.toc:25 Duplicate File Load Detected. [Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.xml] first loaded at [Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.xml:5]
    Time: Wed Jul 24 21:41:08 2024
    Count: 2


    Message: Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/SorhaQuestLog.toc:26 Duplicate File Load Detected. [Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0/AceConfigCmd-3.0.xml] first loaded at [Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Libs/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfig-3.0.xml:4]
    Time: Wed Jul 24 21:41:08 2024
    Count: 2


    Message: Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Modules/Quests.lua:5355: attempt to call global 'QuestObjectiveItem_UpdateCooldown' (a nil value)Message: Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Modules/Quests.lua:5355: attempt to call global 'QuestObjectiveItem_UpdateCooldown' (a nil value)Time: Wed Jul 24 21:41:10 2024Count: 1Stack: Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Modules/Quests.lua:5355: attempt to call global 'QuestObjectiveItem_UpdateCooldown' (a nil value)[string "@Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Modules/Quests.lua"]:5355: in function `UpdateSmartItemButton'[string "@Interface/AddOns/SorhaQuestLog/Modules/Quests.lua"]:4932: in function `?'[string "@Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55: in function <Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>
    Locals: self = <table> { modules = <table> { } defaultModuleState = true db = <table> { } baseName = "SorhaQuestLog" enabledState = true defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } name = "SorhaQuestLog_QuestTracker" orderedModules = <table> { } hooks = <table> { } moduleName = "QuestTracker"}objButton = SQLSmartItemButton { HotKey = FontString { } link = "[Shandris's Scouting Report]" count = 0 item = 134157 charges = 0 Count = FontString { } questLogIndex = 4 rangeTimer = -1 NormalTexture = Texture { } icon = Texture { } Cooldown = Cooldown { }}questInstance = <table> { _ChangedValid = false Changed = false _FirstUpdate = false StartsEvent = false DisplayQuestID = false POIText = "" IsOnMap = false IsHidden = false Distance = 0 SuggestedGroup = 0 IsComplete = false IsStory = false IsCalling = false IsFailed = false CompletionText = "" Index = 4 IsBreadcrumb = false HaveLocalPOI = false LastSortIndex = 0 _CompletionLevelValid = false ID = 76317 Level = 70 ObjectiveDescription = "Complete the "Coalition of Flames" storyline from Shandris in Valdrakken, then travel to the Ancient Bough in the Ohn'ahran Plains." IsTask = false QuestItem = <table> { } Frequency = 0 Title = "Call of the Dream" HasProgressBar = false IsWorldQuest = false _CompletionLevel = 0 RequiredMoney = -1 Keep = true _Valid = true ProgressBarPercent = 0 DataChanged = false ObjectiveList = <table> { } ObjectiveCount = 1}objItem = <table> { Valid = true StillValid = true Link = "[Shandris's Scouting Report]" Changed = true QuestIndex = 4 ItemID = "208181" Item = 134157 Charges = 0 ShowWhenComplete = false}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = SQLSmartItemButton { HotKey = FontString { } link = "[Shandris's Scouting Report]" count = 0 item = 134157 charges = 0 Count = FontString { } questLogIndex = 4 rangeTimer = -1 NormalTexture = Texture { } icon = Texture { } Cooldown = Cooldown { }}(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'QuestObjectiveItem_UpdateCooldown' (a nil value)"fraMinionAnchor = SQLQuestMinionAnchor { SmartItemButton = SQLSmartItemButton { } BottomFrame = SQLQuestMinionBottom { } BorderFrame = SQLQuestMinionBorder { } buttonShowHidden = SQLShowHiddenButton { } objFontString = FontString { } fraQuestsAnchor = SQLQuestsAnchor { } Center = Texture { } RightEdge = Texture { } backdropInfo = <table> { } BottomEdge = Texture { } BottomLeftCorner = Texture { } BottomRightCorner = Texture { } TopEdge = Texture { } TopRightCorner = Texture { } TopLeftCorner = Texture { } LeftEdge = Texture { }}db = <table> { ClickBinds = <table> { } MinionScale = 0.950000 ShowItemButtons = true Colours = <table> { } ConfirmQuestAbandons = true Sounds = <table> { } ShowCurrentSmartQuestItem = false MinionLocation = <table> { } IndentItemButtonQuestsOnly = false MoveTooltipsRight = false ShowNumberOfDailyQuests = false IndentItemButtons = false ItemButtonScale = 0.800000 MinionLocked = false UseStatusBars = true MinionCollapseToLeft = false GrowUpwards = false Fonts = <table> { } UseQuestCountMaxText = true AutoHideTitle = false ShowNumberOfQuests = true Notifications = <table> { } MinionWidth = 220 ZonesAndQuests = <table> { } HideItemButtonsForCompletedQuests = true}

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