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Here's the error I'm receiving with v1.5.5.1:
22x SorhaQuestLog/Modules/RemoteQuests.lua:575: attempt to index field 'ScrollChild' (a nil value) [string "@SorhaQuestLog/Modules/RemoteQuests.lua"]:575: in function `?' [string "@Ace3/AceTimer-3.0-17/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55: in function <Ace3/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50> Locals: self =
{ modules = { } defaultModuleState = true db = { } enabledState = true defaultModuleLibraries = { } name = "SorhaQuestLog_RemoteQuestsTracker" orderedModules = { } baseName = "SorhaQuestLog" hooks = { } moduleName = "RemoteQuestsTracker" } parent = SQLAchievementMinionBottom { } numAutoQuestPopUps = 1 blnNothingShown = true intLargestWidth = 224 intYPosition = 15 (for index) = 1 (for limit) = 1 (for step) = 1 i = 1 questID = 82539 popUpType = "OFFER" questTitle = "Radiant Echoes" isComplete = true objButton = RemoteQuestsTrackerButton1 { Contents = Frame { } questID = 82539 id = 82539 index = 1 } (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = RemoteQuestsTrackerButton1 { Contents = Frame { } questID = 82539 id = 82539 index = 1 } (*temporary) = SQLRemoteQuestsAnchor { BottomFrame = SQLRemoteQuestsMinionBottom { } BorderFrame = SQLRemoteQuestsMinionBorder { } objFontString = FontString { } Center = Texture { } RightEdge = Texture { } backdropInfo = { } BottomEdge = Texture { } BottomLeftCorner = Texture { } BottomRightCorner = Texture { } TopEdge = Texture { } TopRightCorner = Texture { } TopLeftCorner = Texture { } LeftEdge = Texture { } } (*temporary) = "SCROLLFRAME" (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ScrollChild' (a nil value)" blnMinionUpdating = true blnMinionInitialized = true fraMinionAnchor = SQLRemoteQuestsAnchor { BottomFrame = SQLRemoteQuestsMinionBottom { } BorderFrame = SQLRemoteQuestsMinionBorder { } objFontString = FontString { } Center = Texture { } RightEdge = Texture { } backdropInfo = { } BottomEdge = Texture { } BottomLeftCorner = Texture { } BottomRightCorner = Texture { } TopEdge = Texture { } TopRightCorner = Texture { } TopLeftCorner = Texture { } LeftEdge = Texture { } } db = { MinionWidth = 220 OverrideDisplay = false MinionScale = 1 MinionLocked = true ShowTitle = false Fonts = { } AutoHideTitle = true MoveTooltipsRight = false MinionParent = "SQLAchievementMinionBottom" MinionLocation = { } Colours = { } } tblUsingButtons = { } LSM = { OverrideMedia = { } callbacks = { } LOCALE_BIT_zhTW = 8 LOCALE_BIT_ruRU = 2 MediaType = { } LOCALE_BIT_western = 128 MediaTable = { } LOCALE_BIT_zhCN = 4 DefaultMedia = { } MediaList = { } LOCALE_BIT_koKR = 1 } strMinionTitleColour = "|cFF3E809B" L = { Header Font Outline = "Header Font Outline" Lock/unlock all minions = "Lock/unlock all minions" Done/Undone = "Done/Undone" Find/Start Quest Group: = "Find/Start Quest Group:" Quest failed: = "Quest failed: " Displays a message through LibSink when you pick up an item that starts a quest = "Displays a message through LibSink when you pick up an item that starts a quest" Hide completed objectives = "Hide completed objectives" The amount of extra padding after an Achievement before the next. = "The amount of extra padding after an Achievement before the next." The font that the quest objectives will use = "The font that the quest objectives will use" Output Complete and Failed messages for quests = "Use for Quest notification messages" Forces the blizzards quest tracker to show inside dungeons = "Forces the blizzards quest tracker to show inside dungeons" Show in dungeons = "Show in dungeons" Sets the color for Adventure Item Titles = "Sets the color for Adventure Item Titles" Indent only quests with item buttons = "Indent only quests with item buttons" Auto Hide/Showing = "Auto Hide/Showing" Forces the hiding when another addon reshows = "Forces the hiding when another addon reshows" Bar Fill Colour = "Bar Fill Colour" Sets the color for the complete objectives = "Sets the color for the complete objectives" Colour Settings = "Colour Settings" Quest Starting Item Picked Up = "Quest Starting Item Picked Up" Minion Title Text = "Minion Title Text" Scenario Tracker Title = "Scenario Tracker" 25% Complete objective colour = "2
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