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If the text from an objective (or questtext etc.) wraps to another line it gets the same spacing as if it was a new objective. I would like to be able to customize this spacing separate from the spacing between new objectives/quest etc.
Hi there, I was wondering if you could get me a picture and the name of the font you are using. I might just be derping and not understanding :(
Sure :) I'm using "2002 bold" but i'm pretty sure it's not font related.
I hope it is clearer now? The second screenshot is changed via image editing to demonstrate what I'm thinking of
Ah.. sadly it isn't easily doable. Currently a quest button only has 2 text elements in it one for the quest title and the other is the objectives. Because each objective doesn't have its own element I can't tell them to put spaces between neatly.
It isn't ideal but you could perhaps mimic the effect by turning down the font line spacing for objectives, using the quest tabs padding after questa and slightly altering Quests.lua. In particular right at the bottom of the "SQLQuest:Render()" function (about line 2700 depending on version)
By changing (About line 2900) strObjectivesReturnText = strObjectivesReturnText .. ObjectiveInstance:Render() .. "\n"; to strObjectivesReturnText = strObjectivesReturnText .. ObjectiveInstance:Render() .. "\n\n";
you get an extra space after each objective.. sadly though you can't make that space smaller than it is with 0 font line spacing >.< The other issue is that it would not survive a mod update :(
It is something I would love to be able to do, but I just don't have the time at the moment. It is possible I could add that extra line as an option so it wouldn't be wiped each time if its useful at all.
Thank you for showing me the trick with the new line. It works for me but without beeing configurable I don't know if it is worth adding a checkbox.
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