All Namespaces
- (Done)
- (Failed)
- (goto)
- (Hidden)
- # Tasks shown per Achievement. Set to 0 to display all tasks
- (Complete)
- 0% Complete objective colour
- 25% Complete objective colour
- 50% Complete objective colour
- 75% Complete objective colour
- Account
- Achievement Description
- Achievement Minion Anchor
- Achievement Minion Settings
- Achievement Minion Title
- Achievement Options
- Achievement Padding
- Achievement Settings
- Achievement Task
- Achievement Titles
- Achievement Tracker
- Achievement Tracker Title
- Adds the quest name to objective notification messages
- Adjust the scale of the minion
- Adjust the width of the minion
- Allow quests to be hidden
- Allows quests to be hidden and enables the show/hide button
- Alt Left-click
- Alt Right-click
- Alt Right-click to show zone collapse/expand dropdown menu
- Alt Right-click to show zone collapse/expand dropdown menu
- Auto collapse zones on exit
- Auto expand zones on enter
- Auto Hide Minion Title
- Auto Hide/Showing
- Automatically collapses zone headers when you exit the zone
- Automatically expands zone headers when you enter the zone
- Automatically hides completed quests on completion. Also hides goto quests
- Automatically track quests
- Automatically track quests when objectives update
- Autoshrink to left
- Background Colour
- Background Texture
- Bar Back Colour
- Bar Fill Colour
- Bar Texture
- Blizzard Frame Settings
- Bonus Objectives
- Border Colour
- Border Texture
- Click to collapse/expand zone
- Collapse All
- Colour objective status text by:
- Colour objective title text by:
- Colour Options
- Colour quest levels by:
- Colour quest titles by:
- Colour Settings
- Colours
- Complete objective colour
- Content Indent
- Control Left-click
- Control Right-click
- Controls the font size of the achievement task
- Controls the font size of the achievement title
- Controls the font size of the header label.
- Controls the font size of the minion title.
- Controls the font size of the quest info.
- Controls the font size of the quest objectives
- Controls the font size this font
- Controls the level of indentation for the achievements content
- Controls the level of indentation for the Objective text
- Controls the level of indentation for the quest text
- Controls the size of the Item Buttons.
- Controls the size of the Minion
- Controls the spacing below each line of this font
- Controls the width of the main window.
- Controls the width of the minion
- Count/Max Header
- Disable Toast popups on completing bonus objectives
- Disables the Toasts which appear upon completing a bonus objective
- Display count of hidden quest in each zone
- Display items and tooltips on right
- Display level in Quest Title
- Display POI Tag in Quest Title
- Display quest description if not objectives
- Display Quest Name
- Display Settings
- Display the text of an objective after numbers
- Displays # of daily quests you have done today of the max limit
- Displays # of daily quests you have done today of the max limit
- Displays # of quests you have in your log and the max limit
- Displays # of quests you have in your log and the max limit
- Displays '<Quest Title> (Complete)' etc messages once you finish all objectives
- Displays a count of the hidden quests in each zone on the zone header
- Displays a message through LibSink when you pick up an item that starts a quest
- Displays a quests description if there are no objectives available
- Displays objective notification messages using LibSink
- Displays the level of the quest in the title
- Displays the POI Tag used on the world map for in the title
- Do Nothing
- Doesn't display the minion when quests are not being tracked. Does not HIDE the minion
- Done/Undone
- Drag this to move the Achievement minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Achievement minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Quest minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Quest minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Remote Quests minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Remote Quests minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Scenario Quests minion when it is unlocked.
- Drag this to move the Scenario Quests minion when it is unlocked.
- Enable Minion
- Enable to show all hidden quests
- Expand All
- Expand/Collapse Zones
- Font
- Font Line Spacing
- Font Outline
- Font Settings
- Fonts
- Force Hide
- Forces the hiding when another addon reshows
- Full
- General Options
- Global Textures
- Gradual objective Colours
- Grow Upwards
- Header Font
- Header Font Outline
- Header Font Settings
- Header Font Size
- Hide All
- Hide All Sorha Quest Log
- Hide completed objectives
- Hide Completed quests/goto Quests
- Hide Item Buttons for completed quests
- Hide Minion
- Hide minion when not tracking any quests
- Hide the Achievement Minions title when not tracking
- Hide the default quest tracker
- Hide the title when there is nothing to display
- Hide the title when you have no current remote quests
- Hide title when not tracking
- Hide title when you have no remote quests
- Hide Zone Headers
- Hide/Show Quest:
- Hides all of Sorha Quest Log
- Hides all zone headers and just displays quests. Note: Does not expand zone headers for you
- Hides blizzards quest tracker.. which is also used for Achievement tracking
- Hides the quests item button once the quest is complete
- Hides/Shows the Main Frame
- Indent item buttons inside tracker
- Indent only quests with item buttons
- Indents the item buttons into the quest tracker so they are flush with zone headers
- Info Text
- Info Text Font Settings
- Item Button Settings
- Item Button Size
- Left Alt Click
- Left Alt+Ctrl Click
- Left Alt+Shift Click
- Left Click
- Left Ctrl Click
- Left Ctrl+Shift Click
- Left Shift Click
- Left-click
- Lib Sink Colour by:
- LibSink Options
- Link Quest:
- Lock Frame
- Lock Minion
- Lock Remote Quests Minion
- Lock/unlock all minions
- Locks the Achievement Minion
- Locks the remote quests minion
- Main
- Main Colours
- Main Frame Settings
- Makes zone headers hide when all contained quests are hidden
- Minion Anchor Point
- Minion Scale
- Minion Title
- Minion Title Font Settings
- Minion Title Text
- Minions grows upwards from the anchor
- Misc Settings
- Misc. Settings
- Monochrome Outline
- Mouse Click Bindings
- Mouse click to abandon quest
- Mouse click to link quest in chat
- Mouse click to open the full quest log pane
- Mouse click to open the quest details pane
- Mouse click to show/hide quest
- Mouse click to track quest
- Moves items and tooltips to the right
- Moves the tooltips to the right
- No objectives description colour
- Notification Settings
- Notifications
- Objective Changed Sound
- Objective Completion Sound
- Objective Font
- Objective Font Outline
- Objective Font Settings
- Objective Font Size
- Objective Notifications
- Objective Settings
- Objective status colour
- Objective Text Indent
- Objective Text Last
- Objective title colour
- Objective Tooltip Text
- Only indents a quest if the quest has an item button
- Open Full Quest Log:
- Open Quest Log:
- Outline
- Output Complete and Failed messages for quests
- Padding After Quest
- picked up a quest starting item:
- Quest abandoned:
- Quest Completion Sound
- Quest done tag
- Quest failed tag
- Quest failed:
- Quest Font
- Quest Font Outline
- Quest Font Settings
- Quest Font Size
- Quest goto Tag
- Quest Items
- Quest levels
- Quest Minion
- Quest Minion Anchor
- Quest Notifications
- Quest Options
- Quest Settings
- Quest Sort Order:
- Quest Starting Item Picked Up
- Quest Tag Length:
- Quest Text Indent
- Quest titles
- Quest Tracker
- Quest Tracker Settings
- Remote Quests
- Remote Quests Minion Anchor
- Remote Quests Minion Title
- Remote Quests Tracker
- Require confirmation when abandoning a Quest
- Reset Main Frame
- Reset Minion Position
- Resets Achievement Minions position
- Resets Main Frame position
- Right Alt Click
- Right Alt+Ctrl Click
- Right Alt+Shift Click
- Right Click
- Right Ctrl Click
- Right Ctrl+Shift Click
- Right Shift Click
- Right-click
- Right-click to show hidden quests toggle dropdown menu
- Right-click to show hidden quests toggle dropdown menu
- Same as blizzard setting. Tracked quests are shown quests when the ability to hide quests is on.
- Scenario Headers
- Scenario Objectives
- Scenario Quests
- Scenario Quests Minion Anchor
- Scenario Settings
- Scenario Tasks
- Scenario Tracker
- Scenario Tracker Title
- Sets the color for Achievement Description
- Sets the color for Achievement Minion Titles
- Sets the color for Achievement Objectives
- Sets the color for Achievement Titles
- Sets the color for In Progress Achievement Objectives
- Sets the color for Minion Title
- Sets the color for notifications
- Sets the color for objectives that are above 0% complete
- Sets the color for objectives that are above 25% complete
- Sets the color for objectives that are above 50% complete
- Sets the color for objectives that are above 75% complete
- Sets the color for Scenario Headers
- Sets the color for Scenario Objectives
- Sets the color for Scenario Tasks
- Sets the color for the complete objectives
- Sets the color for the completed part of the achievement status bars
- Sets the color for the completed part of the status bar
- Sets the color for the completed part status bars
- Sets the color for the description displayed when there is no quest objectives
- Sets the color for the header of each zone
- Sets the color for the minion title text
- Sets the color for the objective text in the quests tooltip
- Sets the color for the quest done tag
- Sets the color for the quest failed tag
- Sets the color for the quest goto tag
- Sets the color for the quest levels if custom colouring is on
- Sets the color for the quest titles if colouring by level is off
- Sets the color for the un-completed part of status bars
- Sets the color for the un-completed part of the achievement status bars
- Sets the color for the un-completed part of the status bar
- Sets the color of the info text (Title bar, # of quests hidden etc)
- Sets the color of the minions background
- Sets the color of the minions border
- Sets the custom color for objectives statuses
- Sets the custom color for objectives titles
- Sets the LDB and minion header counts to questcount/max instead of count/completed
- Shadow Text
- Shift Left-click
- Shift Right-click
- Show # of Dailies
- Show All
- Show all quests button
- Show helpful tooltips
- Show message when picking up an item that starts a quest
- Show Minion
- Show minion anchors
- Show Minion Title
- Show number of quests
- Show options
- Show quest item buttons
- Show Remote Quest Minion
- Show Remote Quests Minion title
- Show/hide Achievement minion
- Show/hide All enabled minions
- Show/hide minion anchors
- Show/hide Quest minion
- Show/Hide Quests
- Shows a minion for displaying remote quests since hiding the blizzard watcher hides these
- Shows helpful tooltips for people learning the addon
- Shows the Achievement Minion
- Shows the Achievement Minions title
- Shows the anchors for minions to make them easier to move
- Shows the confirm box when you try to abandon a quest
- Shows the title for the Remote Quests Minion
- Shows/Hides completed objectives
- Shows/Hides text shadowing
- Shows/Hides the number of daily quests completed
- Shows/Hides the number of quests
- Shows/Hides the quest item buttons
- Shrinks the width down when the length of current achievements is less then the max width Note: Doesn't work well with achievements that word wrap
- Shrinks the width down when the length of current achievements is less then the max width\nNote: Doesn't work well with achievements that word wrap
- Shrinks the width down when the length of current quests is less then the max width Note: Doesn't work well with quests that wordwrap
- Sorha Quest Log
- Stage
- Status Bar Settings
- Suppress blizzard notification messages
- Suppresses the notification messages sent by blizzard to the UIErrors Frame for progress updates
- Task Font
- Task Font Outline
- Task Font Settings
- Task Font Size
- Task In Progress
- Tasks # Cap (0 = All)
- Text Notification Settings
- The amount of extra padding after a quest before the next text.
- The amount of extra padding after an Achievement before the next.
- The font that the achievement tasks will use
- The font that the achievement titles will use
- The font that the minion title will use
- The font that the quest objectives will use
- The font that the quest titles will use
- The font that the zone headers will use
- The font used for this element
- The length of the quest tags (d, p, g5, ELITE etc)
- The minion to anchor this minion to
- The outline that the achievement tasks will use
- The outline that the achievement titles will use
- The outline that the minion title will use
- The outline that the quest objectives will use
- The outline that the quest titles will use
- The outline that the zone headers will use
- The outline that this font will use
- The setting by which the colour of notification messages are determined
- The setting by which the colour of objective statuses is determined
- The setting by which the colour of objective title is determined
- The setting by which the colour of quest levels are determined
- The setting by which the colour of quest titles is determined
- The sort order of quests, within each zone
- The sound played when a quests objective changes
- The sound played when you complete a quest (Finish all objectives)
- The sound played when you complete a quests objective
- The sound played when you pickup an item that starts a quest
- The texture the status bars for achievement progress use
- The texture the status bars will use
- The texture used for the minion backgrounds
- The texture used for the minion borders
- The texture used for the status bars
- Thick Outline
- Title
- Title Font
- Title Font Outline
- Title Font Settings
- Title Font Size
- Toggle Minion
- Tooltips on right
- Unlocks/Locks the Main Frame
- Use Bars
- Use for Objective notification messages
- Uses status bars for achievements with a quantity
- Uses status bars for progress bar type objectives
- What to do when entering a Battleground
- What to do when entering a Dungeon
- What to do when entering a pet battle
- What to do when entering a Raid
- What to do when entering an area that is not an Arena, Battleground, Dungeon or Raid
- What to do when entering an Arena
- What to do when entering combat
- What to do when leaving a pet battle
- What to do when leaving combat
- When entering a Battleground
- When entering a Dungeon
- When entering a Raid
- When entering an Arena
- When entering combat
- When entering normal world
- When entering pet battle
- When leaving combat
- When leaving pet battle
- Width
- You can disable help tooltips in general settings
- You picked up a quest starting item:
- Zone Font Settings
- Zone Header
- Zone Header Colour
- Zone Header Settings
- Zone headers hide when all contained quests are hidden
- Zones