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UploadedJan 22, 2010
Size11.10 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
James D. Callahan III:
- Hooked SendAddonMessage() - calls StoreMessage() if the type is "WHISPER".
- Re-named Spamalyzer:AddMessage() to StoreMessage().
- Removed some unneeded code.
- Utilized the AddOn-wide namespace to pull in the KNOWN_PREFIXES from Prefixes.lua and embedded AceHook-3.0
- New file: Prefixes.lua - contains all of the known AddonMessage prefixes from FuBar_AddonSpamFu.
- Added AceHook-3.0 to .pkgmeta and embeds.xml
- Added plus/minus icons for the tooltip.
- Populated embeds.xml so the packaged AddOn will load properly.
- Updated DISPLAY_VALUES with new strings.
- Added four more localization strings.
- Added SORT_VALUES and DISPLAY_VALUES. DISPLAY_VALUES will be used for the LDB text.
- Added config toggles for message-type tracking.
- Added two new localization strings.
- Mostly the skeleton of an AddOn, though configuration and localization layout is mostly complete and working.