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Custom events that are named AND KEYED by SpeakinSpell (instead of named and keyed by their spell names) create a localization problem. If I change the localized name of that event, then the old data stops working in the new client.
Writing patch functions to rename events each time the locale files are changed is not acceptable. A better plan for backward compatibility in this area is needed.
Possibly these custom events should use the english name as the key (leaving out the L) or an arbitrarily assigned ID number.
One approach may be to redefine a little bit of the and de.key values. = would be always in english, unless it's a spell name already translated by blizzard. Custom events named by SpeakinSpell would assign this to the English "name", instead of using L["name"]
de.key = would thus use an english name for those custom events, to prevent the upgrade issue. Patch functions could still rename these events, but would be able to rely on the event having a specific english name, and liberate the locale files to change without accompanying patch functions.
<displayname> = would be formed from L[] instead of tostring( to check for a localized value. If L[] does not exist, i.e. for untranslated spell names that are already translated by blizzard, L is an AceLocale object that automatically returns "key" for undefined L["key"] so it would return the untranslated as-is, as-is.
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