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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
Would be nice to announce "Good bye, I just accepted a flight to <destination>" upon accepting a flight from a flight master
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There's already an event for opening the flight master interface, but not upon accepting a flight. I'm not sure if this is possible with the API, but I suspect that it probably is. Opened this ticket as a reminder to research it.
Unfortunately, as soon as you select a destination you lose character control and it's impossible to /say anything. :( So you won't be able to get it through an event fire. However, you might be able to hook TaxeTaxiNode and say something before executing Blizz's code.
Huh... I never noticed that you can't /say while on a flight, but you can /party chat. You should also be able to automatically fire off a macro like "/ra I'm in flight to <destination>, and would take a summons if available"
It's unfortunate that you wouldn't be able to /bye or /wave at the flightmaster, or /say goodbye to the people standing around the FM, but you could still get some useful features out of it based on other chat channels, even without pre-hooking Blizz's code. Pre-hooking Blizz's code also sounds like a viable option to get a chance to /say or execute an emote immediately before the flight starts. It would be worth an experiment, but if this event trigger simply didn't support the /say and /emote channels, then I don't think that's a huge problem if it would still work for party and raid chat.
Anyways, this would be great to set yourself "/afk In Taxi-Flight" or something like that. Would love to have this...
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