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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
I'm willing to be more spammy with my SpeakinSpell speeches in a guild group than a pug. Now that WoW 4.0 supports a concept of a guild group (80% guild members) I'd like SpeakinSpell to support this as an option per-event trigger.
Please provide any additional information below.
This could easily balloon into many new "scenarios" under the current scheme. It seems like too much to have...
Party / Party leaderGuild Party / Guild Party LeaderRaid / Guild RaidRaid Leader / Guild Raid LeaderRaid Officer / Guild Raid Officerand BGs...
Perhaps a checkbox that applies to all scenarios? "Only use this event trigger in guild groups"
Increased the priority on cataclysm-related updates
I'm re-assigning all my tickets to Duerma
Unassigning tickets that are not actively being worked on
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