Battle Pet/Individual Companion Events Bug #181

  • Accepted
  • Enhancement
  • _ForgeUser1341799 created this issue Jun 9, 2014

    I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but I was trying to make individual speech events for summoning particular companion pets that I renamed. When I summoned some pets to create the event, sometimes the created event hook would name the individual companion and other times the hook would simply list as a generic "summon battle pet". I noticed a pattern: pets I captured in battles would always have the "summon battle pet" event hook appear whenever I summoned them while trying to create a new event. Also (as far as I can tell) all other companion pets (Feat of Strength pets, pets purchased from the Auction House, calendar event pets, etc.) did correctly create their own individual events as they were summoned.

    Is there a way to fix this so that all companion pets can have an individual event created for each of them? Or is there something in Speakinspell that the captured pets simply cannot have their own individual events?

    Apologies if this has been addressed previously.

  • _ForgeUser1341799 added the tags New Enhancment Jun 9, 2014
  • rismisner removed a tag New Dec 10, 2014
  • rismisner added a tag Accepted Dec 10, 2014
  • rismisner posted a comment Dec 10, 2014

    I'm not sure if it's possible.

    It sounds like the Blizzard API always reports the same <spellname> value so SS thinks it's the same spell no matter which battle pet you summon.

    You could try something with the <pet> substitution, like...

    1. Setup SpeakinSpell to handle "When I cast: summon battle pet" 2. make it use one speech every time: "/ss macro summon battle pet <pet>" 3. When you summon a pet named "Dave" then SS will perform the substitution and fire the event "When i type: /ss macro summon battle pet Dave" 4. Setup SpeakinSpell to handle "When i type: /ss macro When I cast: summon battle pet Dave" with a list of speeches for only the one battle pet named Dave

    However, it probably won't work because I think <pet> only works with Hunter/Warlock combat pets, and only after they have already been summoned. While summoning them, the pet isn't out yet, so the <pet> substitution fails...

    So this would need some further investigation into the event hooks around battle pets, and possible API that Blizzard provides for addons. Then we could create a new substitution key for your battle pet's name to support this kind of approach and/or separate event hooks for each different battle pet that you own.

  • _ForgeUser1584916 posted a comment Jan 1, 2015

    I've noticed that we seem to have the opposite problem for mounts at the moment.

    Every mount is getting its own event hook so that the general "mounted up" event no longer is triggering in

    Thank you.

  • rismisner removed their assignment May 7, 2015
  • rismisner removed a tag Defect May 7, 2015
  • rismisner added a tag Enhancement May 7, 2015

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