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I noticed that the <target> command isn't working correctly with hyphenated NPC names; for example the Shao-Tien Dominators. When it fires off the target name it simply says "Shao", ending at the hyphen.
This bug was introduced by fixing ticket 183
We need to add some logic to detect if the target name is a player or an NPC. For players, the hyphen indicates the separation between Name-Realm, but that's not an issue for NPCs.
Come to think of it, can player names have another hyphen? If the player's name is "Two-part" (is that allowed?) then the name-realm would include 2 hyphens as "Two-part-realm" and then the logic probably also fails. We may need to adjust the hyphen logic to do a reverse-find working backward from the end of the name instead of the beginning. Need to check the character creation screen to see if it will let me hyphenate a new toon name...
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