New update for BFA? #2353

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  • scarletteraine created this issue Aug 19, 2018

    My program doesn't work since the new expac came out. Is there going to be an update on curse or is this just going to be another dead in the water add-on?

  • scarletteraine added a tag New Aug 19, 2018
  • Shariadune posted a comment Aug 26, 2018

    It had been working for me after BFA however then i noticed it just.. wasn't.  Turns out when i went in to check things ALL my settings for my characters were just GONE.  Panicking i went to the /ss import area hoping i could find each character's thing and import it back however it doesnt list any of my characters only whatever things the creators stuck in as 'packs'.   So check your things.. they may be all gone as well.

  • scarletteraine posted a comment Aug 27, 2018

    yeah now I can't see anything, it was at least showing my toons, now nothing.  So I  have no idea what is going on.


  • Shariadune posted a comment Sep 28, 2018

    This is supposed to be the fix for BFA.


    I did it all last night.  Seems to have saved my characters different speeches.. i was happy.. /ss recent works, /ss guides works... I logged out somewhat secure in the knowledge that my favorite addon was fixed...


    Logged in tonight, it basically THREW UP... even with the addon set to off, it triggered SEVEN times... i had macro'd the 'well fed' event for example.. it picked up the food buff i still had from when logging out and macro'd for that.. macro'd for the night elf night and day thing... macro'd for a buncha other stuff.. it was ridiculous and I had to apologize to a couple people.


    So.. I sent in an error report about it.. see what is said.  All that in mind, the 'fix' will get it working again, but might get it sick.. so heads up. :p

  • Forge_User_01095275 posted a comment Oct 2, 2019
  • mooklepticon posted a comment Dec 1, 2019

    I also commented this elsewhere, RSA is not a 1 to 1 replacement for SS. RSA is more about telling your party that you've cast something. SS has far more complex functionality in % occurrence, cooldowns, etc.

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