Weighting possible responses to a trigger #78

  • Accepted
  • _ForgeUser3346498 created this issue Oct 7, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    You don't always want perfectly even chances for every possible response you've entered for a specific trigger.  If a small box were added to each possibility (3 characters wide, accepting numerals only and defaulting to 1), and every item added to the list were added the number of times in the box, that would give an end-user the ability to make a certain response more likely than others.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    This would basically support two functional uses that I can see:
    1)  Allowing the contents of a shared list to have a probability higher than 1/(shared list size * specific event's list size) when compared to their more specific counterparts' probability of 1/(specific event's list size).
    2)  Out of a large list (say, 30 or more items), allowing a favorite to show somewhat more often than the others in the list.  Example: for the spell Drain Soul, a player has entered a whopping 40 possible things his character could say.  His favorite, however, is Shang Tsung's "Your soul is mine!", and he'd like to see that more often than the others.  He thus sets that item's number to 5, giving it a probability of 5/44, while everything else has a probability of 1/44.

  • _ForgeUser3346498 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 7, 2009
  • rismisner removed a tag New Oct 7, 2009
  • rismisner added a tag Accepted Oct 7, 2009
  • rismisner posted a comment Oct 7, 2009

    I picture a slider control under each speech

    Random Weight 1 ... <some max>

    Default is 1 Max is... 10? 50?

    This is an advanced control that should be possible to hide for a "Lite" mode.

  • rismisner posted a comment Oct 7, 2009

    Shared groups called out with "/ss macro" or "/ss group" should have an option whether to weight it based on the group size. [X] Multiply wait by number of speeches in the shared list.

    I might want these 2 "speeches" to have the same equal weight... Speech 1: /ss macro something Speech 2: something else I want to say half the time

    Even though "/ss macro something" contains a list of 10 speeches, I might really want this to split 50/50, so that would be a case where I uncheck the box to multiple the weight by the number of speeches in the shared group.

  • rismisner posted a comment Oct 7, 2009

    See also some related RNG tickets:

    70 - Shuffle instead of RNG 74 - "/ss macro" -> "/ss group"

  • rismisner posted a comment Dec 4, 2009

    split off new RNG component for issues like this one

  • GaronneBC posted a comment Jan 17, 2010

    I guess based on a maximum of 100 different speeches a maximum weight of 20 or 25 might be a good idea.

    By the way: Can I use /ss macro inside SpeakInSpell itself? If it is possible, higher values can be "faked" by chaining...

  • _ForgeUser3346498 posted a comment Jan 18, 2010

    Actually, you can use /ss macro in SS macros. That's how I set up my general groups (for example, a set for DoTs, one for Shadow spells, and one for general hostility could all be called when I cast Corruption, for instance, or it could call its own list instead.) In order to keep the lists equally likely, Corruption itself has only the redirect macros: /ss macro DoT, /ss macro Shadow, /ss macro Hostility, and /ss macro Corruption.

    Of course, with that setup, a given cry on the shortest of those four lists is slightly more likely overall than one on a longer list, but since no list will be called twice in a row by Corruption, and no item on any given list called twice in a row, it comes out pretty well.

  • rismisner removed their assignment Jan 16, 2013
  • rismisner assigned issue to _ForgeUser228323 Jan 16, 2013
  • rismisner posted a comment Jan 16, 2013

    I'm re-assigning all my tickets to Duerma

  • rismisner posted a comment May 7, 2015

    Unassigning tickets that are not actively being worked on

  • rismisner unassigned issue from _ForgeUser228323 May 7, 2015

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