Brazilian Portuguese
All Namespaces
- is OFF
- is ON
- Send queue size:<queuesize> peek:<queuepeek> Total Sent user data:<rawqueued> actual:<sentactual> Compressed to <sendcompression>% Total Received actual:<receivedactual> user data:<receiveduser> Compressed to <receivedcompression>% Actual Sent - Received = <deficit> LibSmartComm overhead for packets:<overheadpacket> for addonid:<overheadid> total:<overheadlsc> percent overhead:<overheadpercent>% Overhead per packet compressed:<packovercomp> uncompressed:<packoverraw> total packets:<numpackets> addonid prefix:<prefixsize> total segments:<segments>
- (<type>) <name>
- *
- * <player> <emotes> *
- /ss macro things you type
- [/ss guides]
- [/ss recent]
- [Click Here]
- [Edit Speeches]
- [Mysterious Voice] whispers:
- [Mysterious Voice] whispers:
- [Setup New Event]
- _
- _ Show All Types of Events _
- _(.-)_
- |
- <
- <(.-)>
- <basecolor><colormatchedname>
- <basecolor><eventtypeprefix><colormatchedname>
- <basecolor><eventtypeprefix><colormatchedname> (<rank>)
- <basecolor><eventtypeprefix><colormatchedname><rank>
- <clickhere> to review recent events and speeches
- <colormatchedname> (<rank>)
- <creator's> random <susbtitution> word lists, shared with you over the network
- <creator's> shared random substitutions
- <creator's> shared speeches
- <creator's> speeches, shared with you over the network
- <EventTypePrefix><name>
- <hidden> of <total> speeches are read-only / hidden
- <newline>
- <red>Don't<normalcolor> Use this Random Speech for the selected Event
- <red>Don't<normalcolor> Use this Random Word for the selected <substitution>
- <target> -> <command> <sent> / <textlen> - <percent>%
- <toggleguides> <clicktoedit> <displaylink>
- <toggleguides> <clicktoedit> <displaylink> (<rank>)
- <toon's> speeches (<realm>)
- <toon's> speeches (your alternate character on <realm>)
- >
- 1. About SpeakinSpell
- 1. Search...
- 2. Select...
- 3. Edit...
- /macro
- <newline>
- Entering Combat
- Exiting Combat
- Whispered While In-Combat
- A Battleground
- a Guild Member
- A guild member said "ding"
- A Party
- A party member said "ding"
- a player sent me a rez
- A Raid
- achievement
- Achievement Earned by
- Achievements
- ad
- ad
- ad /g
- ad /p
- ad /ra
- ad /s
- Added <randomkey>: <newword>
- Added speech: <speech>
- Added speeches for <displayname>
- Added word list for <keyword>
- advertise
- all automated SpeakinSpell announcements are disabled (except for /ss macro events)
- All Ranks
- All sending is complete (for now)
- Always use <language>
- An empty template containing no data at all
- Announcement of "<displaylink>" was silenced because <reason>. <clickhere> to change this setting.
- Any Rank
- Anything you type here might be used as a substitution for <selected>
- Arcane
- Automatic event detection and announcements are disabled.
- Automatic event detection and announcements are enabled.
- Auto-sync at Login
- Auto-Sync Options
- Auto-Sync With Player
- Begin /follow
- Browse Collected Content
- Buffs from Others (includes totems)
- By yourself
- c
- caster
- Changed Sub-Zone
- Changed Zone
- changes
- Channeled Spells Start
- Channeled Spells Stop
- Chat Channel Colors
- Chat Event:
- Chat Events
- class
- Click here to create settings for a new spell, ability, effect, macro, or other event
- Click to go to the Import New Data screen to browse the speeches and <randomsub> lists that you've collected from others
- Click|r to toggle SpeakinSpell on/off
- Collect and save <randomsub> word lists from other SpeakinSpell users
- Collect and save speeches written by other SpeakinSpell users
- Collect detected event hooks for the list in the "/ss create" interface
- Collect from others
- Collect New Event Hooks
- Collect Random <substitutions>
- Collect Speeches
- Collected an Event Table from: <sender>
- Collected Event Table (Speeches)
- Collected Random Substitutions
- Collected random substitutions from: <sender>
- Colors
- colors
- Colors of SpeakinSpell's special chat channels.
- Colors used by SpeakinSpell
- Colors used in the SS options GUI
- Combat Event:
- Combat Events
- Comm Traffic Rx
- Comm Traffic Tx
- Cooldown (seconds)
- Copy the speeches from this macro into the current event, replacing the macro call here with the list of speeches from that macro.
- create
- Create a new <randomword> list by typing the randomword into this box. Do not include the brackets <>
- Create a New Speech Event
- Create New...
- Create Speech Event
- Critical Strike
- damage
- Data format compatible with v >=
- Data Sharing
- Data Sharing Event (Rx):
- Data Sharing Event (Tx):
- Data Sharing Events (Received)
- Data Sharing Events (Sent)
- Debuffs from Others
- Default settings restored
- Delete
- Delete all of the speeches for the selected event, INCLUDING read-only speeches
- Delete All Speeches
- Delete the selected word list and <substitution> word
- Delete this Event
- Delete this speech
- Delete Word List
- desc
- Diagnostics
- ding
- Disable announcements for this Speech Event
- Discovered <n> new event hooks from <sender> (<channel>)
- displaylink
- displayname
- Do not announce this event more than once in a row for the same <target> name. Note that for spells and events that only ever target you, you're name will never change, so this would limit the announcement to once per login session.
- Do not announce this event more than once until you either leave combat, or enter combat.
- Don't ever use your racial/roleplay language, <language>
- Each of these packs contain new content which you might enjoy using in SpeakinSpell
- Each Packet Sent
- Edit
- Edit Macro Event
- Edit Speech / Announcement Settings
- Edit Speeches
- Edit the values that may be used for random <substitutions>
- Empty Template
- Enable Automatic SpeakinSpell Event Announcements
- Enable this option to make SpeakinSpell show you (and only you) all of your own spell casting events and other events that can be announced. This includes any spell, ability, item, /ss macro things, or automatically obtained effect (e.g. Trinkets or Talents) that you cast or use.
- Enable this option to show an overwhelming amount of information
- Enable to show different ranks of spells and abilities, including Polymorph critters. If disabled, any rank of the spell will count.
- Enable to show more than 100 search results in the drop-down list below. Enabling this option can slow down the performance of this window (capped at 200 max to avoid memory overflows).
- Enable to show more than 100 search results in the drop-down list below. Enabling this option can slow down the performance of this window. (capped at 200 max to avoid memory overflows)
- Enable to show the event hooks that you already use.
- Enable whispering the announcement to the friendly <target> of your spell. Non-spell Speech Events also have a <target>. This uses the same target as the <target> substitution, and will not whisper to yourself.
- End /follow
- End Casting (I'm not involved)
- End Casting (I'm the caster)
- End Casting (I'm the target)
- Enemy of <name>
- Enter Barber Chair
- Entering Combat
- eventtype
- eventtypeprefix
- Exit Barber Chair
- Exiting Combat
- Expand /ss macros as lists-only
- Expired or Declined
- extremely
- Fire
- Firestorm
- focus
- For /ss macros used in the speeches below, enable this option to import the macro event's speech list into this event's speech list when selecting a random speech. This will more evenly distribute the random selection of speeches in nested macros, while ignoring the macro event's own separate settings for chat channels, cooldowns, etc. This option is not recursive, so if you want nested macros to expand sub-macro calls, you must enable this option in the separate settings for the nested macro events.
- Found a SpeakinSpell User <username> running v<version>
- Frost
- Frostfire
- Froststorm
- General
- General Auto-Sync
- General Auto-Sync Failed
- General Settings
- General Settings for SpeakinSpell
- Global Cooldown
- Global Sync
- guides
- guild
- Headings
- Help
- help
- Hide
- Hide All
- Hide all <randomsub> word lists for the selected content pack, and unload them from memory
- Hide all remaining "words" for the selected <randomsub>, and unload the selected <randomsub> template from memory
- Hide all remaining new content and unload it from memory
- Hide all remaining new content in the selected content pack and unload it from memory
- Hide all remaining speech events for the selected content pack, and unload them from memory
- Hide all remaining speeches for the selected event, and unload the selected event template from memory
- hm
- hms
- Holy
- home
- How often you say (Cooldowns/Limits)
- How Often? <selectedevent>
- However, "/ss macro something" will still trigger announcements if run manually
- I Died
- If you have an event trigger that does not appear to be firing, this option will tell you which setting silenced the announcement of that event, for example because it's on cooldown, or the random chance failed.
- import
- Import all "words" for the selected <randomsub>
- Import all <randomsub> word lists for the selected content pack
- Import All <randomsubs>
- Import all content from all templates
- Import all new content from the selected content pack
- Import All Speech Events for the Selected Template
- Import all speech events, and their speeches, for the selected content pack
- Import all speeches for the selected event
- Import All speeches for the Selected Speech Event
- Import All Templates
- Import All Words
- Import Events
- Import From:
- Import Macro's List
- Import New Content
- Import New Data
- Import Random Substitutions
- Import Whole Template
- Import words for: <colorcode><substitution>
- Importing Template: <name>
- In a Battleground
- In a Party
- In a Raid
- In Arena
- In Wintergrasp
- Information
- Interaction with NPCs
- key
- Killing Blow
- Language
- lasttarget
- Level Up
- Limit once per <target>
- Limit once per combat
- macro
- macro
- md
- mdy
- mdyhms
- me
- Melee Swing
- memory
- Memory Used: <kb> kb
- Merged speeches for <displayname>
- Merged word list for <keyword>
- Message Settings
- messages
- Misc. Event:
- Misc. Events
- Mounts and Pets
- mouseover
- name
- Nature
- network
- Network Error
- Network Error:
- Network stats unavailable
- Networking Options and Commands
- New Content Browser
- New content is not currently loaded in memory. Click the button below to continue. This will scan for new content among: - The default speeches that come with SpeakinSpell - Your alternate characters - Data collected from other SpeakinSpell users
- New Word List
- NEW? reply canceled - all event hooks are already known to <target>
- Newer version available:
- No channels are available. For global syncs, join a guild, party, raid, or battleground.
- No Matching Search Results Found
- No New Events to Send to <target>
- no speeches are defined
- no target selected
- NPC:
- OFF = All of your characters will use separate lists of event triggers and random speeches, which you can copy from one to the other using "/ss import" ON = All of your characters will share the same event triggers and speeches Toggling this option will merge or split your settings between all of your characters
- OFF|r
- ON|r
- Open Gossip Window
- Open Mailbox
- Open the event settings to edit speeches and other options for When I Type:
- Open the User's Manual
- Open Trade Window
- options
- Outland
- overkill
- Party Leader
- Party Leadership Mode
- Performing General Auto-Sync
- pet
- Physical
- player
- playerclass
- playerfulltitle
- playerrace
- playertitle
- points
- Qiraj
- r
- race
- Raid Leader
- Raid Leadership Mode
- Raid Officer
- Raid Officer Mode
- Random
- random
- Random Chance (%)
- Random Chance to use <language>
- Random Speech <number>
- Random Substitutions
- Random Substitutions like <randomtaunt> and <randomfaction>
- Random Substutitions
- Random Word <number>
- rank
- Read-Only
- realm
- Receive Data
- Received by target
- Received from <sender> (<distribution>): <command>
- Received new event hooks
- recent
- Recent Events Detected...
- Recent Speech Announcements...
- Remove the selected spell from the list
- Report import processing results in the chat frame
- reset
- Reset Event List
- Reset the list of event hooks to the default basic list, removing all discovered and collected event hooks
- Resurrection Events (LibResComm)
- Resurrection:
- reward
- Right-click|r to open the options
- scenario
- school
- Search
- Search Filter Options
- Search for new content that you are not currently using
- Search for New Data
- Search Match
- Select a <substitution>
- Select a Category of Events
- Select a Content Pack
- Select a Randomized Substitution These substitutions may be used in speeches when announcing events, and a random result from the list below will be selected.
- Select a Speech Event
- Select a spell from the list to configure the random announcements for that spell.
- Select a Template
- Select a topic...
- Select and Create
- Select the channel to use for this spell, while...
- Select the new spell event you want to announce in chat above, then push this button
- Select the racial game language you want to use to announce these speeches This option will be ignored if you set the "Always Use Common" option under general settings.
- Select the random chance to use your racial/roleplay language for this event 0% will always use <common>. 100% will always use <racial>.
- Select which channel to use for this spell while in a Battleground
- Select which channel to use for this spell while in a Party
- Select which channel to use for this spell while in a Raid
- Select which channel to use for this spell while playing in a Wintergrasp battle. This only applies during an active battle.
- Select which channel to use for this spell while playing in the Arena
- Select which channel to use for this spell while playing solo
- selected
- Selected Event:
- Selected Item
- Self Buffs (includes procs)
- Self Debuffs
- Self Raid Warnings
- Self-Chat
- Send a data sharing request to GUILD, RAID, PARTY, and BATTLEGROUND channels every time you login or /reloadui
- Send a data sharing request to GUILD, RAID, PARTY, and BATTLEGROUND channels. Same as "/ss sync"
- Send a data sharing request to your selected target. Same as "/ss sync <target>"
- Send Complete: <command> -> <target>
- Send Data
- Send to <target> <command>
- Setup guides are enabled. <clickhere> to disable them
- Setup guides have been disabled. <clickhere> to enable them
- Shadow
- Shadowfrost
- Shadowstorm
- Share my detected event hooks
- Share my list of New Events Detected from the "/ss create" interface
- Share my random <substitutions>
- Share my speeches
- Share my word lists for <randomsub> words
- Share speeches and other data with other SpeakinSpell users
- Share Speeches for All Characters
- Share the speeches I have written for SpeakinSpell events
- Sharing vs. Privacy
- Show All Ranks
- Show Comm Traffic
- Show data sharing communication progress messages in the chat
- Show Debugging Messages (verbose)
- Show Import Progress
- Show Minimap Button
- Show More than 100 Search Results
- Show network transfer statistics
- Show only this kind of event in the list below
- Show outbound data transfer progress
- Show Read-Only Speeches
- Show Ready-Only Speeches
- Show Setup Guides
- Show Statistics
- Show the SpeakinSpell minimap button
- Show the version number in chat when loading SpeakinSpell during login
- Show These Options
- Show these options for chat channel selections
- Show these options for chat frequency, cooldowns, and other limits
- Show Transfer Progress
- Show Used Event Hooks
- Show Welcome Message
- Show Why Event Triggers Do Not Fire
- Silent
- Solo Mode
- Someone can self-res (SS, Ankh)
- Someone Nearby
- speakinspell
- SpeakinSpell can announce many different spells, abilities, items, buffs, procced effects, and other events, and can discover new events the longer you use it. If the spell or event that you're looking for is not in the list, then cast it or trigger its effect. To define a custom event, type "/ss macro something" in the default chat frame. Total event hooks known: <number>
- SpeakinSpell Colors
- SpeakinSpell Help
- SpeakinSpell is <off> Enable this option to turn SpeakinSpell <on> and resume announcing SpeakinSpell Speech Events /ss macro events are always enabled if you manually type it or click a button for it.
- SpeakinSpell is <on> Disable this option to turn SpeakinSpell <off> and silence all SpeakinSpell speeches /ss macro events are always enabled if you manually type it or click a button for it.
- SpeakinSpell Loaded
- SpeakinSpell Options GUI Colors
- Spellfire
- spelllink
- spellname
- spellrank
- Spells, Abilities, and Items (Failed)
- Spells, Abilities, and Items (Interrupted)
- Spells, Abilities, and Items (Start Casting)
- Spells, Abilities, and Items (Stop Casting)
- Spells, Abilities, and Items (Successful Cast)
- ss
- SS Network
- Start Casting (I'm not involved)
- Start Casting (I'm the caster)
- Start Casting (I'm the target)
- Starting Sync with <target>
- Stop SpeakinSpell from announcing the selected spell or event
- subzone
- swimmer
- sync
- sync
- Sync with Target
- Talk to Flight Master
- Talk to Quest-Giver
- Talk to Trainer
- Talk to Vendor
- target
- targetclass
- targetrace
- Test Event:
- Test Events
- testallsubs
- text
- the /ss macro would keep calling itself forever
- The Arena
- The color of <colorcode>SpeakinSpell:<normalcolor> in the self-chat channel. This applies only to speech event announcements. Status and debugging messages will always use the <defaultcolor>SpeakinSpell<normalcolor> color
- The color of self-only raid warnings generated by SpeakinSpell
- The color of SpeakinSpell's Mysterious Voice channel option
- The color of the Comm Traffic channel used to show data sharing progress for Inbound (Rx) data received
- The color of the Comm Traffic channel used to show data sharing progress for Outbound (Tx) data sent
- The color used for [Click Here] links in SpeakinSpell chat frame messages
- The color used for main section headings in the options GUI
- The color used to highlight search matches in the options GUI
- The color used to highlight the name of the selected item in the group headings for areas of the SS options GUI screens
- the global cooldown is in effect
- The options below allow you to change the colors used by SpeakinSpell.
- the random chance failed
- the selected chat channel is "Silent" while in <Scenario>
- this event trigger is disabled
- this event trigger is limited to once per combat / once per out-of-combat
- this event trigger is limited to once per target (<target>)
- this event trigger's cooldown is in effect
- This is a list of all the detected spells, abilities, items, and procced effects which SpeakinSpell has seen you cast or receive recently.
- This option will silence SpeakinSpell for this many seconds after any event announcement.
- tm
- To prevent SpeakinSpell from speaking in the chat too often for this spell, you can set a cooldown for how many seconds must pass before SpeakinSpell will announce this spell again.
- toggle
- Toggle showing edit controls or a compressed display
- Toggle showing read-only speeches in the list below.
- Toggle showing single-line or multi-line edit boxes for speeches
- Transfer Complete
- Tx Queue is Empty
- type
- Type some of the name of what you're looking for, to narrow down the list below
- Under no circumstances should you ever, EVER push this button. I'm warning you. Don't do it. Seriously, you're already hovering over it for too long, and that's dangerous. Move your mouse before it's too late!
- Unknown Damage Type
- Updating saved data <oldversion> -> <newversion>
- Use
- Use All
- Use Multi-Line Edit Boxes
- Use this channel if you are promoted to assist in a raid group
- Use this channel if you are the leader of a 5-man party
- Use this channel if you are the leader of a raid group
- Use this Random Speech for the selected Event
- Use this Random Word for the selected <substitution>
- User's Manual
- Version
- very
- WARNING: can't execute protected command: <text>
- Welcome to SpeakinSpell v<version> <clickhere> to edit options
- What to Say? <selectedevent>
- What you say (Speeches)
- When I buff myself with:
- When I debuff myself with:
- When I Fail to Cast:
- When I Start Casting:
- When I Start Channeling:
- When I Stop Casting:
- When I Stop Channeling:
- When I Successfully Cast:
- When I Type: /ss
- When I'm interrupted while casting:
- When someone else buffs me with:
- When someone else debuffs me with:
- Where you say (Channels/Whisper)
- Which Channel? <selectedevent>
- Whisper the message to your <target>
- Whispered While In-Combat
- Wintergrasp
- Wintergrasp GetZoneText
- Write an announcement for this event. Duplicates of speeches listed above will not be accepted
- You are already using all of the available content
- You have a random chance to say a message each time you use the selected spell, based on this selected percentage. 100% will always speak. 0% will never speak.
- Your friends
- zone