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UploadedNov 4, 2014
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.3
- Prefer Ahn'Qiraj mounts when they are usable.
Fixed GH-15.
- More information about the toggle mode in its tooltip.
- Ugly Magic Broom hack.
Fixes GH-16.
- Update README.md
- Added a configuration option to overcome the inability to mark certain mounts as favorite.
Should fixes GH-14 and GH-15.
- Renamed "two-step mode" to "toggle mode".
- Ignore flying mounts and flight-related condition in instances.
Fixes GH-12.
- Properly handle toggle conditions.
- Properly assemble consecutive conditions.
- Fixed macro building.
- Do not show an empty "Use spells" panel.
See GH-11.
- Do not listen to PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED until initialized.
- Refresh the states on the first SPELLS_CHANGED instead of ADDON_LOADED.
- Added state methods to get condition and cancel arguments.
- README updated.
- Also show the "Macro debug" panel for alpha builds.
- Added a "Debug macro" panel for debug versions.
- Added a "Debug macro" panel for debug versions.
- Order the test condition to build smaller macro.
- Fixed the mount condition.
- Rewording of the cancel option description.
- Use ordered cancels start to build a smaller macro.
- Rebuilt the configuration to use the new "states" table.
- Normalized the "cancelSpells" to become "states", which include the flying, mounts and vehicles.
- Added safety and dismount configuration internals.
- Special case for Treant form, which is detected like a form but cancelled like an aura...
- Special case for Treant form, which is detected like a form but cancelled like an aura...
- Restore favorite on load, then only on the first typeless COMPANION_UPDATE event.
- Slightly simplified the concatenation of macro parts.
- Hopefully fixed GH-10.
- Do no try to simplify the conditionned mount casts.
- Force favorite restoration on Blizzard_PetJournal load.
- Propose to cancel priests' Shadowform.
- Do not erroneously cancel form.
Should fix GH-11.