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  • Uploaded
    Feb 22, 2010
  • Size
    19.44 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.0


Christoph Gritschenberger:
    - remove and recreate all bars on profile-switch
    - cleanup iconfinder
    - cleanup iconfinder
    - add AceHook-3.0 to embeds
    - put debug-functions before anything else
    - reorder functions in Display
    - add additional /stackings command
    - cleanup and document options-code
    - add local debug to all files
    - collect all debugs before PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD and then release them at once.
    - add function to figure out the icon automatically if not present in the spellbook
    - only call LoadAddOn if DevTools_Dump is not available
    - make dump-function local again
    - remove debug-output
    - update debug-function to display a prefix
    - handle UNIT_AURA in buckets per unit
    - fix range-validation-function so single values are accepted again.
    - cleanup and realign some options-code
    - remove debug-output
    - add debug-function
    - add options for advanced coloring
    - adapt new list-structure for color-rules
    - remove coloroverride from defaults
    - add possibility to override barcolors at certain counts