All Namespaces
- Advanced coloring
- Are you sure?
- Background
- Background alpha
- Bars
- Barstyle
- Bartexture for the bar
- Behaviour
- Both
- Buff
- Color
- Configure Bars
- Create a new bar
- Debuff
- Enable
- Enable the icon
- Enable/Disable this bar
- Enabled
- Flash when buff is expiring
- Flash when expiring
- Font
- Font of the text
- Fontsize
- Fontsize of the text
- Height
- Height of the bar
- Icon
- Limit the visbility to one spec
- Lock
- Lock the position
- Max amount
- Maximum amount of stacks
- Maximum number of seconds to show the time
- Name
- Name of the bar
- Name of the spell to watch
- New Bar
- New color override rule
- New Rule
- Not a valid range
- Override the color of the bar, when at a certain amount of stacks
- Range
- Ranges of different rules must not overlap
- Remove
- Remove a bar
- Remove Bar
- Reset Position
- Reset the position back to the center of the screen
- Rules
- Settings for the icon attached to the bar
- Show remaining time of the buff in the bar
- Show time
- Size
- Spell
- Spell-ID or Spellname or Texture-path
- StacKings
- StacKings Buff stacks bars
- Talentspec
- Text
- Text displaying the remaining time
- Texture
- Texture to use for the icon
- The backgroundcolor of the bar
- The color of the bar
- The color of the text
- Time threshold
- Type
- Type of the Spell
- Unit
- Unit to watch
- Width
- Width of the bar