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I want to preface with explaining that I understand taint reports are generally unreliable, and I am not pointing ANY fingers.
I have been running the same base of AddOns for all of 5.4, and have not experienced a SINGLE taint between then and 5.4.7. After updating to 5.4.7, I had the following taint report upon leaving an instance.
2/18 19:15:01.482 SetParent()2/18 19:15:01.482 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from StrataFix - SpellFlyout:SetFrameLevel()2/18 19:15:01.482 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:71 SetLevel()2/18 19:15:01.482 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:81 CheckOne()2/18 19:15:01.482 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:1572/18 19:15:01.482 SetParent()2/18 19:15:01.482 Interface\FrameXML\SpellFlyout.lua:182 SpellFlyout:Toggle()2/18 19:15:01.482 Interface\FrameXML\SpellBookFrame.lua:454 SpellButton_OnClick()2/18 19:15:01.482 SpellButton5:OnClick()
This has never occurred before, and I've not changed ANYTHING. I was unable to reproduce this. I am posting just incase the information is at all relevant to you.
Hmm ok - please provide more info:
What class were you playing at the time?
Do you recall using a spell flyout button near when the problem occurred? (if so which one)
Has the problem happened again?
I was playing a level 90 discipline priest.
Uhm, the the only spell flyout is the Challenger's Path one; the one that lets you portal to instances you have a gold medal in. I wasn't using it.
It has not happened AT ALL since then; that is why I was reluctant to post. But, I figured the detailed API call could be helpful.
This has since happened again. The error occurred when getting a gold medal in the Stormstout Brewery challenge mode. The instant we achieved the medal, I got the error. Completing a gold medal does have an affect on a flyout - the Challenger's Path - but I already had the port, I don't know if that is relevant.
2/23 00:41:18.101 SetParent() 2/23 00:41:18.101 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from StrataFix - SpellFlyout:SetFrameLevel() 2/23 00:41:18.101 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:71 SetLevel() 2/23 00:41:18.101 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:81 CheckOne() 2/23 00:41:18.101 Interface\AddOns\StrataFix\LibStrataFix\LibStrataFix.lua:157 2/23 00:41:18.101 SetParent() 2/23 00:41:18.101 Interface\FrameXML\SpellFlyout.lua:182 SpellFlyout:Toggle() 2/23 00:41:18.101 Interface\FrameXML\SpellBookFrame.lua:454 SpellButton_OnClick() 2/23 00:41:18.101 SpellButton5:OnClick()
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