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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 7.2.5




  • [All] All progress bars are shown as full when modifying them, but added the ability to modify the bar's background with a toggle; reducing the bar's value to reveal the background texture. (Thanks, Jay040792!)
  • [Ele/Res] When modifying the Icefury and Earthen Shield progress bars, the Timer bar can be toggled on or off.
  • [UI] Added many new fonts and statusbar textures. Many more can be attained by downloading the "SharedMedia" addon. (Thanks, Jay040792!) 


  • [UI] Some Lib files were missing with the update. They have been included in this update, fixing several bugs. (Thanks, Muses!)




  • [Elemental] Stormkeeper's aura now glows and shows remaining charges as well as buff duration timer. (Thanks, eric1375!)
  • [Ele/Enh] The Maelstrom Bar's width limit has been increased to 500 (was 300) and height limit to 100 (was 50). (Thanks, Jay040792!)
  • [Restoration] A glow effect has been added to Riptide for the T20 2-piece bonus.
  • [Restoration] A glow effect has been added to Healing Rain for the T20 4-piece bonus.
  • [UI] A cast bar and channel bar are now available. (Thanks, Jay040792!)
  • [UI] All "primary" progress bars can now be heavily modified.
  • [UI] Now supports SharedMedia.



  • [All] Wind Shear's Glow animation should no longer appear when targetting a friendly target that's casting an interruptible ability.
  • [All] Added "Wind Rush Totem" to display configuration list for Minor Auras.
  • [Elemental] The Maelstrom Trigger threshold slider will now update to 125 when you have obtained the "Swelling Maelstrom" artifact trait. (Thanks, Morrd!)
  • [Enhancement] Moved the "Doom Winds" aura to the artifact aura group to fix overlapping auras in the bottom aura row.
  • [Restoration] Spirit Link's aura should once again show its cooldown. (Thanks, Guvna!)
  • [Restoration] Earthen Shield Totem's progress bar should be more accurate.
  • [Restoration] Tidal Waves Bar should now correctly appear when targetting a friendly target and with OoC Display set to "On Heal Only".
  • [UI] Major code clean up to yield better performance and reduced memory usage.





  • [Enhancement] Boulderfist's aura has been replaced with a Rockbiter aura. (Thanks, Netharion & Hooper005!)
  • [Enhancement] Rockbiter's glow alert time range has been adjusted to 2 - 6 seconds (from 5 - 10 seconds; when Landslide is active).




  • [Enh/Res] Fixed an issue that would cause certain buff duration timers from behaving incorrectly (Thanks, Netharion!).
  • [Elemental] Fixed a random bug (Thanks, xaroc_!).




  • [All] Concordance of the Legionfall has been added.
  • [Enhancement] Unleash Doom has been added.
  • [Enhancement] Timer duration bar added for Landslide (Thanks, Orfin!)


  • [Enhancement] Fixed an issue with certain aura groups not staying in position after moving them. 
    • Needs testing from other players
    • If still not working correctly, try resetting the addon's SavedVariables files

Developer Note: Apologies for the lengthy absence. As mentioned previously, I was working on a large update, but I got a bit burnt out and had some RL stuff come up, so I had to take a break from the addon. The large update is still in the works and can't give an estimated time/date when it will be done. In the meantime, this small update provides some quality of life adjustments.





  • [All] Wind Shear will now glow when an interruptible cast is being casted. (Thanks, Yukko!)
  • [All] Cooldown options have been re-added.
  • [All] Ability to reverse cooldown animations has been added.
  • [UI] The "Move" buttons have been relocated to the "Layout" tab for each spec.
  • [Restoration] Checkboxes for "Gift of the Queen" and "Earthen Shield Totem" have been added to toggle their display. (Thanks, Foksondydo!)




  • [Elemental] The long awaited auras for "Elemental Focus" and "Power of the Maelstrom" have been added!
  • [UI] Typing "/ssa opt" will now return an error message; directing the user to the correct slash command.
  • [All] The code for the Buff Timer Bars has been re-worked and should no longer behave abnormally when using Bloodlust and Heroism.


  • [all] Time Warp's buff timer bar should now appear.




  • [Restoration] The newly added Mana Bar should now be moveable. (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)


  • [Elemental] The buff timer bars positioning should no longer act strangely after activating Stormkeeper.




  • [Elemental] A Lua error should no longer occur when you reach the Maelstrom threshold.
  • [Ele/Enh] The ligntning animation should disappear when below the Maelstrom threshold while out of combat.


  • [Elemental] A Lua error will occur when the Fire Elemental despawns. However, this will not affect the addon.




IMPORTANT: This is one of the largest updates to-date in terms of the overall amount of code edited and added. Part of which was the re-structuring of the SavedVariables. As a result, the old SavedVariables file may cause issues. Before apply this update, you may want to take note of the changes you've made to the addon's interface. Be sure to read the popup that appears upon logging in the game with the new addon version for the first time.



  • [UI] Fully redesigned options interface!
  • [UI] Players can now toggle all aura groups' orientation (horizontal or vertical)!
  • [UI] All specs' configuration "Reset" buttons will now be more responsive based on changes made.
  • [UI] A large amount of customization options have been added!
  • [Restoration] A mana bar has been added. (Thanks, fiikusan!)
  • [Elemental] A checkbox for toggling Liquid Magma Totem has been added to the settings. (Thanks, morpe!)




  • [Enhancement] An error caused by the Maelstrom Bar during combat should be fixed. (Thanks, Paltaa!)




  • [UI] Auras can now be re-sized to 256 pixels (previously 64 pixels) (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)
  • [UI] Aura spacing can now be set to 300 pixels (previously 100 pixels) (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)
  • [UI] Aura charge text can now be set to 60 point (previously 20 point) (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)


  • [Elemental] The Maelstrom and Icefury progress bars should no longer appear when toggled. (Thanks, morpe!)
  • [Ele/Enh] The Maelstrom progress bar's alpha while in combat should set correctly. (Thanks, morpe!)
  • [Enhancement] The Maelstrom progress bar should no longer appear when toggled. (Thanks, morpe!)




  • [UI] The aura movement utility has been recoded...again...to be even more efficient.


  • [UI] Using Shift and Control with the aura movement utility should no longer cause unintended behavior. (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)
  • [Restoration] Flame Shock's aura should now be affected by custom OoC Alpha.




  • [Elemental]  The aura glow for Lava Burst should now once again disappear correctly. (Thanks, supermiikes!)
  • [Elemental] The aura glow for Lava Burst should no longer display odd results when having no target while in combat while Lava Surge is available.




  • [Elemental] Fixed an issue that would occur when using a specific totem. (Thanks, supermiikes!)




  • [All] Cooldown numbers and sweep animations can now be toggled on or off. (Thanks, 1SEBI1!)
  • [Ele/Enh] The Maelstrom Bar can now have its alpha adjusted in multiple ways to provide flexibility on how it's displayed. (Thanks, bileblow!)


  • [All ] Totem duration bars should now disappear when the totem is destroyed prematurely.




  • [UI] Non-shaman dialog popup no longer has an option to disable the addon as this was causing issues. There is now a button to show the addon window. (Thanks, Cricketicecream!)


  • [Restoration] The Healing Stream duration timer bar(s) should be working correctly again. (Thanks, jayyced!)




  • [Elemental] All timer duration bar related errors should be fixed.




  • [Elemental] Stormkeeper's Aura can now be toggled. (Thanks, qoomindahouse!)


  • [All] Using certain abilities that use duration timer bars should no longer cause Lua errors.




  • [Restoration] The Earthen Shield Totem bar can now be toggled on or off.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves bar can now be toggled on or off.


  • [All] All timer duration bars should no longer appear when the respective bars have been unchecked in the settings. (Thanks, Supermiikes!)
  • [All] Grouped timer duration bar organization placement should be more accurate.
  • [Enhancement] The timer duration bar for Bloodlust should now correctly appear when enabled.
  • [Elemental] Ancestral Guidance's timer duration bar should now correctly appear when enabled.




  • [Enhancement] Lava Lash's aura will now glow when Hot Hand procs. (Thanks, Gaffles123!)


  • [Elemental] Timer durations for Earth Elemental and Storm Elemental should now correctly be display the new duration times.
  • [Restoration] Cloudburst Totem's timer duration bar should now disappear when recalling the totem. (Thanks, r04dw4rri0r!)
  • [Restoration] Cloudburst Totem's healing tracker should appear correctly.
  • [Restoration] Tidal Wave's indicator bar should appear correctly after using the aura movement utility. (Thanks, Lamals!)
  • [Restoration] Flame Shock's glow animation should disappear correctly. (Thanks, r04dw4rri0r!)
  • [Restoration] Flame Shock's duration text should continue to countdown when out of combat. (Thanks, r04dw4rri0r!)




  • [Elemental] Stacks for Lava Burst should once again appear correctly. (Thanks, Supermiikes!) 




  • [Elemental] Updated to reflect the new talent tree adjustments.
  • [Elemental] Timer durations for Earth Elemental and Storm Elemental have been updated to reflect the new duration adjustments.


  • [Enhancement] A random bug should be fixed. (Thanks, Paykan!)





  • [UI] The aura movement tool has been completely redesigned to be more user-friendly.




  • [Restoration] The second Healing Stream Totem duration bar should no longer freeze and stay visible.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves indicator bar should no longer stay visible when switching to other specs. (Thanks, Darigaaz!)
  • [Enhancement] The ability to adjust the maelstrom bar's height should now be working. (Thanks, Hoofy!)


  • [Restoration] New options are available to set the preferred method in which the Tidal Waves indicator bar will display in and out of combat.




  • [Elemental] Earthquake's aura should stop glowing when Echoes of the Great Sundering's buff is removed.
  • [Elemental] Lava Burst's glow should now stop glowing after a Lava Surge proc while Ascendance is active.
  • [Enhancement] The correct buff duration bars should display.
  • [UI] Fixed an error that would occur if a buff timer was active upon dying.
  • [UI] The following changes have been made to the aura customization config options:
    • [Elemental] Lava Burst's checkbox should now work correctly.
    • [Elemental] A checkbox for Earthquake has been added. (Thanks, Grailerpro!)
    • [Elemental] A checkbox for Gust of Wind has been added. (Thanks, keyia_aggramar!)
  • [UI] The following changes have been made to the duration timer bar config options:
    • [All] Added Bloodust, Heroism, and Time Warp.
    • [Elemental] Added Elemental Mastery.
    • [Elemental] Earth, Fire, and Storm Elementals have been moved to their own group.
    • [Enhancement] Duplicate bar options have been removed.
    • [Enhancement] Spirit Walk's bar color has been changed to brown.




  • [UI] "Testing" should no longer spam your chatbox.




  • [UI] Hid random frame (I use this frame for debugging; apologies!)




  • [UI] Auras from inactive specs should no longer appear. (Thanks, Theranon!)
  • [UI] Certain progress bars should once appear correctly when switching specs.
  • [Enhancement] Stormstrike should fade when you don't have enough maelstrom. (Thanks, Theranon!)
  • [Enhancement] Stormstrike should now display a cooldown. (Thanks, Theranon!)




  • [UI] Progress bars and cooldown values should now be affect by custom Out of Combat opacity. (Thanks, Doomst4!)


  • All auras and duration timer bars have been re-coded to be far more responsive and accurate.
  • [Enhancement] An aura for Lava Lash has been added.
  • [UI] "Main" and "Utility" duration timer bars have been grouped together, but separated by a space.




  • [UI] Various bug fixes.
  • [UI] Duration timer bars should correctly appear when switching specs.
  • [Elemental] Liquid Magma Totem's duration timer bar should now have a duration of 15 seconds.
  • [Restoration] Healing Stream Totem duration timer bars should be working correctly again.




  • [UI] Timer bars for non-buff abilities should be working correctly again.




  • [UI] The following UI objects should no longer stop appearing unexpectedly. (99% certain; crossing fingers)
    • Stormkeeper Charges
    • Stormstrike Charges
    • Maelstrom Bar Lightning Animation
    • Cloudburst Absorption Tracker
  • [Enhancement] The Frostbrand duration bar should no longer overlap the other duration bars.
  • [Enhancement] The Frostbrand aura will now show the Frostbrand icon. (Thanks, Youtube_attillee!)
  • [Enhancement] Stormstrike's visual charges should now disappear appropriately. (Thanks, TheDeefest!)
  • [Enhancement] Stormstrike's cooldown information should disappear when Stormbringer procs. (Thanks, TheDeefest!)
  • [Enhancement] Stormstrike and Frostbrand's icons should fade out when there is not enough Maelstrom to use them. (Thanks, TheDeefest!)
  • [Enhancement] The duration timers for Boulderfist, Flametongue, and Frostbrand should now display the proper total duration of their buffs upon refreshing them.


  • [Restoration] The Cloudburst Absorption Tracker's icon now shows timer text of the remaining time left on Cloudburst Totem.




  • [UI] The textures for the Cloudburst Absorption Tracker should now correctly appear. (Thanks, Ernetlo!)




  • [UI] Hiding an entire spec's auras should now persist through UI reloads. (Thanks, Melianthe!)




  • [UI] The following status bars can now be resized
    • Maelstrom Bar. (Elemental & Enhancement)
    • Icefury Bar.
    • Earthen Shield Bar.
    • Tidal Waves Bar.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves' bar color can now be changed for when the bar is empty.




  • [Elemental] Stormkeeper's charges should no longer stop appearing. (not 100% tested)
  • [Elemental] Maelstrom's lightning animation should no longer stop appearing. (not 100% tested)
  • [Restoration] The Cloudburst absorption tracker should now always appear.
  • [Restoration] The Cloudburst timer bar should now disappear when releasing Cloudburst early.
  • [Restoration] The Earthen Shield Totem bar should once again correctly track.
  • [UI] Showing and hiding certain spec's auras should now work in the config options. (Thanks, Melianthe!)




  • [UI] Update Interface Code to 7.1.




  • [UI] The Move Utility should once again be working for Enhancement and Restoration. (Thanks, Didofo & Osmaryn!)
  • [UI] The Move Utility buttons for Elemental and Enhancement should once again read their respective spec names.




  • [Elemental] Earthquake's aura should now remain opaque when "Echoes of the Great Sundering" procs.
  • [UI] An issue that r20-beta caused that prevented the addon from loading correctly should be fixed (Needs testing)
  • [UI] The Cloudburst Totem icon should now appear correctly in the Cloudburst Absorption Tracker.
  • [UI] "Cleanse Spirit" checkbox has been added for Elemental and Enhancement configuration options. (Thanks, Demofoner!)
  • [UI] "Hex" checkbox has been added for Enhancement configuration options. (Thanks, Demofoner!)


  • [UI] A large portion of the aura movement utility has been re-coded to offer better control for future updates.
    • Any progress bars (Maelstrom, Earthen Shield, etc) will now show fully textures as they would while showing in combat.
  • [UI] To avoid confusion, settings for specs that aren't currently active are now disabled.
  • [UI] Aurasizingandspacingis now available!
    • The Interface Options Frame is now movable to help with aura customizations.




  • [Elemental] The Totem Mastery texture alert should no longer appear on opposing faction players when in a sanctuary.
  • [Restoration] The Earthen Shield Totem progress bar should once again appear after moving resto auras.
  • [UI] The "Move All" text's font has been updated to match the rest of the text.
  • [UI] The Maelstrom Bar should no longer turn white after moving any auras.


  • [Restoration] Cloudburst Healing Absorption tracker has been added!




  • [UI] Moving all the auras as a group now works again. (Thanks, Stxfreak & C.Damm!)
  • [UI] The "Move All" checkbox should disable and enable correctly.
  • [UI] The "Move All" text's font has been updated to match the rest of the text.
  • [UI] The Maelstrom Bar should no longer turn white after moving any auras.




  • [UI] An issue that would cause the database to become corrupted has been fixed
    • An alert popup will appear instructing you on how to correct a corrupted database.




  • [Restoration] Closing the move utility should no longer cause an error and should now exit correctly.
  • [UI] When typing an invalid slash command, the grid should no longer appear.
  • [UI] Typing slash commands should once again be working correctly.




  • [Elemental] The Totem Mastery texture alert show now disappear when switching specs while targeting an enemy.
  • [Restoration] Removed "Undulation" text that would appear when Undulation was applied.
  • [UI] You should once again be able to move the "Top" auras group. (Thanks, elerrina)!
  • [UI] The Maelstrom Bar should now correctly appear when moving auras.


  • Enhancement auras are now available!




  • [Restoration] Earthen Shield Totem from other Shamans will no longer activate the progress bar.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves bar should correctly re-appear after using the aura moving utility.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves bar should correctly appear while using the aura moving utility.
  • [Restoration] The button "glow" that randomly appears should no longer occur (not 100% tested).
  • [UI] Forced font in Move Checkbox list to "PT_Sans_Narrow". The text should properly fit in the frame now.


  • [Ele/Resto] Due to being redundant, Lava Surge visual alert has been removed.
  • [Restoration] A new animated orb appears when Undulation is applied. (Thanks Montromarth!)
  • [UI] You will no longer be able to configure the auras during combat.
  • [UI] A visual grid has been added to assist in aura movement. (Can be toggled on or off).
  • [UI] Special shift-click functionality has been added to assist with precision aura movement.
    • Shift+Left-Click: Aura moved to horizontal center.
    • Shift+Right-Click: Aura moved to vertical center.
    • Shift+Middle-Click: Aura moved to horizontal and vertical center.




  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves bar should no longer appear when you don't have a target while out of combat. (Thanks, Cusacki!)
  • [UI] Typing "/ssa" will now correctly show the addon's "home page".


  • [Restoration] An option has been added to enable or disable the Tidal Waves' pulsing animation (Thanks, Cusacki!)
  • [UI] You can now check the addon's version by typing "/ssa version"
  • [UI] Inputting an invalid slash command entry will print out valid slash command options.




  • [All] The "Out of Range" opacity should correctly adjust when in and out of combat
  • [Restoration] Flame Shock's cooldown swipe should once again appear correctly.


  • [All] "Minor" auras are now affected by target checking (valid target, in range, etc).




  • [All] The addon should no longer appear on characters that are not shamans. (Thanks, Montromarth!)
  • [Restoration] A bug has been fixed that would occur when placing Cloudburst Totem.
  • [Restoration] The cooldown for Cloudburst Totem is should be working correctly now.


  • [All] A Bloodlust duration timer bar has been added.
  • [All] A Heroism duration timer bar has been added. (Thanks, Cetrus!)
  • [All] A Time Warp duration timer bar has been added. (Thanks, Cetrus!)




  • [Elemental] An issue from summoning elementals has been fixed and their cooldowns now work correctly.
  • [Elemental] Icefury's progress bar once again works correctly.


  • [Elemental] Bloodlust duration timer bar has been added. (In testing)




  • [Elemental] Duration timer bars have been added for Primal Earth, Fire, and Storm Elementals
  • [UI] The cooldown system has been completely redesigned.
    • The Fire Elemental cooldown will now correctly adjust its cooldown when Lava Burst is cast; as part of the "Elementalist" artifact perk.
    • All cooldowns that reset after a boss fight will now correctly reset.




  • An issue when trying to load the addon should be fixed.




  • [Elemental] The Earthquake icon will now properly fade in and out depending on your Maelstrom amount.


  • [Elemental] A new glow alert has been added for Earthquake for the legendary shoulders "Echoes of the Great Sundering" proc.




  • [Elemental] An issue that caused the maelstrom bar to not show when switching from resto to elemental has been fixed
  • [Elemental][Lava Burst] The cooldown text and animation will now disappear when Lava Surge procs and Ascendance is casted


  • [Elemental] A new icon has been added for Earthquake. The icon will fade in and out based on whether or not you have enough Maelstrom to cast an Earthquake
  • [Restoration] When Echo of the Elements is learned, two separate duration timer bars will appear for both Healing Stream Totems.




  • [UI] For some reason "Libs/LibAboutPanel" wasn't uploaded with the recent updates. This should [hopefully] fix the interface panel issue(s) as well as any other potential bugs.




  • [UI] Users can now change the opacity of the auras when out of combat.
  • [UI] Resetting default options for all settings is now available.
    • [Ele & Enh] Users can now change the "Out of Range" color for harmful abilities.




  • [Elemental] An error will no longer occur when using Bloodlust.
  • [Elemental] The progress bars for the 3 elementals will now be their correct size.
  • [Elemental] The 3 lightning orbs will now always appear when using Stormseeker.
  • [Restoration] Lightning Surge Totem's icon now properly appears
  • [Restoration] Earthen Shield Totem's health/progress bar now correctly appears
  • [Restoration] An Earthen Shield Totem icon has been added to the "left" column of small icons.
  • [Restoration] All icons will become opaque when in combat, or targeting a friendly target.
  • [Restoration] The Tidal Waves bar will now appear and disappear appropriately.
  • [Restoration] Spiritwalker's Grace's duration timer bar now correctly appears.
  • [UI] The interface option category should now appear in the navigation panel properly.




  • Various errors that occurred while in Enhancement.
  • Fixed Interface Options display issues. (In testing)




  • [Elemental] The "Totem Mastery" texture alert show now appear and disappear as intended.
  • [Elemental] The Maelstrom Bar "Lightning" animation should now be working.
  • [Elemental] Reloading the UI is no longer required when adjusting the Maelstrom Bar "Lightning" animation trigger.