Sweetsour's Shaman Auras
Sweetsour's Shaman Auras
Like myself, I know there's a lot of people that enjoy the functionality that Weak Auras has to offer; in fact, some of you may remember the Shaman Weak Auras package I offered. Though, the one downside with Weak Auras when dealing with larger packages is multiple import strings and a somewhat sloppy installation process. In light of this, I've decided to make the whole process much easier for the end-user and offer a solution that has is far easier than having to setup a large Weak Auras package.
The addon has evolved from Weak Auras, so it has that familiar feel that you're used to. Thanks to thousands of users testing the addon, it has become something far greater than I originally expected!
How to Use
This addon has been designed to provide a high-level of customization, in terms of aura layout. It's a very simple process and can be achieved by doing the following.
- /ssa - Access "Home" window in Interface Options
- /ssa ele - Access Elemental customization options
- /ssa enh - Access Enhancement customization options
- /ssa res - Access Restoration customization options
Moving Frames
One of the most requested features was the implementation of being able to move all of the frames. It's very simple to do!
- Type "/ssa <spec>".
- Click the "Layout" tab.
- Click the "Move <spec> auras" button to open the aura movement utility.
- A grid will appear and the auras will become moveable.
with 7.2.5 and the changes that has happend to landslide and bolderfist the addon gets an error if you have the new lvl 15 Landslide and your showing the old Bolderfist.
a Temp fix is just removing bolderfist from the settings but just wanted to let ya know :)
and here is some info text
Message: ...terface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Enhancement.lua:318: Usage: UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])
Time: 06/14/17 06:48:55
Count: 1368
Stack: ...terface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Enhancement.lua:318: Usage: UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:204: in function <Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:203>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `UnitBuff'
...terface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Enhancement.lua:318: in function <...terface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Enhancement.lua:316>
Locals: errorMessage = "...terface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Enhancement.lua:318: Usage: UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])"
DisplayMessageInternal = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:187
I figured the patch was going to break something, lol. Sadly I've been so busy that I wasn't able to get a chance to test everything out on the PTR :(
Thanks for the heads up!
So I'm getting this error every time I exit combat. The addon seems to be working great otherwise but I can't seem to fix the error even after deleting the stuff in the SavedVariables folder.
Message: Interface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Elemental.lua:420: attempt to compare number with nil
Time: 06/10/17 02:53:01
Count: 525
Stack: [C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Elemental.lua:420: in function <Interface\AddOns\ShamanAuras\SA_Frames_Elemental.lua:374>
Thanks for letting me know, it should be fixed in r49-beta.
is there anyway to show only in combat??
Check out the Configuration tab for your spec and adjust the "OoC Alpha" slider
love the addon first of all!
i have run into a bug i would like to report
on the right side where Bloodlust, spirit walk and astral shift appears. sometimes one of those gets stuck and stays there untill i relog. sometimes the buffs even stack up so sometimes i have all 3 buffs stuck stacked up into one.
if i could figure out how to add a image to this post i would.
Edit: would it also be possible in the future to add racials? i know they are not shaman specific but it would be a nice feature
Thanks for the heads up about the bug, I think I found the issue and will be included in the next update!
As for the racials, I don't currently have any plans to implement them as they can easily be added via Weak Auras. If you need help doing so, let me know!
I understand you're working on a large update, is there any way you could push the fix for saving where things are positioned though? I can't really use the addon until then. Cheers.
Is this happening on all specs, or just one in particular?
For me it happened on all specs
Hi! Thank you for great addon. But there is one problem, enhs usually don't pick Boulderfist in 1st tier now. So, is there a way i can track Landslide instead of boulderfist now?
I'll be sure to add that to the update I'm currently working on, thanks! :)
Developer Update - April 14, 2017
I'm excited to provide you all with a preview of what I've been working on in terms of the cooldown customizations as mentioned in my previous comment! The coding is pretty much done, but now I just have to implement the configuration options to Enhancement and Restoration specs.
Developer Update - April 9, 2017
I'm sure many of you have noticed things have been a bit quiet on my end as of late. As always, I keep track of all your comments that bring any issues/bug to light and they have not fallen on deaf ears.
For the past 2 weeks, I've been working on a very big update that will add an unprecedented level of functionality to the addon.
This has proven to be a lot of work and I'm being careful to take my time with it, because this is something that could burn someone out on. The new glow notification system is pretty much complete and the cooldown customization functionality is near completion, but there will be a lot of code cleanup/optimizations to be done.
All this is currently being done on the Elemental spec. I may release a direct-download (not via Curse) version of this update to allow players to test the new features for Elemental only while I implement the system to the other two specs. I'll have more information on this as the update progresses.
Thanks again for all of your support!
I still have a problem with saving my settings. Im moving around my frames (ofc im locking my auras and closing to save my changes) but everytime i start my game, all the frames are on their original postion.
My apologies for this, as others have been experiencing this as well. I'm currently working on a large update that will include a fix for this :)
Hey Sweetsour,
One more suggestion if that's cool! Could you consider desaturating the elemental focus and power of the maelstrom icons to indicate they are inactive? Would be easier to interpret at a glance for myself :D.
Interesting idea. I'm sure I could toss that in ;)
Hey Sweetsour,
Could you possibly enable a way to disable the glow for interrupts? I'm finding it will glow on uninterruptible spells as well as if you have an ally selected who is casting.
The cooldown sweep options are back and handy but I was wondering if it were possible to code the GCD cooldown sweep? It's something I miss that weakaura buttons have - very handy to identify when it is safe to move between casts as elemental.
Thanks for the latest update with elemental focus and power of the maelstrom, they are awesome.