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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 4.3.4


tag v1.0-Beta-3
LaoTseu <eric.beaudoin@gmail.com>
2012-07-28 15:34:34 -0400

Should be ready for Mists


    - Erase the trainer and skill information when the 5.0.x client is detected for the first time.
    - French and Chinese localization for the TOC notes
    - Comment out the Database.lua file for now. I don't have time to work keeping it up to date and dealing with localization of the trainers for now. In any case, it should probably be a separate module that people get to load only when they want to initialize the database.
    - Removed a trainer that no longer exist
    - Fix for missing functions in MoP
    - Ticket #36: Bartering doesn't change the price of training fixed. Each type of class and profession trainer will need to be revisited once one only one toon to fix the database data. In short, the cost of training will probably be off until the next time to visit the trainer.
    - Change the way profile are selected for new account/toon as suggester by Daedhir (http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?t=19815)
    - TOC bump
    - Add code to get more information about the error from ticket #35 that I cannot reproduce.
    - Fixed a problem with requirements being displayed as number.
    - Ticket #34: Allow the user to choose what is displayed in the data broker when there is nothing to learn
    - Test function for getting the localize name of the trainer. Only works when the trainer is in the cache unfortunately.
    - TOC Bump
    - Add Bartering to the GetBaseCost and GetRealCost calculation. Attempt to fix the rounding errors in GetBaseCost. Floor == 0 is no longer stored so save a bit of memory. Refreshed the data for Syllabus:AppendDefaultDatabase(), still only valid for the English version of the game.
    - Correction to the TOC to fix ticket #33. Thanks to Zidomo.
    - Make the trainer tooltip hide when displaying the talent tooltip.
    - Add the optional dependency for LibMapData-1.0
    - Fix case for LibMapData-1.0 in .pkgmeta.
    - Changed the SaveTrainer to get the map_id and floor. Extrapolate missing data from other entries and from the zone name.
    - Use LibMapData to get the zone name from the map_id.
    - Save the map_id and floor for the trainers.
    - Had reference to LibDataMap. Start removing some useless variables I gathered for debugging.
James D. Callahan III:
    - EOF
    - String concatenation in a loop makes kittens eat puppies.
    - Add talent to learn to the total. Spec that is missing talent points count for one no matter who many talent points are actually missing.
    - Even less calling from the global name space.
    - Fix a typo in TomTom:AddMFWaypoint() calls.
    - Add an event to catch if talent have just been spent. Fix a type with Unspent Talents option. Do not display in LDB if Never is selected for Talents.
    - Fix unspent talent and add configuration for them. New strings to localize.
    - Add Unspent Talents
    - Fix ticket#32 - Skillup Recipes not being saved between sessions. Trainer information was not save after first login, only start saving after second login.
    - Removed all the LibQTip workarounds that were not required
    - Fix ticket #31 - Ackis Recipe List tooltip font size option affects Syllabus tooltip font size. Stop using CopyFontObject did the trick.
    - Tye the "do not use CopyFontObject()" workaround
    - Trying the AddLine("X", "X", "X") workaround.
    - Add code to debug tooltip font problem. Force release all tooltips before acquiring a new one.
    - Fix a problem with texture that were not saved when visiting a trainer
    - Save GetCurrentMapAreaID() and GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel() for trainers. Use it if present instead of zone_id and continent_id to set the TomTom arrow.
    - TOC bump to 40100
    - Ticket #29 - Error when reloading UI. I added some code to hopefully prevent the error.
    - Attempt to fix ticket #28: the path for the local copy of LibStub is Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua
    - Fix an issue with TomTom integration.