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UploadedOct 24, 2008
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
Tekkub Stoutwrithe <tekkub@gmail.com>
2008-05-23 22:33:33 -0600
Weekly build
Tekkub Stoutwrithe (42):
82d1d38: Importing teknicolor
c38ea38: teknicolor - Tweaks and donglings
27e44dc: teknicolor - Big tweaks and stuff
5bc214f: teknicolor
af72098: teknicolor
5248583: teknicolor - Let's turn off Debug
71f3f1d: Updating TOCs to 20003 across the board (does not indicate support for 2.0.3 until a tag is made and pushed to WoWI!)
f1c4ef4: Updates across the board to Dongle-0.5.1-Alpha
e9dc796: Embed updates across the board to Dongle-Beta0
719fb79: Updating embeds to Dongle-Beta0-r237
a0ba9b4: Updates across the board to Dongle-Beta0-r240
146db66: teknicolor - make with the working with the Dongle
8f38727: Adding version fields to all TOCs
8859b08: Updates across the board to Dongle-Beta1
1600c6e: Updating to Dongle-Beta1-r260
9dd1498: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0-RC3
ae87441: Updating major versions of dongle so that it, like, you know, actually works.
9715ef4: teknicolor - Removing DongleUtils
ba58857: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0 (yatta!)
5574868: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0-r324
2cd4662: TOC updates across the board to 20100, adding TOC updating lua script.
643b06e: Updating to Dongle-1.0-r871
b68185d: Buggerfuck
0fcabab: teknicolor - exposed name table, fucking whiners
51b9eab: teknicolor - Simplified memorizing table, drycoded, probably broken, who cares?
988c850: teknicolor - Yup, was broken
f3010ad: teknicolor - putting back in hidden table, it was there for a reason... DUH!
7ca6404: TOC and embed updates across the board
5eb2b11: teknicolor - this should fix issue #42
d679714: TOC update
f6e373c: teknicolor - Applied [PATCH] teknicolor does not color friendslist as intended
130ddbf: Meaningless TOC update (yes I know 20302 isn't a real TOC, but hey there were significant UI changes in that patch)
2a83168: Revert, fuck you haste
0084081: Updating TOC to 20400
5c02f82: Remove dongle
b38dce6: Fix hex converter
d7f1a11: Okey, dongle's removed... really.
5325914: Don't fuck with the combat log anymore, it's just not worth it.
6cc02fd: *innocent whistle*
bed7660: Add in deDE female class names
7de7b57: Nil-safe GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE, seems it has issues on zoning