Latin American Spanish
All Namespaces
- /tele |cffCED000hide|r -- hides the main panel
- /tele |cffCED000reset|r -- reset the panel positions
- /tele |cffCED000show|r -- shows the main panel
- /tele or /telepathy -- shows the spell book
- |cff20D6E6Any feedback is welcome on the Telepathy page at, and anyone able to translate for other languages please visit|r
- |cff20D6E6Get help by typing|r |cffD9DC2A/telepathy help|r
- |cff20D6E6Open the Telepathy spellbook by typing|r |cffD9DC2A/telepathy|r
- |cff20D6E6Welcome to Telepathy %s!|r
- |cffCED000Drag an ability onto this pane to publish it. Right-click to remove.|r
- |cffCED000Left-click a player's abilitiy to add it to the Combat Window. Right-click to remove.|r
- Available Opacity
- Button Padding
- Close
- Combat Lock
- Combat window has been reset - please reload your UI to complete the reset.
- Dock Panels
- Docks the foreign and local action button panels together. Turn off to move each panel individually.
- Foreign Button Size
- help
- hide
- Hide While Solo
- Layout
- Lock the Telepathy frames when combat starts.
- Modify the button size and padding options for the combat window
- My Button Size
- Name Trim Length
- On Cooldown Opacity
- Opacity
- Opacity affects the transparency of the combat window buttons, depending on whether or not the cooldown is available
- Open/Close the Telepathy Spellbook
- Refresh
- Request Sound
- reset
- Select a sound to play when one of your abilities is requested by another player
- show
- Sound
- Sound file to play when one of your abilities is requested by another player
- Spell Book
- Telepathy frames are hidden.
- Telepathy frames are visible.
- The abbreviated player name label length to show for other player's abilities. Set to ZERO for no trimming. Changes to this may require a interface reload.
- The opacity level for abilities which are available
- The opacity level for abilities which are on cooldown
- The padding space between ability buttons in the combat window and spell book
- The size of foreign ability buttons in the combat window and spell book
- The size of your own ability buttons in the combat window and spell book
- Turn this on to have the Telepathy frames hidden while you are not in a party or raid.
- Usage:
Phrase Key:
/tele |cffCED000hide|r -- hides the main panel
Base Namespace
/tele |cffCED000hide|r -- hides the main panel