All Namespaces
- %s module is now disabled
- %s module is now enabled
- %s module is now enabled
- (%s : %s) %s : finished
- (%s : %s) : abandonned
- (%s : %s) : accepted
- (%s : %s) : failed
- (%s : %s) : finished
- (%s : %s) : turned in
- (%s) %s : finished
- (%s) : failed
- (%s) : finished
- (%s) : finished, you can complete it from the tracker or from the quest log
- 10460
- 10461
- 10462
- 10463
- 10551
- 10552
- 10729
- 10730
- 10731
- 10732
- 8747
- 8752
- 8757
- Abandon quest
- Above
- Accept escort quest started by other player automatically
- Accept quests automatically
- Achievement
- Achievement category
- Achievement cell padding
- Achievement criteria
- Achievement criteria cell padding
- Achievement image size
- Achievement sub category
- Achievements tracker
- Achievements tracker
- Achievements tracker background color
- Achievements tracker border color
- Achievements tracker column max width
- Achievements tracker column min width
- Achievements tracker max height
- Achievements tracker scale
- Achievements tracker status column max width
- Achievements tracker status column min width
- Achievements trade skills
- Action on left alt click
- Action on left click
- Action on left control click
- Action on left shift click
- Action on middle alt click
- Action on middle click
- Action on middle control click
- Action on middle shift click
- Action on right alt click
- Action on right click
- Action on right control click
- Action on right shift click
- Add quest level to the quest name
- All but daily quests
- All quests
- Alliance player killed
- Alt + Left click
- Alt + Middle click
- Alt + Right click
- Always
- Announce
- Attach LightHeaded to quests log
- Auto quest complete
- Auto track
- Auto track class quests
- Auto track daily quests
- Auto track quests on objective progress
- Auto track quests on sub zone change
- Auto track quests on zone change
- Auto track quests when you accept them
- Auto untrack delay (in minutes)
- Auto untrack inactive quests that were tracked on objective progress
- AutoComplete
- Automatic quest turn-in
- Automatically expand /collapse zone header on zone change
- Backdrop
- Background color
- Background texture
- Below
- Below max level
- Blue add.
- Blue mult.
- Border color
- Border texture
- Border width
- Category collapse button size
- Click to resize tomQuest2
- Collapse button size
- Color achievement timer
- Color achievements category counter
- Color achievements category name
- Color achievements cirteria status
- Color achievements criteria name
- Color achievements subcategory counter
- Color achievements subcategory name
- Color daily quests counter
- Color daily quests timer
- Color for completion = 0%
- Color for completion = 100%
- Color for completion = 50%
- Color for quest complete
- Color for quest failed
- Color quests counter
- Color quests header level
- Color quests header name
- Color quests level
- Color quests name
- Color quests objectives
- Color quests objectives counter
- Color quests timer
- Color status bar
- Color status bar text
- Colors
- Comments for:|r
- Common settings
- Completely disable tracker interaction, should not be used when display by category is used or if you wish to make it scrollable.
- Could not find quest information for quest %s
- Ctrl + Left click
- Ctrl + Middle click
- Ctrl + Right click
- Custom objective coloring allows you to define multiplicative and additive component of the coloring function. For each color component you'll have a function that is color = (multiplicative component) * percent + (additive component) where percent is the percent of completion of the objective.
- Custom objective coloring function
- Custom quests tag
- d
- Daily quest tag
- Daily quests completed today
- Daily quests counter
- Daily tooltip
- Default achievement description color
- Default achievement timer color
- Default achievements category counter color
- Default achievements category name color
- Default achievements criteria name color
- Default achievements criteria status color
- Default achievements name color
- Default achievements subcategory counter color
- Default achivements subcategory name color
- Default header level color
- Default header name color
- Default quest description color for quest without objective
- Default quest level color
- Default quest name color
- Default quest objective color
- Default quest objective counter color
- Default quest timer color
- Default status bar color
- Default status bar text color
- Define module state when in a raid
- Diplay achievement frame
- Diplay quest log
- Disabled once entering a raid
- Disabled once entering a raid instance (will work in pvp and outdoor raids)
- Display
- Display achievement tooltip on mouse over
- Display achievements by category and subcategory
- Display achievements icon
- Display of achievement tooltip
- Display of quest tooltip
- Display quest on map
- Display quest tooltip on mouse over
- Display quests by zone
- Display status bar for criteria progression when possible
- Display tracker
- Do nothing
- Do nothing
- Dungeon quest tag
- Elite quest tag
- Enabled
- Ends:|r
- Escort
- Escort quest tag
- Fade quest name that are not complete
- Failed
- Finished
- Font
- Font outline
- Font size
- Function for [0%, 50%[ objective completion
- Function for ]50%, 100%[ objective completion
- Function for objective completion at 0%
- Function for objective completion at 100%
- Global font
- Green add.
- Green mult.
- Group quest tag
- Headers font size
- Heroic quest tag
- Hidden once entering a raid
- Hidden once entering a raid instance (will work in pvp and outdoor raids)
- Hide
- Hide achievements tracker in combat
- Hide completed achievement criteria
- Hide completed quest
- Hide completed quests objectives
- Hide custom color function setup
- Hide default Blizzard quests and achievements tracker
- Hide default Blizzard quests notification
- Hide high level quests (You'll have to choose the maximum level difference)
- Hide quest tag
- Hide quests that are not in the current zone
- Hide quests tracker in combat
- Hide zone level range
- Horde player killed
- Information
- Insert achievement link in chat
- Insert quest link in chat
- Insert quest objectives progress in chat
- Inset
- Item starting a quest notification
- Item tooltip modification
- Items starting a quest
- Known locations for
- Left
- Left click
- Left padding of the status bar
- Level to add for an elite quest
- Level to add per missing player for a dungeon quest
- Level to add per missing player for a group quest
- Level to add per missing player for a raid quest
- Level to add per missing player for an heroic quest
- Level:|r
- LightHeaded settings
- LightHeaded waypoints are not supported in this version of Cartographer_Waypoints.
- Location unknown
- Lock - unlock achievements tracker
- Lock - unlock quests tracker
- Macro Generator
- Maximum level difference between the weighted quest level and your level
- Maximum tooltip width
- Middle click
- Mobs tooltip modification
- Modules
- Name:|r
- Never
- New release available (%d) ask %s where to find it
- Next page
- None
- Notifications
- NPC locations are not supported in this version of TomTom.
- Number of columns in the achievements tracker for boolean criteria
- Objective announce on quest completion
- Objective notification on quest completion
- Only daily quests
- Open tomQuest2 option frame
- Other
- Other quest item icon size
- Out of range color
- Outline
- Override anchor and grow direction
- Overrided anchor point
- Page %s of %s
- Party notifications
- Party syncing
- Player notifications
- Position of achievements relative to quests in the tracker
- Position of zones without level when sorting zones by level
- Previous page
- Profiles
- PVP quest tag
- Quest
- Quest abandonned notification
- Quest accepted notification
- Quest auto complete notification
- Quest auto complete sound
- Quest complete notification
- Quest complete sound
- Quest failed notification
- Quest failed sound
- Quest ID:|r
- Quest item icon size
- Quest level
- Quest level tag
- Quest objective complete notification
- Quest objective complete sound
- Quest objective progress notification
- Quest series:|r
- Quest status color
- Quest title color
- Quest title font size
- Quest turned in notification
- Quests
- Quests and daily quests counter interaction
- Quests cell padding
- Quests complete announcement
- Quests counter
- Quests failed announcement
- Quests givers
- Quests information not yet available, please try once synchronization with party is complete
- Quests items
- Quests log settings
- Quests objectives
- Quests objectives cell padding
- Quests objectives complete announcement
- Quests objectives progress annoucement
- Quests sorting method
- Quests tooltip
- Quests tooltip background color
- Quests tooltip border color
- Quests Tooltip column max width
- Quests Tooltip column min width
- Quests tooltip max height
- Quests tooltip scale
- Quests Tooltip status column max width
- Quests Tooltip status column min width
- Quests tracker
- Quests tracker
- Quests tracker background color
- Quests tracker border color
- Quests tracker column max width
- Quests tracker column min width
- Quests tracker max height
- Quests tracker scale
- Quests tracker status column max width
- Quests tracker status column min width
- Raid mode
- Raid quest tag
- Red add.
- Red mult.
- Remove achievement from tracker
- Reputation gains:|r
- Required level:|r
- Reset color functions
- Right
- Right click
- Right padding of the status bar
- Set achievements tracker maximum height after which it will be scrollable
- Set quests tooltip maximum height after which it will be scrollable
- Set quests tracker maximum height after which it will be scrollable
- Sharable:|r
- Share quest
- Shift + Left click
- Shift + Middle click
- Shift + Right click
- Show achievements in quests tracker
- Show all LightHeaded comments on the same page
- Show all party quests you don't have under a specific header
- Show collapse button
- Show in the tooltip daily quests completed today
- Show interractivity hints at the bottom of the tooltip
- Show items starting a quest in the tracker
- Show LightHeaded into tomQuest2
- Show maximum daily quests number
- Show maximum quests number
- Show number of completed daily quest
- Show number of completed quest
- Show number of quests
- Show remaining time before end of day
- Show special quest item icon behind quest name
- Show tomQuest2 quest log
- Show usable quest item not linked to a quest
- Sort quests based on name (ascending)
- Sort quests based on name (descending)
- Sort quests based on quest level (ascending)
- Sort quests based on quest level (descending)
- Sort quests based on weighted level (ascending)
- Sort quests based on weighted level (descending)
- Sort zones based on level (ascending)
- Sort zones based on level (descending)
- Sort zones based on zone name (ascending)
- Sort zones based on zone name (descending)
- Sound notifications
- Starts:|r
- Status bar
- Status bar height
- Status bar texture
- Sub category cell padding
- Sub category collapse button size
- Tag quests log
- Text font size
- The coordinate you clicked on was not valid: %s
- The tomQuest2 release (%d) used by %s is too old to synchronise with your release (%d) (min %d)
- Thick outline
- This button is not clickable, you can use tomQuest2 macro system instead
- Timed achievements
- Title:
- Toggle achievements tracking frame
- Toggle achievements tracking module
- Toggle Blizzard quests log
- toggle chat announcement module
- Toggle party synchronization module
- Toggle quests tracking frame
- Toggle quests tracking module
- Tooltip appearance
- Tooltip fonts
- Tooltip interaction
- Tooltips
- Track all quests on log in
- Track quest
- Tracker appearance
- Tracker fonts
- Tracker interaction
- Unmanaged lhref:%s
- Update special quest item macro
- Usable quest items not linked to a quest
- Weighted quest level
- Weighted quest level computation
- When everyone in the party has completed the objective
- When everyone in the party has completed the quest
- When you've completed the objective
- When you've completed the quest
- You can define a color for percentage of completion = 0, 50% and 100%. tomQuest2 will automatically define the needed color function between those threee points
- Your tomQuest2 release (%d) is too old to synchorise with release (%d) of %s (min %d)
- You've just looted %s which start a quest
- Zone
- Zones and quests sorting
- Zones sorting method
- Zones without level first
- Zones without level last