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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
- request is to add an option in the Styles dialog for Bars that allows toggling of the frame layout, either vertical (the current default) or horizontal- behaviour : the toggle simple reverses the x and y values of the Bar dimensions; such that a tall narrow bar simply becomes a wide short bar- maybe something along the lines of automatically changing bar depletion would be useful (though thought would have to be given to the texture dialog as well)
Please provide any additional information below.
The rationale is that even though I have some experience with tweaking unitframes .. Discord, Pitbull, agUF, oUF .. the method in UH eluded me for a good 30 minutes. just hoping to ease the learning curve for others.
I think this is a terrific idea. I was looking for the option to do this when I got the idea to go look for information on here about it. I was wanting to put my hp and mana across from each other and target's hp and mana across from each other with the two paths crossing in the this...
my target's hp my hp my mana my target's mana
Or something else like that.
Also thought it would be kool if you could kinda stretch the bars in a way to make four bars arranged as above fit in a circle with small lines separating the bars.
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