All Namespaces
- by %s
- by %s (%s's pet)
- stacked with
- %.1f mins
- %d secs
- %d%% without %s debuff
- %s |cFF808080on %s
- %s |cFFFFFF80%s|r : %s from %s%s
- %s changed talent set from |cFFFFFF80%s|r (%d/%d/%d) to |cFFFFFF80%s|r (%d/%d/%d)
- %s changed talent set from |cFFFFFF80%s|r to |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- %s changed talent set to |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- %s Custom Configuration
- %s did not accept within thirty seconds; cancelled
- %s Fight Listing
- %s from %s
- %s from a %s%s
- %s from a %s%s with |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- %s from an %s%s
- %s from an %s%s with |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- %s is missing your %s %s
- %s is missing your own %s %s
- %s on %s by %s: %.2f%% Up-Time
- %s ressed by %s
- %s wants to send you %d fight debuff |4log:logs;
- %s with |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- %s%s needs to be level %s for this ability
- (for %d %s)
- |cFF00FF00Ready!|r (%s)
- |cFF80FF80|Hutopia_accept:%s:%s|h[Click here to accept]|h|r
- |cFF80FF80Left Click|r for details
- |cFF80FF80Right Click|r to ask %s for %s
- |cFF80FF80Shift-Right Click|r to cancel auras
- |cFFFF8080Cannot apply because they have |cFFFFFF80%s|cFFFF8080 active
- |cFFFF8080Cooldown:|r %s
- |cFFFFFF80Click|r and drag to |cFFFFFFFFResize|r
- |cFFFFFF80Shift-Click|r and drag to |cFFFFFFFFScale|r
- Active Colour
- All Players
- Always Show
- Always show Runescrolls and Drums as available
- Always show standard raid buffs (%s, %s, %s, %s) in automatic mode, regardless of other settings
- Always show the bar
- Always Standard Buffs
- Anyone
- AP
- Armor
- Armor (Major)
- Armor (Minor)
- Armor Totem
- Assembly of Iron
- Attack Power
- Attack Power (%)
- Aura Type
- Auto Mode
- Automatic
- Automatic Toggle
- Automatically choose buffs mode out of combat and Debuffs mode in combat
- Automatically show the buffs relevant for your class
- Available from these sources:
- Available Only Toggle
- Background Colour
- Background Options
- Background Texture
- Background Tile Size
- Bar
- Bar Placement
- Bar Texture
- Beasts of Northrend
- Bird of Prey
- Bleed Damage
- Border Colour
- Border colour will reflect the progressive buff/debuff status as the bar indicator does.
- Border Texture
- Border Thickness
- Bosses
- Bosses Only
- Bottom
- Bottom/Right
- buff
- Buff Icon Options
- Buffs
- Buttons
- By Category
- By Spell
- Can apply
- Can apply partially (|cFFFF8080%d|r of |cFF80FF80%d|r talent points)
- Can apply. Improved
- Can apply. Partially improved (|cFFFF8080%d|r of |cFF80FF80%d|r talent points)
- Can apply. Un-improved
- Cannot apply this buff
- Cannot apply this debuff
- Cast Speed Slow
- Clear Guild Members
- Clear stored guild member talents.
- Clear talent cache and rescan everyone
- Colour
- Colour the category names to reflect all the class colours applicable (Bring Shades)
- Coloured Categories
- Columns
- Combined
- combos
- Configuration
- Core Hound
- Crit Chance (Melee)
- Crit Chance (Spell)
- Critical Strike Chance Taken
- Currently Ignored
- Custom
- CustomConfig
- Cycle through DPS modes for this fight.
- Damage
- Damage (%)
- Damage Modifier
- Damage Reduction
- Damage Reduction (%)
- Damage Reduction Physical (%)
- Deaths
- debuff
- Debuff Icon Options
- Debuffs
- Delete the selected spell
- DESC.buffs.Armor
- DESC.buffs.Armor Totem
- DESC.buffs.Attack Power
- DESC.buffs.Attack Power (%)
- DESC.buffs.Bloodlust/Heroism
- DESC.buffs.Crit Chance (Melee)
- DESC.buffs.Crit Chance (Spell)
- DESC.buffs.Damage (%)
- DESC.buffs.Damage Reduction (%)
- DESC.buffs.Damage Reduction Physical (%)
- DESC.buffs.Haste
- DESC.buffs.Haste (Melee)
- DESC.buffs.Haste (Spell)
- DESC.buffs.Healing Received
- DESC.buffs.Health
- DESC.buffs.Intellect
- DESC.buffs.Mana Regen
- DESC.buffs.Replenishment
- DESC.buffs.Spell Power
- DESC.buffs.Spirit
- DESC.buffs.Stamina
- DESC.buffs.Stat Add
- DESC.buffs.Stat Multiplier
- DESC.buffs.Strength & Agility
- DESC.debuffs.Armor (Major)
- DESC.debuffs.Armor (Minor)
- DESC.debuffs.Attack Power
- DESC.debuffs.Bleed Damage
- DESC.debuffs.Cast Speed Slow
- DESC.debuffs.Critical Strike Chance Taken
- DESC.debuffs.Healing Taken
- DESC.debuffs.Health Restore
- DESC.debuffs.Mana Restore
- DESC.debuffs.Melee Attack Speed Slow
- DESC.debuffs.Melee Hit Chance Reduction
- DESC.debuffs.Physical Vulnerability
- DESC.debuffs.Spell Critical Strike Chance
- DESC.debuffs.Spell Damage Taken
- DESC.debuffs.Spell Hit Chance Taken
- Details
- Disabled
- Display
- Display options for the icons
- Display options for the status bar
- Display settings
- Display start and end statistics of fights. More to remind you that data is being stored and munching your addon ram up than anything else
- Do not automatically purge this fight when it expires past the present age/size limits defined in options
- Down
- DPS Smoothing will average out the dmg over the given number of seconds to provide a more useful visual representation of the damage output
- Dual Frames
- Edge Highlight
- Enable
- Enable
- Enable target debuff status display
- Enable the frame background
- Enable the status bar
- Enabled
- Enemy
- Enemy DPS
- Enemy DPS:
- Events
- Excluded Colour
- Faction Champions
- Felhunter
- Filter
- Finished sending
- Frame's background colour
- Frame's border colour
- General Settings
- Got Talents for:
- Group size:
- Haste
- Haste (Melee)
- Haste (Spell)
- Healing
- Healing Received
- Healing Taken
- Health
- Health Restore
- Heroic
- Hints
- History Size
- History Size: %d
- Horizontal
- Horizontal Spacing
- How many fights to keep
- I am missing your %s %s
- Icon Options
- Icon Settings
- Icon Size
- Icons
- Ignore Options
- Ignore the selected mobs
- Imp
- Improve the information shown in default buff tooltips to reflect the talent enchanced amounts and show extra bonus affects granted.
- Improved
- Improved %d/%d
- Inactive Colour
- In-Combat
- Individual Raid DPS
- Insert a spacer at the current point to seperate the icons
- Intellect
- Keep
- Left raid
- Listing
- Locked
- Magical
- Mana
- Mana Regen
- Mana Restore
- Max Possible
- Maximum possible amount is %s%s
- Maximum potential amount for group is %s%s
- Melee Attack Speed Slow
- Melee Crit
- Melee Hit Chance Reduction
- Merge Appliers
- Merge appliers of the same spell into a single display texture if they are just swapping application of a debuff. %s for example
- Mimiron
- Minimum Duration
- Miscellaneous Options
- Missing: %s
- Mode
- Mode Options
- Module
- Modules
- Move the selected spell down
- Move the selected spell up
- mp5
- Names
- Not available
- Not Glyphed
- Not Improved
- Notifications
- Notifying %s regarding %s
- Only Available
- Only if these conditions are met
- Only record boss fights
- Only show available icons in the set, hiding all icons your group cannot apply buffs or debuffs for
- Only show when targetting a hostile unit
- Only show when targetting boss mobs
- Open
- Open a standalone config window. You might consider installing |cffffff00BetterBlizzOptions|r to make the Blizzard UI options panel resizable.
- Options for default values when unavaible
- Orientation
- Other options
- Out-of-Combat
- Partial %d/%d
- Partial Colour
- Physical
- Physical Damage Reduction
- Physical Vulnerability
- Popup Toggle
- Profiles
- Purge
- Purge all existing fights of the currently defined ignored mobs
- Purged from %d |4fight:fights; totalling %d |4mob:mobs;, and a total of %d data |4element:elements;
- Raid DPS:
- Really purge all existing fights of all currently ignored mobs? This action is irreversable!
- Received from %s
- Received from %s: Fight data for |cFFFF0000%s|r %s
- Record Deaths
- Record DPS
- Record Events
- Recorded |cFFFFFF80%s|r (%d secs) - |cFF80FF80%d|r auras %s
- Recording Options
- Records debuff up-time on fights
- Records DPS during fights. Just the basics; damage done to each mob per second by any source in your group. So you can see how raid debuffs are affecting things
- Records DPS seperately for each raid member during fights. Simply dmg done in each 1 second window during a fight, with no number crunching until you view it later. This will obviously store a little more data than without
- Records Physical and Magical DPS seperately for the whole raid
- Records raid member deaths during fights
- Records significant events during a boss encounter which can be later marked on the chart
- Reduction
- Reload the defaults for this class and spec
- Remove the selected mobs from the ignored list
- Requires a |cFFFFFF80%s|r pet, currently has a |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- Requires level %s
- Rescan Talents
- Respec
- Rhino
- Runescrolls & Drums
- Scale
- Scale: |cFF80FF80%.1f%%|r
- Search
- Select the position for the popup toggle button
- Selected Fight
- Send
- Send failed; %s is not running Utopia_UpTime
- Send failed; %s is offline
- Send the selected fights to:
- Sending to %s: Fight data for |cFFFF0000%s|r
- Set minumum time left before the expirey countdown shows
- Set rules for what to show Utopia with
- Set rules for when to show Utopia
- Set the buttons before breaking to next row/column
- Set the colour for auras which someone has applied, but it is an unimproved version of the spell.
- Set the colour for debuffs which your group has applied.
- Set the colour for debuffs which your group is able to apply, but another spell is excluding it.
- Set the colour for debuffs which your group is able to apply, but has not done so.
- Set the colour for debuffs which your group is able to apply, but usually only during combat. They're expected to not be active when idle.
- Set the colour for debuffs which your group is not able to apply.
- Set the horizontal spacing of the buttons
- Set the minimum duration for a fight to be stored for (last fight is always stored temporarily)
- Set the orientation for the display
- Set the scale of the icons
- Set the size of the icons
- Set the texture for the bar
- Set the vertical spacing of the buttons
- Set the width of the status bar
- Show buff cooldown indication on Utopia icons
- Show buff countdown in Utopia icons
- Show Configuration
- Show Cooldown
- Show Countdown
- Show enchanced details of available auras, who can cast them and at what levels
- Show hints about click availability on Utopia's icons
- Show If
- Show in chat when someone swaps talent sets
- Show leading edge on cooldown for clarity
- Show Respecs
- Show spell rank in standard tooltips.
- Show When
- Show when in a party
- Show when in a raid
- Show when in combat
- Show when out of combat
- Show when solo
- Size
- Spacer
- Spell Crit
- Spell Critical Strike Chance
- Spell Damage Taken
- Spell Hit Chance Taken
- Spell Power
- Spell Rank
- Spirit
- Sporebat
- stacks
- Stamina
- Standalone Config
- Stat Add
- Stat Multiplier
- Stats
- Status Border Colour
- Store Guild Members
- Store last seen guild member talents for faster initial display. Talents are still refreshed when the members are seen. Talents are only stored when you are in a raid, as it's more likely for players to use alternate specs when in a party.
- Str & Agi
- Strength & Agility
- Switch mode between |T%s:0|t (All Icons) and |T%s:0|t (Only Available Icons)
- Switch mode between |T%s:0|t (Automatic Icon Selection) and |T%s:0|t (Manual Icons)
- Switch mode between |T%s:0|t (Buffs) and |T%s:0|t (Debuffs)
- Talent Options
- Talents %d/%d
- Talents unscanned
- Targetting players will show their buff status instead of your own
- Temporary Colour
- Texture to use for the frame's background
- Texture to use for the frame's border
- The Four Horsemen
- The size used to tile the background texture
- The thickness of the border
- There is noone to cast |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- This is a rank |cFFFF0000%d|r spell instead of rank |cFFFF0000%d|r which would give you |cFFFFFF80%d %s|r
- Tile Background
- Tile the background texture
- Today
- Toggle between buff and debuff for the selected spell
- Toggle locked position. When unlocked, you can move the display with the bar
- Tooltip Enhancements
- Tooltip Options
- Top
- Top/Left
- Totems are Temporary
- Treat all totem buffs as if they are temporary and not important pre-combat.
- Typed DPS
- Unavailable Colour
- Unavailable spells are shown as max possible talented value, instead of the untalented base value
- Up
- UpTime
- Up-Time
- Use two frames to display buffs and debuffs simultaniously
- Val'kyr Twins
- Vertical
- Vertical Spacing
- View
- Warn Losses
- Warn when your raid group loses the ability to apply a buff or debuff. Will also notify you if you quickly regain this aura
- Wasp
- Which side to put the bar
- Width
- With What
- Wolf
- Worm
- Yesterday
- Yogg-Saron
- You are missing your own %s %s
- You can access |cFFFFFF80UpTime|r at any time with |cFF80FF80Ctrl-Click|r on the LDB or Fubar icon, or with the |cFF80FF80/uptime|r command.
- Zoom: %d%%