Lists not shared with guild #112

  • Forge_User_33106912 created this issue Aug 30, 2019



    me and my guilde mates use this addon in classic and i have the problem that my list ist not shared with anyone but i get the lists from them.
    I have enable sharing and it even said in the beginning in chat that it is sharing lists with guilds but even that doesnt shot up anymore.

    Any way to Troubleshoot this?





  • xilcoy posted a comment Sep 11, 2019

    The default is to share the lists once an hour, but you can decrease the interval to 10 minutes or increase to 2 hours. Also make sure you select which lists you wish to share. For troubleshooting you could force an immediate share by typing this in the chat window:

    /script LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("VanasKoS"):GetModule("Synchronizer"):SendListsToGuild()


    You could also download BugSack and BugGrabber addons (or similar) to see if any errors are getting reported. Let me know if you find anything.

  • xilcoy posted a comment Sep 13, 2019

    Might be the same as Issue #114. Not sure why it worked for your guildmates though. Maybe they were using retail version and you were using the classic one? This bug only existed in classic, but the retail version had several problems of its own when run in classic.


    Try it again in the latest classic version.

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