All Namespaces
- %s |cffff00ff%s|r
- %s |cffffffffLevel %s %s %s|r |cffff00ff%s|r
- %s (%s) - Reason: %s
- %s (last seen: %s ago)
- %s (never seen)
- %s ago
- %s ago
- %s ago
- %s: |cff00ff00Win|r |cffffffffin %s (|r|cffff00ff%s|r|cffffffff)|r
- %s: |cffff0000Loss|r |cffffffffin %s (|r|cffff00ff%s|r|cffffffff)|r
- %sHatelist: %s
- %sHatelist: %s
- %sKoS (Guild): %s
- %sKoS (Guild): %s
- %sKoS: %s
- %sKoS: %s
- %sNicelist: %s
- %sNicelist: %s
- %sWanted: %s
- %sWanted: %s
- [%s] %s (%s) - Reason: %s
- _Reason Unknown_
- _Reason Unknown_
- |cff00ff00%s - %s killed %s|r
- |cffff0000%s - %s killed by %s|r
- 0 Secs
- 0 Secs ago
- 0 Secs ago
- About
- Accept
- Accept %d entries for list %s from %s?
- Accept all
- Accept/Ignore-Lists
- Add Attacker to KoS
- Add Entry
- Add Guild to KoS
- Add KoS Player
- Add Lookup in VanasKoS
- Add Player to Hatelist
- Add Player to KoS
- Add Player to Nicelist
- Add Share Group
- Add to %s
- Add to Hatelist
- Add to Hatelist
- Add to Nicelist
- Add to Nicelist
- Add to Player KoS
- Add to Player KoS
- Add/Set List Entry
- Additional Reason Window
- Adds a Share Group to the list
- Alignment
- All Attackers
- All Characters
- All enemies
- All Time
- Angle
- Arena
- Arena encounter
- Arena loss
- Arena win
- Arenas
- Attacked %s on %s
- Automatic
- Average Level
- Background
- Background Color
- Battleground encounter
- Battleground loss
- Battleground win
- Battlegrounds
- Battlegrounds
- by class
- by create date
- by creator
- by encounters
- by encounters
- by guild
- by last seen
- by last seen
- by level
- by losses
- by losses
- by name
- by name
- by name
- by name
- by owner
- by reason
- by score
- by score
- by wins
- by wins
- Cancel
- Change Entry
- Chat message
- Chat Modifications
- Cities
- Cities
- Colors players in friend list based on hated/nice status
- Colors players in ignore list based on hated/nice status
- Colors players in raid browser based on hated/nice status
- Combat Log Monitoring
- Combat zone encounter
- Combat zone loss
- Combat zone win
- Combat Zones
- Combat Zones
- Configuration
- Configuration
- Configuration
- Content
- Context Menu
- Controls the design of the warning window
- Converted %d PvP stats to %d PvP log events
- Created: |cffffffff%s|r
- Creator
- Creator: |cffffffff%s|r
- Data Gathering
- Date
- Date
- Default Background Color
- Default policy for sharing lists with others
- Defeat Logging Method
- Design
- Distance
- Distributed Tracking
- Dock into Friends Frame
- Donate
- Dragon Portrait
- Draw Alts
- Draws PvP events on map for all characters
- Dungeon
- Dynamic resize
- Enable
- Enable in arena
- Enable in arena
- Enable in Battleground
- Enable in Battleground
- Enable in Cities
- Enable in combat zone
- Enable in combat zone
- Enable in Normal Mode
- Enable in Sanctuaries
- Enable in Sanctuaries
- Enable in War Mode
- Enable/Disable modules
- Enabled
- Enabled
- Enabled modules
- Enables/Disables automatic list retrieval requests
- Enables/Disables sharing lists with the guild
- Enables/Disables the sharing module
- Enemies
- Enemy
- Enemy Detected:|cffff0000
- Enemy level
- Enemy Sound
- Enemy: %s-%s (%s)
- Entry "%s" removed from list
- Entry %s (Reason: %s) added.
- Entry %s added.
- Entry %s is already on Hatelist
- Entry %s is already on Nicelist
- Event Map
- Events
- Extra Reason
- female
- Flashing Border
- Font Size
- Found multiple matches for zone '%s': %s
- Free-for-all encounter
- Free-for-all loss
- Free-for-all win
- Friend list
- Friendly
- Group
- Groups with whom I share
- Grow list from the bottom of the WarnFrame
- Grow list upwards
- Guild KoS
- Guild KoS
- Guild Sharing
- Guild Sharing Options
- Hated
- Hated player "%s" (%s) is in your party
- Hated player "%s" (%s) is in your raid
- Hated sound
- Hatelist
- Hatelist
- Hatelist
- Hatelist Color
- Hatelist: %s
- Hatelist: %s
- Hide if inactive
- Hide if PvP flag off
- Hide if War Mode off
- Hostile
- How friendly content is shown
- How hostile content is shown
- How kos content is shown
- How neutral content is shown
- Ignore list
- Import Data
- imported
- Imported %d KoS entries (%d duplicates)
- Imported %d list entries
- Imported %d player data
- Imported %d PVP events
- Imports Data from old VanasKoS
- Imports Data from old VanasKoS (backup WTF first)
- Imports KoS Data from other KoS tools
- Interval
- Interval (seconds)
- Killing Blow
- KoS
- KoS
- KoS (Guild): %s
- KoS (Guild): %s
- KoS List for Realm "%s" - %s now purged.
- KoS List for Realm "%s" now purged.
- KoS Sound
- KoS/Enemy/Friendly Warning Window
- KoS: %s
- KoS: %s
- KoS-Management Tool
- Last 24 hours
- Last Attackers
- Last Month
- Last Seen
- Last seen
- Last seen at |cff00ff00%s|r
- Last seen at |cff00ff00%s|r in |cff00ff00%s|r
- Last Seen List
- Last Sync
- Last updated: |cffffffff%s|r
- Last Week
- Level %s %s %s
- Level difference
- Liked
- Lists
- Lists in which you can put people from whom you want or do not want to receive data
- Lists to request from share group
- Lists to share with guild
- Locked
- Locked
- Locked
- Locked
- Locks the Main Window
- Lookup in VanasKoS
- Lookup in VanasKoS
- Losses: |cffff0000%d|r (%.1f%%)
- Lost
- Lost
- Macro
- Macro Text
- Macro to execute on click
- Main Window
- male
- Map
- Map Position update on Player %s (%d, %d in %s) received - Reason: %s
- Method used to record defeats
- Mine only
- Minimap Button
- Modifies the Chat Context Menu to add a "Lookup in VanasKoS" option.
- Modifies the Chat only for your Entries
- Modifies the Chat Window for Hate/Nicelist Entries.
- Modify only my Entries
- More Allied than Hostiles Background Color
- More Hostiles than Allied Background Color
- Most Damage
- Move to Hatelist
- Move to Nicelist
- Move to Player KoS
- My level
- Name
- Nearby People
- Neutral
- never seen
- never seen
- never synced
- Nice player "%s" (%s) is in your party
- Nice player "%s" (%s) is in your raid
- Nice sound
- Nicelist
- Nicelist
- Nicelist
- Nicelist Color
- Nicelist: %s
- Nicelist: %s
- No entry for |cff00ff00%s|r
- No entry for |cff00ff00%s|r
- No Information Available
- No match was found for zone '%s'
- Notification in the Chatframe
- Notification in the Upper Area
- Notification Interval (seconds)
- Notification sounds
- Notification through flashing Border
- Notification through Target Portrait
- Notification Zones
- Notifications
- Notify in arenas
- Notify in battleground
- Notify in cities
- Notify in combat zones (Wintergrasp, Tol Barad)
- Notify in Sanctuaries
- Notify in Sanctuary
- Notify of any enemy target
- Notify only on my KoS-Targets
- Notify when a player in hate list or nice list joins your party
- Number of lines
- Ok
- Old list entries detected. You should import old data by going to importer under VanasKoS configuration
- Old pvp statistics detected. You should import old data by going to importer under VanasKoS configuration
- Old pvp statistics detected. You should import old data by going to importer under VanasKoS configuration
- Old VanasKoS
- Only my entries
- On-screen
- Opium data couldn't be loaded
- Opium data was imported
- Options to share lists with groups
- Options to share your lists with other people
- Owner
- Owner: |cffffffff%s|r
- Party notification
- Performance
- Permanent Player-Data-Storage
- Permanent Player-Data-Storage
- Player
- Player Info
- Player KoS
- Player KoS
- Player: %s-%s (%s)
- Player: |cff00ff00%s|r is on List: |cff00ff00%s|r - Reason: |cff00ff00%s|r
- Player: |cff00ff00%s|r is on List: |cff00ff00%s|r - Reason: |cff00ff00%s|r
- Player-Data Storage
- Players
- Players
- PvP
- PvP Data Gathering
- PvP Data Gathering
- PvP Encounter
- PvP Encounter:
- PvP Event Map
- PvP Log
- PvP Loss versus %s registered.
- PvP Stats
- PvP Stats
- PvP Win versus %s registered.
- Raid Browser
- Realm
- Reason
- Reason
- Received from: |cffffffff%s|r
- Reject
- Reject all
- Remove delay
- Remove Entry
- Remove Entry
- Remove Entry
- Remove events
- Remove Share Group
- Removes the selected Share Group from the list
- Request Policy
- Reset
- Reset
- Reset macro to default
- Reset Position
- Reset Position
- Reset Position
- Reset Settings
- Resets the Position of the Main Window
- Reverse action of left/right mouse buttons
- Reverse Buttons
- Sanctuaries
- Sanctuaries
- Save data gathered in cities
- Save data gathered in cities
- Save data gathered in normal mode
- Save data gathered in war mode
- Score
- Score
- seen: |cffffffff%d|r - wins: |cff00ff00%d|r - losses: |cffff0000%d|r
- seen: |cffffffff%d|r - wins: |cff00ff00%d|r - losses: |cffff0000%d|r
- Select the lists you want to receive from your share group.
- Select the lists you want to share with your guild.
- Sending lists to guild
- Sets number of entries to display in the WarnFrame based on nearby player count
- Sets the default Background Color and Opacity
- Sets the Foreground Color for Hatelist Entries
- Sets the Foreground Color for Nicelist Entries
- Sets the KoS majority Color and Opacity
- Sets the more Allied than Hostiles Background Color and Opacity
- Sets the more Hostiles than Allied Background Color and Opacity
- Sets the normal text color
- Sets the number of entries to display in the Warnframe
- Sets the number of minutes between sending lists
- Sets the number of seconds before entry is removed
- Sets the size of the font in the Warnframe
- Sets the text of the macro to be executed when a name is clicked
- Sets the text of the macro to be executed when a name is clicked. An example can be found in the macros.txt file
- Sets warnframe font alignment
- Share Blacklist
- Share Groups
- Share Whitelist
- Sharing
- Sharing - Group
- Sharing - Guild
- show
- Show additional Information on Mouse Over
- Show Anchor
- Show border
- Show class icons
- Show Friendly Targets
- Show Hostile Targets
- Show in arenas
- Show in battlegrounds and pvp zones
- Show in cities
- Show in combat zones
- Show in dungeon instances
- Show in sanctuaries
- Show information
- Show KoS Targets
- Show only my entries
- Show PvP Encounters
- Show PvP-Stats in Tooltip
- Show Target Level When Possible
- Show tooltips when hovering over PvP events
- Show Warning Frame Infos as Text and Tooltip
- sort
- sort by class
- sort by creator
- sort by date created
- sort by guild
- sort by last seen
- sort by last seen
- sort by level
- sort by most losses
- sort by most losses
- sort by most PVP encounters
- sort by most PVP encounters
- sort by most wins
- sort by most wins
- sort by most wins to losses
- sort by most wins to losses
- sort by name
- sort by name
- sort by name
- sort by name
- sort by owner
- sort by reason
- Sound on enemy detection
- Sound on KoS detection
- Sound when a hated player joins your raid or party
- Sound when a nice player joins your raid or party
- Sounds
- Stats in Tooltip
- sync
- Text
- Toggle Menu
- Toggles detection of players if War Mode is disabled
- Toggles detection of players if War Mode is enabled
- Toggles detection of players in arenas
- Toggles detection of players in battlegrounds
- Toggles detection of players in cities
- Toggles detection of players in combat zones (Wintergrasp, Tol Barad)
- Toggles detection of players in sanctuaries
- Toggles detection of players in sanctuaries
- Toggles if data from players gathered in cities should be (temporarily) saved.
- Toggles if data from players gathered in cities should be saved.
- Toggles if data from players gathered in normal mode should be saved.
- Toggles if data from players gathered in war mode should be saved.
- Toggles if the combatlog should be used to detect nearby player
- Toggles if the combatlog should be used to detect nearby player (Needs UI-Reload)
- Toggles if the data about players (level, class, etc) should be saved permanently.
- Toggles if the data about players (level, class, etc) should be saved permanently.
- Toggles logging of PvP events in arenas
- Toggles logging of PvP events in battlegrounds
- Toggles logging of PvP events in combat zones (Wintergrasp, Tol Barad)
- Toggles the display of additional Information on Mouse Over
- Toggles the display of Class icons in the Warnframe
- Tooltips
- Total
- Type
- unknown
- unknown
- Unknown area
- Unknown player
- Updated %d PVP statistics
- Use Combat Log
- Use Combat Log
- Vanas KoS
- Vanas|cffff0000KoS|r
- Version:
- Wanted
- Wanted: %s
- Wanted: %s
- Warning Window
- Warning Window
- What to show in the warning window
- Win
- wins: |cff00ff00%d|r - losses: |cffff0000%d|r
- Wins: |cff00ff00%d|r (%.1f%%)
- World PvP encounter
- World PvP loss
- World PvP win
- Zone
- Zones
- Zones
- Zones to show the warning window in