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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 4.0.6


tag 2.0.48-beta
cyrila <cyrila@6d6db912-6d5f-452c-a3aa-55e6dd240516>
2010-10-13 19:33:49 +0000

Tagging as 2.0.48-beta


    - Tagging as 2.0.48-beta
    4.0 update. This update will reset all settings you may have changed.
    Interface Options:
    - Interface Options to add spells is now available and fully functional. Spells are added by Spell ID.
    - The addon can detect the best settings for each spell you wish to add automatically (this requires you to cast the spell).
    - Misc. tweaks to interface options.
    Output options:
    - Added chat output configuration, both global and spell specific.
    - Added option to disable spell announcement in addition to the other output options, based on your current state (solo, party, arena etc).
    - Spells that aren't set to always whisper target, but only on occasion, will not whisper players that aren't in your raid or party.
    AoE spell improvements:
    - All spells that hit multiple targets (friendly as well as hostile) should be flagged as aoe type spells from now on. Bloodlust/Heroism, Divine Guardian and Shockwave have all been updated to reflect this change. Spells that were previously flagged as aoe spells are unchanged.
    - AoE spells can now have their own custom announcement instead of the default one.
    - Fade messages for aoe spells now work properly. (Note: spell:link is the only string replacement that works for aoe spell fade messages currently.)
    Zone Detection:
    - WG and TB zone detection should now work on all locales (credits to Kagaro)
    Spell List:
    - The default spell database has been updated to reflect the 4.0 changes.
    Misc changes:
    - Combat log event scanner now picks up spells cast by your pet in addition to your own.
    - Login "alpha" notice has been removed since the addon should now be safe to use in a raid environment.
    - - Bump db version.
    All settings will reset with this update
    - Interface Options: - Interface Options to add spells is now available and fully functional. Spells are added by Spell ID. - The addon can detect the best settings for each spell you wish to add automatically (this requires you to cast the spell). - Misc. tweaks to interface options.
    AoE spell improvements:
    - All spells that hit multiple targets (friendly as well as hostile) should be flagged as aoe type spells from now on. Bloodlust/Heroism, Divine Guardian and Shockwave have all been updated to reflect this change. Spells that were previously flagged as aoe spells are unchanged.
    - AoE spells can now have their own custom announcement instead of the default one.
    - Fade messages for aoe spells now work properly. (Note: spell:link is the only string replacement that works for aoe spell fade messages currently.)
    Zone Detection:
    - WG and TB zone detection should now work on all locales (credits to Kagaro)
    Spell List:
    - The default spell database has been updated to reflect the 4.0 changes.
    Misc changes:
    - Login "alpha" notice has been removed since the addon should now be safe to use in a raid environment.
    .toc bumped
    - - Spell announcements on targets without raid marks now work properly again.
    - Chat throttle timer interval lowered by .2 seconds.
    - - Made changes to the zone/etc detection (no longer locale dependent)
    - Changed Bloodlust/Heroism event to SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS so it no longer floods fade messages if it fades asynchronously.
    - Other misc changes.
    - - Default output for when you're solo is now set to "self".
    - Spells that aren't set to always whisper target, but only on occasion, will no longer whisper players that aren't in your raid or party.
    This workaround has been implemented to avoid whispering players that you duel.
    - - Updated spells in the Spell List: Corrected Spell ID for "Last Stand" and the physical damage reduction part of "Lay on Hands"
    - Corrections to chat throttle since last build: No longer throttles countdown messages. Interval between announcement for spells with the same spell id set to 0.9 seconds. Please submit ticket if this is too short.
    - Combat log event scanner now picks up spells cast by the your pet in addition to your own.
    - - Typoed variable in the chat throttle...
    - - Committing the correct, updated, toc files.
    - - Added the possibility to disable spell announcement on top of the other options based on what you're doing (solo, party, arena etc). - Changing announcement output in specific spells from global setting to something else and then back to global setting should now work properly.
    - - Fixed error with registered events, they should now be announced properly. (Dispels, dispel resists, interrupts, etc) - Corrected the chat throttle interval (GetTime returns seconds, not milliseconds...) - Chat throttle now only throttles announcements for spells registered as such. No longer throttles event announcement.
    - - Added chat output configuration, both global and spell specific. - Fixed a few bugs.