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UploadedNov 10, 2018
Size4.13 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 8.0.1
2.9.0-19-gd067841 (2018-11-10)
InfusOnWoW (7):
- Fix resets of conditions properly
- Fix another case where conditions weren't correctly reset
- Try to reuse states for Auto Cloning
- Fix talent selected status trigger
- Fix glow color settings on Actions Tab
- Add %% for % to text replacement help
- Tweak text replacement
Stanzilla (8):
- Update README.md
- Revert "Fix another case where conditions weren't correctly reset"
- change minimap hint logic and colors
- add a game restart warning
- add a new help command
- revert a color in the minimap/ldb icon
- add a mailmap
- forgot to exclude beta branches at a point
Willexan (1):
- Edited README.md for concision and readability (#938)
emptyrivers (1):
- include debuffClass in matchData (#924)
mrbuds (2):
- fix cross-server transmission after login #934
- add BAGUPDATECOOLDOWN event to "Item Count" trigger #929