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UploadedNov 25, 2018
Size4.14 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 8.0.1
2.9.1-24-g10ae1cb (2018-11-25)
InfusOnWoW (8):
- Change how cloneIds for cloning are dertermined
- Fix background offset for circular progress with start/end angles
- Make right side only 25% wider
- Move Collpased Data out of AuthorOptions.lua
- Don't load custom trigger combination unless needed
- Add debuffClass to state
- Bufftrigger 2: Fix trigger description on import to "Aura"
- Treat functions checking for unaffected/all as group member counting
Lauri Tirkkonen (1):
- add Icon properties for Cooldown Swipe & Edge
Stanzilla (3):
- add new add/delete move up/down and template icons
- Revert "refactor order calculation"
- change expand/collapse buttons
emptyrivers (11):
- Extend CONTRIBUTING guidelines to include some code standards (#977)
- adjust trigger.unitExists option name (#976)
- fix renaming causing Multipick tooltip to not show (#967)
- collect alpha value from color option (#965)
- fix global leak
- rename original glow property (#956)
- refactor order calculation
- fix width not appearing for description
- add space option type
- Misc (#950)
- Introduce Author-defined Options (#694)
mrbuds (1):
- cast trigger: slight rework, add multi, auto-clone and target options (#857)