

  • Filename
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  • Uploaded
    Aug 10, 2019
  • Size
    4.50 MB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 8.2.0


2.14.0-beta2-12-g489bb7b (2019-08-10)

Full Changelog

Lag (1):

  • fix import error with escape from < and >

Stanzilla (1):

  • fix libcustomglow repo path

emptyrivers (2):

  • shut down WeakAuras if it was installed on a target it was not packaged for
  • Add history collection

mrbuds (8):

  • fix load condition error on classic
  • CLEU: fix ignored parameter on classic for SPELL/RANGE/DAMAGE prefix
  • CLEU trigger: disable spellId field for classic #1540
  • war stomp reset melee swing timer
  • Cooldown Spell trigger: guard against nil error when copying aura from retail to classic (#1539)
  • classic: removed "Spell Activation Overlay" trigger
  • Cast trigger: only unit=player for classic for now Remove support for LibClassicCast
  • classic: improve support for libClassicDurations