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UploadedDec 27, 2019
Size4.60 MB
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.13.3
2.15.5-63-g9f61464 (2019-12-27)
InfusOnWoW (34):
- Fix various small issues with Bar glows
- Warn about untrackable units in BuffTrigger2
- Warn against too long up times if that prevents scheduling timers
- Model: Don't call SetCamera
- Rewrite Model regions and thumbnail handling
- Fix BarModel alpha not working in some cases
- Point users to twitch support
- Make the title width scale with the length of the version string
- Glow.lua: Don't load old Masque versions
- Fix FrameStrata for dynamic groups
- Fix anchoring of borders/glows on masque skins
- Fix error for condition in options
- Replace localized raid markers in text with locale-independant strings
- Fix toolbar/search box visible
- Also use ReplaceRaidMarkerSymbols in Text
- squash into toolbar
- Add Raid Markers support to SubText
- Fix WeakAuras.difficulty_info to have a entry for normal
- Add more Options to Status/Conditions
- Add a "toolbar" to the WeakAuras window
- Add a total duration check to bufftrigger2
- Add a "hostility" check to the CLEU trigger
- Fix Truncating Fonts after game launch
- Add a exact spell id option to the spell known load option
- Fix %p in Aura Preview sometimes going missing
- Fix overlays not being updated in some edge cases
- Readd a gcd check for Item Cooldowns
- Set Max/Min Progress: Add a relative mode to it
- Totem: Add a pattern match trigger option
- Add WIKI links to TextEditor
- Remove a call to ActivateChild that is not needed
- Glow
- Fix border anchoring
- Remove unused UpdateAnchor from various sub elements
LiangYuxuan (1):
- fix typo
Stanzilla (3):
- Fix classic check
- Update Issue Template
- Rename button widget and add GameFontNormal to luacheckrc
emptyrivers (7):
- also bump workflow target version
- toc bump
- Fix feature request template
- adjust repair tool buttons
- ignore desktop.ini
- add control for hiding reorder entry controls
- add array entry naming feature
mrbuds (16):
- add nameFunc to trigger "Spell Known" fixes #1871
- add Ny'alotha, the Waking City encounter ids
- Classic totem (#1863)
- reposition children of dynamic group on unitframes on GETFRAME_REFRES… (#1864)
- remove totem triggers of classic templates
- disable Totem trigger for classic
- Add "Queued Action" trigger for classic fixes #1628
- remove the "Delete" option for groups fixes #1841
- fix petbehaviortypes for classic
- templates: fix glow
- Power trigger: update spell cost on UNITSPELLCASTSUCCEEDED fixes #1822
- Classic templates
- fix nil error in "Charges Changed (Spell)" trigger (#1828)
- Use proper callbacks for classic libraries (#1821)
- Classic: Use LibClassicDurations's UnitAuraDirect instead of Un… (#1816)
- fix stance trigger when form checkbox is not selected fixes #1805
nullKomplex (2):
- Add Relative Offset Property Change (#1866)
- Re-add Range Check to Classic. (#1839)