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UploadedApr 11, 2020
Size4.06 MB
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.13.3
2.17.0-beta2 (2020-04-11)
Second beta of 2.17.0
ForsakenNGS (1):
- Added option to supply pure text tooltips (#2076)
Grim (1):
- Allow WA Updates from chat links. (#2085)
InfusOnWoW (18):
- Workaround China's overeager profanity filter
- Fix Models on Icons
- Classic: Fix SAY/YELL not being prevented outside of instances
- Glow External Element Conditions: Fix multi selection
- Fix pencil descriptions not layouting correctly
- Fix Profession Cooldowns if they are on cooldown before login
- BuffTrigger: Fix bug in filtering scan functions
- Fix a few more instances of missing nil checks,
- Wrap calls to customTestFunctions defined in conditionTest into xpcall
- Add missing file
- Tweak Pencil Options to make the whole line clickable
- BuffTrigger2: Fix small issues
- Fix Model on AuraBars
- Model: Fix bug where a released model was not properly released
- Fix typo
- Fix totalStacks calculation for multi bufftriggers
- BuffTrigger2: Remove unused strings
- Prevent auras from being hidden while the options are open
Sanluli36li (1):
- Add Text's Automatic Width and Word Warp for Subtext
asaka-wa (2):
- Universal animation easing (#2087)
- Eased translate animations (#2080)
mrbuds (5):
- stance trigger: fix multi and simplify the code GetShapeshiftForm() seems to be working for classic now
- update classic toc interface version to 11304 where it was missing
- remove previous glow before applying a new one
- improve flow of glow external element conditions & actions
- [WIP] Auto re-anchor unitframes & slightly different anchors for nameplates addons (#2070)