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UploadedAug 25, 2022
Size6.73 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 9.2.7
Supported WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Versions
- 3.4.0
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.14.3
Supported WoW Burning Crusade Classic Versions
- 2.5.4
4.0.3-21-ga41e9f16 (2022-08-25)
InfusOnWoW (7):
- Options Fix tooltips of BT2
- Fix creation of fallback states
- GenericTrigger: Fix number check if there's nothing to check against
- Custom Options: Allow width setting for multiselect
- Conditions: Fix lua error for strange remaining time checks
- Improve Lua Error handling
- More reasonable font sizes and fixed formating
Nightwarden24 (1):
- Fix "Spec Role" load condition label on Retail again
Penegal (1):
- Adds font size menu in settings. 12 - 24, increasing by 2.
asakawa (5):
- really actually remove escape from the editor this time, honest
- Tidy up combat log additions (#3759)
- TextEditor: Remove escape to close without saving (#3760)
- Add raid marks as a text replacement on combat log triggers (#3754)
- add elapsed to FRAME_UPDATE
mrbuds (7):
- Wrath Talent load condition rework (#3730)
- Rename "From Template" to "Premade Auras" and change icon
- Wrath assigned role load condition: use role from talent group if not in a group with assigned role
- Fix glows missing on some frames not in LibGetFrame cache yet
- Fix "spec role" load condition label on retail
- Item Equipped trigger: add slot filter
- templates classic up to wrath: add immolate to warlock debuffs, fixes #3740