

  • Filename
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  • Uploaded
    Jun 8, 2024
  • Size
    8.20 MB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 11.0.0
  • 10.2.7

Supported WoW Cataclysm Classic Versions

  • 4.4.0

Supported WoW Classic Versions

  • 1.15.2


5.13.2-18-g5f239a00 (2024-06-08)

Full Changelog

InfusOnWoW (5):

  • Add WeakAuras.CheckTalentForUnit based on LibSpecialization
  • Options: Fix Shift+Click not selecting clipped buttons
  • Fix Blessing of Summer Talent load option
  • Fetching statusbar_atlas shouldn't fall back to any defaults
  • Update Atlas File List from wago.tools

Stanzilla (1):

  • Update WeakAurasModelPaths from wago.tools

mrbuds (12):

  • Allow register some internal events without specify an ID
  • Allow register some internal events with multiple IDs at once
  • Enable Alternate Power trigger on cataclysm
  • TWW compatibility for loadInternalEventFunc
  • Remove legacy GetCurrencyInfo code for Cataclysm (#5108)
  • WeakAuras.WatchUnitChange & UnitIsUnit (#5029)
  • Profiling window: increase spike & time column width, and make the window resizable
  • Profiling: Improve systems categorization
  • Check UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED only for player
  • typo fix
  • Remove unused tables
  • Optimization for running trigger function less often for following triggers: