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UploadedOct 21, 2024
Size8.85 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 11.0.2
Supported WoW Cataclysm Classic Versions
- 4.4.0
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.15.4
5.17.2-14-g6ed14155 (2024-10-21)
Boneshock (1):
- Add chat command for WA profiling window
InfusOnWoW (7):
- Stagger: Workaround UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED not firing for the last tick
- Druid Templates: Add Apex Predator buff and overlayglow
- Discord Updater: Allow Cyrillic in names
- Combo Points: Remove treat charged as seven feature
- Update Discord List
- Deprecate unfiltered CLEU events
- DG: Fix Centered Grow if 0 auras are visible
Stanzilla (2):
- Update WeakAurasModelPaths from wago.tools
- fix(ci): downgrade github workflows that depend on svn to the ubuntu-22.04 image
emptyrivers (2):
- fix archive clean schedule
- finally remove LibDeflate hard commit
mrbuds (2):
- BuffTrigger2 Multi Handler: make profiling more granular
- Power Trigger: fix max combo points on Cataclysm