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UploadedAug 11, 2015
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
- WeakAuras.lua Remove WeakAuras.RegisterMany
It was unused and called a non existing fnction
- WeakAuras.lua Comment on a few global variables
- WeakAuras.lua Clean up aliases for global functions
None of those functions were actually used
- Font Size for Icon and Aurabar
Harmonize max to what the text region is using, meaning switch from
max = 24 / max = 25 to softMax = 72.
- Cast Trigger: Add inverse option
Ticket-number: 344
- Update combat log trigger to include isOffHand and Multistrike
See http://wow.gamepedia.com/COMBAT_LOG_EVENT
I have tested multistrike for healing and damage and it worked.
Ticket-number: 350
- Don't show all buttons on loading finished (if the options are hidden)
Ticket-number: 360
Benjamin Staneck:
- add the remaining ones and add a local for _G
- list some globals so lua-linter-globals shuts up about them.
- Fix GenericTrigger.Rename()
loaded_events doesn't always contain the id on the first level. Also
rename the ids in the update_clients table.
- Fix affected player being unknown sometimes.
As far as I can tell, sometimes after logging in GetUnitName returns
unknown for some players. So check directly before returning the name
if the name is equal to UNKNOWNOBJECT and then fix our cached name.
Ticket-number: 378
- Fix AssertMemberList not including the player on the first call
Ticket-number: 378
Benjamin Staneck:
- Avoid the creation of a new table for every WeakAuras.GetAuraTooltipInfo() call by avi90