All Namespaces
- %d |4Week:Weeks;
- %s does not wish to be disturbed: %s
- %s is Away From Keyboard: %s
- %s is typing...
- (Limited by shortcut bar)
- _DateFormat
- _DemoText
- _Description
- <Left-Click>
- <Right-Click>
- <Right-Click> to show unread messages.
- <Shift-Click> to close window.
- A new version of WIM is available! You can download the latest version by going to:
- Action to Perform:
- Action:
- Add Filter
- Add Friend
- Allow
- Allow <ESC> to hide windows.
- Allow others to see me typing.
- Allow others to see my location.
- Allow others to see my talent spec.
- Allowing your history logs to grow too large will affect the game's performance, therefore it is reccomended that you use the following options.
- Alphabetical
- Apply to messages received.
- Apply to messages sent.
- Are you sure you want to delete all history saved for %s on %s?
- Are you sure you want to ignore %s?
- Auto Close Friends after:
- Auto Close Non-Friends after:
- Auto focus a window when it is shown.
- Auto focus when window is shown.
- Automatically delete old messages.
- Automatically group whispers.
- Automatically manage your open windows and place them into appropriate tab groups.
- Behaviors for state:
- Block
- Blocked
- Cancel
- Cascade overlapping windows.
- Cascade windows.
- Chat
- Chat Font Size
- Chat View
- Clear various WIM data.
- Click to update...
- Click to view message history.
- Clicking the %s button on the message window will show that user's history in WIM's History Viewer.
- Color: Error Messages
- Color: History Messages Received
- Color: History Messages Sent
- Color: Messages Received
- Color: Messages Sent
- Color: System Messages
- Color: URL - Web Addresses
- Configure general display settings when dealing with whispers.
- Configure general window display settings.
- Configure the fonts used in WIM's message windows.
- Configure various sound events and how they are triggered.
- Coordinates
- Created by:
- Creating Tab Groups
- Credits
- Cross-Realm
- Day
- Death Knight
- Death KnightF
- Default
- Default Height
- Default Width
- Delete Filter
- Demo Window
- Direction:
- Disable
- Disabled
- Display
- Display available slash commands.
- Display character information.
- Display Emoticons
- Display emoticons.
- Display floating item links.
- Display history viewer.
- Display item links when hovering over them.
- Display Minimap Icon
- Display minimap icon.
- Display Settings
- Display Shortcut Bar
- Display Time Stamps
- Display time stamps
- Display tooltips.
- Display Tutorials
- Display URLs as item links.
- Display URLs as Links
- Display user class icons and details.
- Display WIM tips
- Display WIM's options.
- Do you want to continue?
- Does not apply to windows already opened.
- Down
- Drag to set default spawn/position for message windows.
- Druid
- DruidF
- Edit Filter
- Enable
- Enable Filtering
- Enable History
- Enable WIM
- Enable WIM-2-WIM
- Enable window animation effects.
- Enable window animations.
- Enable window fading effects.
- Enabled
- Error Messages
- Everyone
- Example Spam Blocker
- Filter By
- Filter Name
- Filtering
- Filtering allows you to control which messages are handled as well as how they are handlef by WIM.
- Filters
- Font Outline
- Font Size
- Fonts
- Friends
- Game Master
- General
- Guild Members
- History
- History Viewer
- Hunter
- HunterF
- Icon Position
- If you want all windows to be this size, you can set the default window size within WIM's options.
- Ignore
- Ignore arrow keys in message box.
- Ignore arrow keys while typing.
- Ignore User
- Incoming Messages
- Indent long messages.
- Intercept Slash Commands
- Intercept slash commands.
- Invalid Alias!
- Invalid Keyword/Phrase!
- Invalid Name!
- Invite to Party
- Keep focus on window after sending a message.
- Keep windows on top of your UI.
- Keyword/Phrase is already used!
- Left
- Level
- Loading History
- Mage
- MageF
- Main
- Maintenance
- Manipulate how WIM displays messages.
- Manipulating Tabs
- Message Formatting
- Message Window Hidden
- Messages
- Month
- Name is already used!
- No
- No New Messages
- No results found!
- None
- Occurrences:
- OK
- Options
- Outgoing Messages
- Paladin
- PaladinF
- Party Members
- Pattern
- Place friends in their own group.
- Place guild members in their own group.
- Play sound when a whisper is received.
- Play sound when a whisper is sent.
- Play sound when message is received.
- Play sound when message is sent.
- Play special sound for friends.
- Play special sound for guild members.
- Player Location
- Plugins
- Pop-Up window when message is received.
- Pop-Up window when message is sent.
- Preserve focus after sending messages.
- Preview
- Preview history inside message windows.
- Priest
- PriestF
- Privacy
- Protected
- Raid Members
- Recent Activity
- Record Chat
- Record Everyone
- Record Friends
- Record Guild
- Record Whispers
- Reload User Interface.
- Requires /who querying.
- Requires using <Alt> to navigate text.
- Requires who lookups.
- Reset all options to default.
- Reset Tutorials
- Resetting WIM will clear all of your settings!
- Resizing Windows
- Restrict the data that is shared.
- Right
- Rogue
- RogueF
- Save
- Save a maximum number of messages per person.
- Search
- Search resulted in %d |4message:messages;.
- Set Window Spawn Location
- Shaman
- ShamanF
- Show All
- Show window when message has been received.
- Show window when sending a message.
- Some settings may be limited by certain skins.
- Sort alphabetically.
- Sort tabs by:
- Sounds
- Special Thanks:
- state_arena
- state_combat
- state_other
- state_party
- state_pvp
- state_raid
- state_resting
- Suppress messages from the default chat frame.
- Supress messages from default chat frame.
- System Messages
- Tab Management
- Tabs
- Talent Spec
- Text View
- There is a newer version of WIM available for download. You can download it at %s.
- Thick
- Thin
- This action will reload your user interface.
- This is a long message which contains both emoticons and urls 8). WIM's home is
- This setting limits the window's minimum height.
- To see a list of available WIM slash commands type:
- Toggle Debugging Mode 'On' and 'Off'.
- Toggle WIM 'On' and 'Off'.
- Transparency (Percent)
- Unknown
- Up
- Usage
- Use <Escape> to close windows.
- Use colors suggested by skin.
- Use font suggested by skin.
- Use the same rules for all states.
- User Level
- User must be at least level:
- User Type
- Version
- W2W Profile
- Warlock
- WarlockF
- Warrior
- WarriorF
- Web URLs
- Week
- Welcome!
- Whisper Received!
- Whispers
- Whispers Sent by Addons
- WhisperSelect Part 1
- WhisperSelect Part 2
- WIM (WoW Instant Messenger)
- WIM can store conversations to be viewed at a later time.
- WIM History Button
- WIM History Viewer
- WIM History Viewer can be accessed any time by typing:
- WIM is currently running. To access WIM's wide array of options type:
- WIM pruned %d |4message:messages; from your history.
- WIM Slash Commands
- WIM Update Available!
- WIM-2-WIM is a feature which allows users with WIM to interact in ways that normal whispering can not.
- WIM's message window has been hidden to WIM's Minimap Icon. If you want to end a conversation, you may do so by <Shift-Clicking> the close button.
- Window Alpha
- Window Behavior
- Window Height
- Window Resized!
- Window Scale
- Window Scale (Percent)
- Window Settings
- Window Skin:
- Window Strata:
- Window Width
- Windows will also be hidden when frames such as the world map are shown.
- Windows will close when opening the world map.
- Yes
- You are about to clear all of WIM's history!
- You are about to restore WIM's filters to it's default settings!
- You can <Shift-Click> a tab and drag it out into it's own window.
- You can control how windows behave while you are in different situations.
- You can group two or many windows together by <Shift-Clicking> a window and dragging it on top of another.
- You can resize a window by holding <Shift> and dragging the bottom right corner of the window.
- You received a whisper which was hidden due to your current activity. You can change how whispers behave in WIM's options by typing