WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3
WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game.
- Whispers in their own windows.
- Chat in their own windows.
- Tabbed windows
- Highly configurable.
- History
- Copy and paste as:
- Raw Text
- BBCode
- Copy and paste as:
- Advanced, intellectual window behaviors & animations.
- Skins
- Emoticons
- Clickable web URLS for easy viewing. No more retyping a long url a friend sends you.
- Customizable sound options.
- Expose - great way to clear your screen of windows when you are in combat.
- Addon Compatibility: (Always make sure you are running the latest versions.
- Prat
Guess thats why it doesn't work any more since last update.
Everyone experiencing this Problem, shall install the version for 3.3.3
Yours sincerely
Date: 2010-06-24 19:47:25
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua line 756:
attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
[C]: ?
(tail call): ?
WIM\Modules\ChatEngine.lua:866: handler()
Time: 06/24/10 16:46:39
Count: 3
Stack: Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:756: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:746>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1295: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1245>
(tail call): ?
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:186: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:174>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:308: in function `handler'
...s\WIM\Libs\LibChatHandler-1.0\LibChatHandler-1.0.lua:267: in function <...s\WIM\Libs\LibChatHandler-1.0\LibChatHandler-1.0.lua:252>
...s\WIM\Libs\LibChatHandler-1.0\LibChatHandler-1.0.lua:308: in function <...s\WIM\Libs\LibChatHandler-1.0\LibChatHandler-1.0.lua:296>
Locals: obj = WIM3_msgFrame4 {
0 = <userdata>
type = "whisper"
isParent = true
theUser = "Caradess"
fName = "WIM3_msgFrame4"
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = WIM3_msgFrame4 {
0 = <userdata>
type = "whisper"
isParent = true
theUser = "Caradess"
(*temporary) = "TOPLEFT"
(*temporary) = WIM_UIParent {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "BOTTOMLEFT"
(*temporary) = 25
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = WIM_UIParent {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value"
MessageWindow_MovementControler_OnDragStart = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:463
MessageWindow_MovementControler_OnDragStop = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:471
MessageWindow_Frame_OnShow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:498
MessageWindow_Frame_OnHide = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:520
MessageWindow_Frame_OnUpdate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:582
helperFrame = WIM_WindowHelperFrame {
0 = <userdata>
ResetState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:305
flash = WIM_WindowHelperFrameFlash {
CreateFrame = <function> defined =[C]:-1
_G =
ContainerFrame5Item7 = ContainerFrame5Item7 {
MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown = MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown {
MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock = MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock {
GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
UNIT_NAMES_COMBATLOG_TOOLTIP = "Namen von Einheiten einfärben."
SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
MerchantItem6AltCurrencyFrameHonorTexture = MerchantItem6AltCurrencyFrameHonorTexture {
TutorialFrameLeft19 = TutorialFrameLeft19 {
MultiCastActionButton2Cooldown = MultiCastActionButton2Cooldown {
ERR_TRADE_EQUIPPED_BAG = "Mit von Euch angelegten Taschen könnt Ihr nicht handeln."
PVP_RANK_6_1 = "Fußknecht"
MultiBarLeftButton7 = MultiBarLeftButton7 {
OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_MULTIBAR4 = "Blendet eine zusätzliche optionale Aktionsleiste auf der rechten Bildschirmseite ein/aus."
InterfaceOptionsDisplayPanelShowAggroPercentageText = InterfaceOptionsDisplayPanelShowAggroPercentageText {
VideoOptionsFrameCategoryFrameButton17ToggleHighlightTexture = VideoOptionsFrameCategoryFrameButton17ToggleHighlightTexture {
MerchantItem6AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem6AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text {
BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Plaketten für Gegner einblenden"
IsReferAFriendLinked = <function> defined =[C]:-1
MAIL_LETTER_TOOLTIP = "Klicken, um eine dauerhafte
Kopie dieses Briefs anzufertigen."
UnitFrameManaBar_UnregisterDefaultEvents = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\UnitFrame.lua:298
CALENDAR_RAID_RESET_DESCRIPTION = "%1$s wird um %2$s zurückgesetzt."
TutorialFrameRight19 = TutorialFrameRight19 {
MoneyFrame_OnEvent = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\MoneyFrame.lua:184
WatchFrameItem_OnEvent = <function> defined
No Popup or w in chat is showing,,
/cast aspect of the dragonhawk for its macro buttons
with the new wim it whispers the last person i whispered
aspect of the dragonhawk
does not cast it the /cast part is apearently ignored or dissapears some how it seems to work that way with any /cast macro deffinatly more so in raids
i can´t whiper to anybody with the newest version :(
Date: 2010-06-24 12:51:34
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua line 1476:
attempt to call method 'Pop' (a nil value)
[C]: Pop()
WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1476: ShowAllWindows()
WIM\Modules\MinimapIcon.lua:430: func()
..\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:575: UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Date: 2010-06-24 12:34:04
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 2
Message: ..\AddOns\WIM\WIM.lua line 397:
attempt to call field 'BNGetNumFriends' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
[C]: BNGetNumFriends()
WIM\WIM.lua:383: fun()
WIM\WIM.lua:339: CoreEventHandler()
I hope the problem will be solved soon :)
Earthen Ring
If you start a conversation with Real ID WIM works fine. However if someone sends a tell to your Real ID you will see the whisper, but be unable to reply to them. You get the error message "Blah is not online"
If you recieve a tell to your b.net account you must go to the chat bubble on your mini map and "X" the conversation, THEN go to that Real ID on your friends list and start your own conversation. Once you do this you will be able to chat with that person without any errors.
Obviously this is a problem that needs to be fixed, but at least there is a workaround for now.
19x WIM-3.3.5\WIM.lua:397: attempt to call field 'BNGetNumFriends' (a nil value)
WIM-3.3.5\WIM.lua:339: in function `CoreEventHandler'
WIM-3.3.5\WIM.lua:62: in function <WIM\WIM.lua:62>
self =
addonTocName = "WIM"
msg = "NEGOTIATE:3.3.5:0"
tblInUse =
SetUpAnimation = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Animations.lua:67:
modules =
AddEscapeWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1518:
RGBHextoHSVPerc = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:127:
GetChannelCount = <function> @ WIM\Modules\ChatEngine.lua:1619:
windows =
updateScrollBars = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:448:
PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING = <function> @ WIM\Sources\StateHandler.lua:77:
GetTalentSpec = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:519:
IsInParty = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:448:
debug = false
GetFontKeyByName = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:308:
PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <function> @ WIM\Sources\StateHandler.lua:71:
paddString = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:222:
ShowAllWindows = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1466:
RegisterStringModifier = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1435:
Menu = WIM3Menu {}
lastState = "other"
isInTable = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:84:
CompareVersion = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:466:
db =
GetAvailableTabGroup = <function> @ WIM\Sources\TabHandler.lua:675:
CreateW2WWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1387:
RegisterSkin = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:260:
ShowProfileTip = <function> @ WIM\Modules\W2W.lua:268:
ShowAllUnreadWindows = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1487:
lists =
ShowOptions = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Options\Options.lua:318:
MinimapPopAlert = <function> @ WIM\Modules\MinimapIcon.lua:484:
FRIENDLIST_UPDATE = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:386:
ShowDemoWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1395:
BN_FRIEND_INFO_CHANGED = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:386:
RemoveEscapeWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1527:
useProtocol2 = false
LoadSkin = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:228:
DisplayTutorial = <function> @ WIM\Modules\Tutorials.lua:98:
GetRegisteredSkins = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:385:
GetWindowSoupBowl = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1375:
addToTableUnique = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:57:
ShowContainer = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1582:
HSVPerctoRGBPerc = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:155:
GetSelectedSkin = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:224:
GetSkinTable = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:381:
dPrint = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:266:
ctxMenu =
DestroyWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:1391:
inherritTable = <function> @ WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:24:
GetRevision = <function> @ WIM\ChangeLog.lua:391:
constants =
ApplySkinToWidget = <function> @ WIM\Sources\Skinner.lua:358:
RegisterPreSendFilterText = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:540:
L =
O =
PreSendFilterText = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:533:
scaleWindow = <function> @ WIM\Sources\WindowHandler.lua:734:
IsInRaid = <function> @ WIM\WIM.lua:457:
S =
removeFromTable = <function> defined @
Interesting and odd. >.>