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The new "reputations" (Renown) for DF aren't being tracked and / or displayed properly. Since all of the new factions are like covenants now (in terms of not having Neutral / Friendly / Honored / Revered / Exalted / Paragon) the rep display is reporting erroneous levels and progress.
For example, at Renown level 2, the reputation bar displays something like this (made-up numbers just for example):
"Dragonscale Expedition (Friendly) -3500/6000 -%60 to Honored"
Note the negative values.
I know XPBN wasn't built to track renown, but now 'renown' is the new 'reputation'.
In core.lua, in line 1566 add this:if factionID then if factionID == 2507 or factionID == 2503 or factionID == 2511 or factionID == 2510 then repMax = 2500 repMin = 0 repValue = repValue + 3000 end endtemp fix to display properly bar.
Thank you very much! Have a happy new year.
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