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UploadedJul 3, 2011
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.2.0
r545 | mysticalos | 2011-07-03 21:18:26 +0000 (Sun, 03 Jul 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidFrames/XPerl_Raid.lua
stop trying to hide raid frame container if option is turned off
r543 | mysticalos | 2011-06-28 09:40:29 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_ArcaneBar/XPerl_ArcaneBar.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_CustomHighlight/XPerl_CustomHighlight.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_Highlight.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_Options/XPerl_Options.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_Party/XPerl_Party.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_PartyPet/XPerl_PartyPet.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_Player/XPerl_Player.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_PlayerBuffs/XPerl_PlayerBuffs.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_PlayerPet/XPerl_PlayerPet.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidAdmin/XPerl_RaidAdmin.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidFrames/XPerl_RaidFrames.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidHelper/XPerl_RaidHelper.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidMonitor/XPerl_RaidMonitor.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidPets/XPerl_RaidPets.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_Target/XPerl_Target.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_Target/XPerl_Target.toc
M /trunk/XPerl_TargetTarget/XPerl_TargetTarget.toc
M /trunk/changelog.txt
bump toc, remove compatiblity code for 4.1, CLEU is now 4.2+
r542 | mysticalos | 2011-06-19 21:15:44 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/localization.deDE.lua
M /trunk/localization.esES.lua
M /trunk/localization.frFR.lua
M /trunk/localization.koKR.lua
M /trunk/localization.ruRU.lua
M /trunk/localization.zhCN.lua
M /trunk/localization.zhTW.lua
fix it in all other locals too actually. (why there are actual redundant functions duplicated in all the local files is beyond me, bad zek)
r541 | mysticalos | 2011-06-19 21:14:12 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/localization.lua
fix spellid for warlock underwater breathing
r540 | mysticalos | 2011-06-13 22:26:38 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl.lua
M /trunk/XPerl.toc
M /trunk/localization.lua
bump version, will wait for 4.2 for toc and tagging though.
r539 | mysticalos | 2011-06-13 22:18:44 +0000 (Mon, 13 Jun 2011) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl_CustomHighlight/XPerl_CustomHighlight.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_Options/XPerl_FrameOptions.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_Options/XPerl_FrameOptions.xml
M /trunk/XPerl_Player/XPerl_Player.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_PlayerPet/XPerl_Player_Pet.lua
removed some useless stuff from custom highlights and added low health
Removed pet experience
Remove old obsolete 5 second rule
r538 | mysticalos | 2011-06-07 18:41:36 +0000 (Tue, 07 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl_Highlight.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_Target/XPerl_Target.lua
Combat log is forward compatible iwth 4.2, but still compatible with 4.1 live. Cleaned up CLEU code somewhat too
r536 | mysticalos | 2011-06-05 21:56:29 +0000 (Sun, 05 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl.lua
M /trunk/XPerl.toc
M /trunk/localization.lua
Bump version
r535 | playerlin | 2011-06-04 10:30:24 +0000 (Sat, 04 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl.lua
Ticket 1186 - Fixed a typo in XPerl.lua cause the "if" condition expression never evaluate to "true", thanks Asjaskan reported this.
r534 | playerlin | 2011-05-22 02:18:45 +0000 (Sun, 22 May 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/XPerl.lua
M /trunk/XPerl_RaidFrames/XPerl_Raid.lua
Removing the target highlighting bugfix on XPerl_Raid.lua after fix same shit on PartyFrame in r532, it's useless now.