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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Enable everything in the "General" tab under the Status Highlighting section except "healing" and "extra sparkles" (I never have those on). Enter a battleground and use Prayer of Mending, Renew, and Power Word: Shield normally as a Disc Priest.2.3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?I want to see what player currently has my PoM buff as well as track which players have shields and my HoT. The raid frames properly track my Renew as well as my Power Word: Shield. The PoM however seems to have a 50/50 chance of showing up properly and "bouncing" around correctly. Most of the time the (I'm assuming) Blizzard UI pops up with an error claiming that my addons are encountering too many errors and may be slowing gameplay. It asks me if I want to disable them (of course I won't, X-Perl is life).
What version of the product are you using?Version 3.7.1 is installed currently. It's a fresh install since I just returned to the game a little less than a week ago after being gone for about a year and a half. I uninstalled the entire game between then and now so no old files are on my computer.
Do you have an error log of what happened?Yes.
Please provide any additional information below.
I've never posted anything like this so I hope this has information that is helpful. I have a long list of addons that I use admittedly. When I encounter this error this is everything that shows up. I see no mention of another addon so it's not a "clash" with the rest of my UI as far as I can see.
Copy/pasted directly from BugSack:
19x XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:836: attempt to perform arithmetic on local "x1" (a nil value)XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:836: in function "CreateMendingIcon"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:734: in function "ShowMending"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:382: in function "SetHighlight"XPerl_Party\XPerl_Party-r851.lua:77: in function "?"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1272: in function "Send"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:183: in function "Add"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1599: in function "?"XPerl-r851\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1283: in function <XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1282>
Locals:self = XPerl_Highlight { 0 = <userdata> HasEffect = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:229 ShowHotBar = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:616 PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1654 TotalShield = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:509 SparkleAreaOnUpdate = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1200 GetMyPomEndTime = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:716 TriggerMendingAnimation = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:854 list = <table> {} CreateHotBar = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:561 OnUpdate = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:244 Damage = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1474 mendingAnimationIcons = <table> {} RemoveHighlight = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1240 pomSourceGUID = "0x0480000005E32E6D" ShowHotCount = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:689 PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1646 StartMendingAnimation = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:882 CreateShine = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:551 UNIT_AURA = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1573 CreateHotCount = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:649 ShowShieldBar = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:522 lastExpireCheck = 0.033000001683831 mendingIcons = <table> {} RefreshAllAuras = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1661 COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1290 Add = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:141 SparkleAreasOnUpdate = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1219 OptionChange = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1669 RemoveAllFromGUID = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1565 UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1504 ShowMending = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:729 FindMyPomPom = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1547 Print = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:136 HasMyShield = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1534 GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1638 Remove = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:213 SparkleArea = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1017 CreateMendingIcon = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:787 ShowHotSparks = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1226 MendingAnimationOnUpdate = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:939 HasMyPomPom = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1521 TooltipInfo = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:191 clEvents = <table> {} Register = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1277 GetMyHotTime = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:597 SparkleAreaRemoveSpark = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1121 HasMyHOT = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:676 flashers = <table> {} StopMendingAnimation = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1003 OnEvent = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1282 Send = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1270 ClearAll = <func> @XPerl\XPerl_Highlight.lua:1254 SparkleAreaAddSpa
Thank you for what you wrote on Curse again. I've already seen this error report a few months ago, but I think we've never fixed it because it wasn't detailed and I couldn't reproduce it. Also as stated by another ticket, we still have a bug with priests and their special bar, that doesn't show up when you change your spec. I don't have a leveled priest, but I'll probably ask my friend if he can let me try fix the other issue and yours.
Could you also please try to find out what is the particular setting that if turned on (or off) causes this problem. That could greatly speed up the process.
@Asixandur: Go
Didn't know if what I had was detailed enough or not. I'm now working on narrowing it down farther. I'll report back when I get it down to 2 options that are clashing or whatever the case is.
@Asixandur: Go Okay I managed to get the same error to pop. 3 things have to be checked under General->Status Highlighting.
1. HoTs 2. Prayer of Mending 3. Sparkles
Weird thing is I found another weird glitch but I don't think it shows in the error report or maybe that IS the problem. I don't know coding so I should probably stop guessing.
SO the Prayer of Mending icon will NOT show on my raid frames if just that option is enabled. There is no error that pops up, it simply doesn't show. When I enable sparkles (when combined with Prayer of Mending it should show both who has the buff and a trail when it moves to another target) the PoM icon again does not show for me. It ONLY works when I have HoTs enabled with those two options. PoM is not a hot, it's a reactive heal. And it is when I have these 3 options enabled to get the PoM to show right is when I get the error from my original post.
Thing is the PoM setting should work alone. It should just show the icon on who has the buff and reappear (teleport or whatever) on the next target the buff jumps to. It doesn't though. When the sparkles are enabled coupled with the PoM option, it should show a trail behind the icon of the buff moving from one frame to the other (similar to how it bounces in game from player to player actually) but again this won't show for me. Only when HoTs are enabled will PoM work and show on my raid frames. But when it works, it doesn't. It will show the PoM icon and bounce and looks like it's working fine but the error pops up for my BugGrabber. If I use PoM a lot (I do) it'll keep popping up and get the Blizz UI to ask me to disable my addons because they're causing a lot of lag.
So I think something in the PoM settings is the problem. When I have all the other options for my bubbles and hots enabled but nothing to do with my PoM, I'm fine.
Also, I'm a heal addict so my dual spec setup is Disc/Holy currently. If any of this info actually helps and is clear enough to get a fix for this error, I can help and try to figure out what's up with the shadow priest special frame issue if you'd like.
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