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The Siege of Orgrimmar should also come with some default debuffs. Zone ID of Siege of Orgrimmar is 369
Some starting recommended defaults for debuffs:
In XPerl_FrameOptions.lua a variable called ICON_STOP_SCAN is equal to 120000.
Many spells since MOP was released use values larger than 120000. Recommend increasing that value to one that can encompass the new spells.
If the API allows it, perhaps it can be made dynamic by checking the dungeon journal for spells used by the bosses.
Probably I don't have time to do that, but I'll try to see if a friend wants to add the highlights for Siege of Orgrimmar. I'll also increase ICON_STOP_SCAN to 200000.
I'm having some difficulties understanding how the custom highlights options work....
Do you mean how the code works or what the Custom Highlight module does?
The Custom Highlight module puts a transparent icon version of the spell onto the unit frame of the person that has the spell. This is great for stuff like "Laser Burn" because you can instantly and easily see who in the raid needs a HOT.
As for how the code works, it seems to start at 0 and end at ICON_STOP_SCAN, incrementing by ICON_STEP_SIZE testing each spell or something. I'm not entirely sure how it works, and it'll probably take a few days to work it out.
Maybe just replacing it and letting you add the spell by ID would be easiest.
I've been adding my own buffs as I go into the LUA since as I wrote in the initial report I couldn't add them through the UI.
Then later on in the DefaultZoneData
[XPERL_LOC_ZONE_SIEGE_OF_ORGRIMMAR] = { [143198] = true, -- Garrote ( Protectors ) [143638] = true, -- Bonecracker ( General Nazgrim ) [144089] = true, -- Toxic Mist ( Dark Shaman) [142863] = true, -- Weak Ancient Barrier ( Malkorok ) [142864] = true, -- Ancient Barrier ( Malkorok ) [142865] = true, -- Strong Ancient Barrier ( Malkorok ) [144459] = true, -- Laser Burn },
@spikeles: Go
I don't understand how the code works. I tried a code similar to yours but without success: the siege of orgrimmar raid doesn't show up in the settings. I'll try to use your code and see if it works.
You have to click the Custom Highlight "Defaults" button for changes in that part to take effect since that code is only modifying the defaults table.
We're going to update that feature because it was great in Cata times and no-one has ever updated it.
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