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UploadedNov 23, 2010
Size387.31 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.0.3a
tag 1.2.0b
Yssaril <N/A>
2010-11-23 22:19:29 -0600
Tagging as 1.2.0b
- rescan to make sure the merge was successfull
- update miner and run so we have data for merging with the live branch
- update toc to Interface: 40000
- enable multiline bossnames in the loot frame
- add cata raid boss locations and fix multiboss tag for ST
- add all cata dungeon bosses and locations. also modified miner accordingly
- update Deadmines boss names. may i have a Cookie now?
- reparent blob frames during combat (code taken from mapster if mapster is active YBL will remove its own code and rely on mapster to reparent the blobs)
- add Sunken Temple Multibosses to miner and remine
- map out bossnames for Sunken Temple, The Stockade, and parts of Shadowfang Keep (damn invisible walls)
- remove height from bossframenamefontstring to allow for multiline bossnames
- move SFK and Deadmines over to Cata section and add Map ID for TFW
- add onyxia location and started on adding cata stuff
- account for Twin Emps and Bug family as multibosses
- add all classic raid boss locations
- Gyth is a subboss of Rend (adjusted miner and reran it)
- all classic dungeons mapped out need to refine boss names still (some may have changed)
- move non bossloot to the bottom right corner to minimize map interferance
- add some more boss location mappings
- started adding in some boss locations
- loot window works properly again (fixed animations apperantly only the anim group accepts the stop/play commands not the animation itself)
- initial zone updates for cata (loot display is still broken)