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What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Play in a 10-man raid as a Holy Paladin. Have the Wait for certain amount of the raid to arrive before group and class buffing commences. Zero to always buff. option set to 80%, 75%, 50% & 0% (on different tests).
2. Wait for everyone in the raid to get within range (40 yards) prior to combat.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: once the set percentages of the raid arrives within range, you would receive buff alerts via the ZOMGBuff icon for those who are missing them.
Instead: the alerts never appear in the icon. Thus causing you to consistently enter combat with some people unbuffed (which is intolerable). The only time buff alerts show up "properly" in the icon is when you have the above option set to 0%. Which makes the option meaningless.
What version of the product are you using?
Do you have an error log of what happened?
No errors.
Please provide any additional information below.
The Wait for certain amount of the raid to arrive before group and class buffing commences. Zero to always buff. option does not work at all (as described); it should be removed until it does. I disabled ZOMGBuffs for good and changed back to my old mod (SmartBuff, which does not have this problem) after the fifth whisper from someone in my raid saying they were missing a buff I normally provide.
Again hope that the solid reliability of the Ace2 version will eventually find its way into the current version, GL with it.
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