Two Errors since clean Install 1-23-13 #219

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  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser2492379 created this issue Jan 27, 2013

    What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Just loading into wow get two errors right off the bat that continually flag buggrabber. 2. 3.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    What version of the product are you using? 4.0 release 4

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.

    Error 1 of 2 8x ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-4.0 Release 4.lua:209: assertion failed! <in C code> ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-4.0 Release 4.lua:209: in main chunk

    Locals: L = <table> { PORTALZ_HOTKEY = "ZOMGPortalz Hotkey" Also buff current target (assuming they're not in your party or raid = "Also buff current target (assuming they're not in your party or raid" Top Left = "Top Left" Ignore Absent = "Ignore Absent" Raid = "Raid" <new name> = "<new name>" Short Names = "Short Names" Never = "Never" Show the popup raid list when you are in a party = "Show the popup raid list when you are in a party" Always Load Portalz = "Always Load Portalz" Notice Anchor = "Notice Anchor" Alphabetical = "Alphabetical" Size of main icon = "Size of main icon" Rename = "Rename" Is player flasked or potted = "Is player flasked or potted" How much mana should you have before considering auto buffing = "How much mana should you have before considering auto buffing" DRINKING = "you are drinking" Group %d = "Group %d" Wait for Raid = "Wait for Raid" Show buff time remaining with bar = "Show buff time remaining with bar" CHANNELING = "you are channeling a spell" Buff Pets = "Buff Pets" Unsorted = "Unsorted" Size = "Size" MANA = "your |cFFFFFF80mana|r is below the minimum configured threshold for auto buffing" Reminders = "Reminders" Font = "Font" Stamina = "Stamina" Only use single target buffs in arenas = "Only use single target buffs in arenas" None = "None" You can re-enable it by single clicking the ZOMGBuffs minimap/fubar icon = "You can re-enable it by single clicking the ZOMGBuffs minimap/fubar icon" Button Four = "Button Four" Renamed template |cFFFFFF80%s|r to |cFFFFFF80%s|r = "Renamed template |cFFFFFF80%s|r to |cFFFFFF80%s|r" Options to help you notice when things need doing = "Options to help you notice when things need doing" Lock floating icon position = "Lock floating icon position" Spirit = "Spirit" MOUNTED = "you are mounted and the |cFFFFFF80Not When Mounted|r option is enabled" Load this template = "Load this template" Route notification messages through SinkLib = "Route notification messages through SinkLib" Targetting = "Targetting" Not When Shapeshifted = "Not When Shapeshifted" Learning = "Learning" SPIRITTAP = "You have Spirit Tap and the |cFFFFFF80Not with Spirit Tap|r option is enabled" Set the texture for the buff timer bars = "Set the texture for the buff timer bars" Save = "Save" Blessings = "Blessings" Behaviour = "Behaviour" Don't auto buff when Mounted = "Don't auto buff when Mounted" Rename this template = "Rename this template" Show the Notice area anchor = "Show the Notice area anchor" Auto Buy Reagents = "Auto Buy Reagents" Arena = "Arena" Click Config = "Click Config" Select sorting order for buff overview (can't be changed during combat) = "Select sorting order for buff overview (can't be changed during combat)" <ZOMG> Missing %s: %s = "<ZOMG> Missing %s: %s" Right Button = "Right Button" Choose the anchor to use for the player list = "Choose the anchor to use for the player list" Always show Stamina and Mark of the Wild Columns = "Always show Stamina and Mark of the Wild Columns" You are now in a battleground = "You are now in a battleground" Empty = "Empty" Report raid buffs currently missing = "Report raid buffs currently missing" Load Raid Module = "Load Raid Module" Adjust the size of the timer text = "Adjust the size of the timer text" ZOMGSelfBuffs = "Self Buffs" Show = "Show" Hot-Key Setup = "Hot-Key Setup" Channel = "Channel" You are now in an arena = "You are now in an arena" ABOUT = "All in one buffing mod for all classes. Paladin buff generated assignments based on Paladin capabilities and raid member sub-classes (druid tank vs. druid healer etc.). Plus overview of important raid buffs, and instant access rebuff on right click.

    Author: {Author} Category: {X-Category} E-mail: {X-Email} Website: {X-Website} License: {X-License} " Show notice on screen for buff needs = "Show notice on screen for buff needs" RESTING = "you are resting and the |cFFFFFF80Not When Resting|r option is enabled" You are now solo = "You are now solo" Selling = "Selling" Rebuff Sound = "Rebuff Sound" Icon = "Icon" Co

    Error 2 of 2 41x Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-68.lua:1113: attempt to call global "GetNumTalentGroups" (a nil value) Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-68.lua:1113: in function "RefreshPlayerGlyphs" Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-68.lua:1384: in function <Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1360> (tail call): ? Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-68.lua:411: in function "OnRaidRosterUpdate" Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-68.lua:188: in function <Libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:185>

    Locals: self = <table> { GetTalentTreeMasterySpells = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1810 RefreshTalentsByUnit = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1198 GetGUIDGlyphs = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1039 SendMyGlyphs = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1576 OnReceiveTalents = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:964 GetUnitTalentSpec = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:936 RefreshTalentsByGUID = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1206 GUIDHasTalent = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1613 GetActiveTalentGroup = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1656 GetGUIDRole = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1278 GLYPH_REMOVED = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1094 talentTimers = <table> {} GetUnitStorageString = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:529 batch = <table> {} pendingStorageStrings = <table> {} GetNumTalentGroups = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1667 GetUnitRole = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1270 GLYPH_UPDATED = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1099 UserCount = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1593 roster = <table> {} SendCommMessage = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1425 CheckForMissingTalents = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1247 UNIT_AURA = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:327 GetTalentCount = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1840 TalentQuery_Ready_Outsider = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:870 GetTreeNames = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:817 UnitHasGlyph = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1056 events = <table> {} frame = LibGroupTalents_Frame {} UnitHasTalent = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1607 TriggerRefreshTalents = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1187 OnReceiveGlyphs = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1010 classTalentData = <table> {} RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:251 GetUnitGlyphs = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1034 GetClassTalentInfo = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1640 CHAT_MSG_ADDON = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1457 UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:1148 OnRaidRosterUpdate = <func> @ZOMGBuffs\Libs\..\LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua:340 Regist

  • _ForgeUser2492379 added the tags New Defect Jan 27, 2013

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