All Namespaces
- and
- on %s
- %d of %d stacks remain
- %s blacklisted for 10 seconds
- %s cooldown ready for %s
- %s has expired on %s
- %s needs %s
- %s on %s
- %s on %s%s
- %s remains
- %s%s%s|r to cast %s%s|r%s
- %s%s%s|r to target
- %s, %s%d|r %s remain
- (modified)
- (modified)
- ...unless PvP
- |cFF%02X%02X%02XGroup %d|r
- |cFF808080%s|r [|Hplayer:%s|h%s|h's pet]
- |cFF80FF80Enabled
- |cFFFF8080Disabled
- <new name>
- <template name>
- <ZOMG> Missing %s: %s
- >>> %s created <<<
- >>> Created a Portal to %s <<<
- Actions
- Adjust height of the bars
- Adjust the scale of the portals
- Adjust the scale of the tracking icon
- Adjust the size of the timer text
- Adjust width of unit list
- Alchemy Flasks
- Allow auto buffing when resting when your PvP is enabled
- Alphabetical
- Also buff current target (assuming they're not in your party or raid
- Alt-
- Always Load Manager
- Always Load Portalz
- Always load the Blessings Manager, even when not eligable to modify blessings
- Always load the Portalz module, even when not a Mage
- Always show Stamina and Mark of the Wild Columns
- Anchor
- Anchor
- Ankh
- Announce
- Announce when you've created a portal to someplace more fun and sunny than this dark damp dungeon.
- Arc
- Arcane Powder
- Are you sure you're not leaving your friends behind?!
- Arena
- Ashwood Seed
- Auto assign sensible group assignment based the order of your name alphabilically compared to others of your class. All going well, and all using ZOMGBuffs and everyone should end up with different assignments without need for discussion
- Auto buffs
- Auto Buy Reagents
- Auto purchase level for %s (will not exceed this amount)
- Auto Switch
- Auto-Assign
- Auto-cast Alchemy Flask
- Auto-casting %s
- Auto-casting is disabled
- Automatically purchase required reagents from Reagents Vendor
- Automatically switch to this template
- Autosave
- Bar Height
- Bar Texture
- Battleground
- Behaviour
- Behaviour
- Behaviour
- Blessings
- Border
- Bought |cFF80FF80%d|cFFFFFF80 %s|r from vendor, you now have |cFF80FF80%d|r
- Buff Pets
- Buff Target
- Buff Timer
- Buff times over this number of minutes will not be shown
- Button Five
- Button Four
- Channel
- Choose the anchor to use for the player list
- Choose the relative point for the anchor
- Circle
- Class
- Class Icon
- Class spell configuration
- Class Spells
- Clear talent cache to force refresh
- Click Config
- Click to equip. Click again when cooldown is up
- Columns
- Columns to show in buff list
- Combat Warnings
- Configure popup raid list click behaviour
- Corpse Dust
- Create a tracking icon for certain exclusive spells (Earth Shield, Fear Ward). Note that the icon can always display the correct status of the spell, but if you change targets in combat then the click action will be to the player who it was last set to before entering combat
- Ctrl-
- Default
- Default rebuff prelude for all group buffs
- Default rebuff prelude for all self buffs
- Defaults
- Define the key used for auto buffing
- Define the key used for portal popup
- Define the key used for rebuffing %s from it's Spell Tracker icon
- Define the mouse click to use for |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- Delete
- Delete this template
- Demonic Figurine
- Devout Candle
- Disabled
- Disables auto-casting for %s in favor of rebuffing via tracker icons or their hotkeys
- Display
- Display options
- Display the mouseover icon used by the popup player buff list
- Display the spell ready swirl when an autocast spell is loaded on the main icon
- Display the ZOMGBuffs logo on icon
- Don't auto buff when Mounted
- Don't auto buff when Resting
- Don't auto buff when Shapeshifted
- Don't auto buff when Stealthed
- Don't auto buff when you have Spirit Tap, so you can maximise your regeneration
- Don't directly buff PVP flagged players, unless you're already flagged for PVP
- Empty
- Enable
- Enable
- Enable border on the icon
- Enable border on the list
- Enable buffing of this group
- Enabled
- Expiry Prelude
- Expiry Prelude
- Expiry prelude for flasks
- Finish
- Flash Powder
- Flask
- Flintweed Seed
- Font
- General buffing behaviour
- Give audible feedback when someone needs rebuffing
- Give feedback about events
- Group
- Group %d
- Group %d
- Group %d needs %s
- Group Buff Configuration
- Group buffing behaviour
- Group Number
- Group spell configuration
- Group Spells
- Group Template:
- Groups
- Holy Candle
- Horizontal
- Hornbeam Seed
- How many players of a group must need a buff before the group version is cast
- How much mana should you have before considering auto buffing
- Icon
- Icon Size
- If noone is selected for this buff when you disable it, then the next time it is enabled, everyone will default to ON. If disabled, the last settings will be remembered
- If players are offline, AFK or in another instance, count them as being present and buff everyone else
- Ignore Absent
- Include appropriate items as castable portals (eg: %s or %s)
- In-Combat
- Infernal Stone
- Information
- Intellect
- Invert
- Invert
- Invert the need/got alpha values
- Invert the need/got alpha values
- Ironwood Seed
- Is player flasked or potted
- Item configuration
- Items
- Items
- Key-Binding
- Key-Binding
- Key-Binding
- Kings
- Last
- Learn buff changes in combat
- Learn buff changes out of combat
- Learnable
- Learnable
- Learning
- Left Button
- Light
- List
- Load
- Load Raid Module
- Load the Raid Buff module. Usually for Mages, Druids & Priests, this module can also track single target spells such as Earth Shield & Blessing of Sacrifice, and allow raid buffing of Undending Breath and so on
- Load this template
- Lock
- Lock floating icon position
- Locked
- Main Hand
- Maple Seed
- Mark
- Mark/Kings
- Middle Button
- Might
- Minimum Charges
- Minimum Group
- Minimum Mana %
- Miscelaneous actions
- Mousewheel Buff
- Name
- Never
- No Auto-cast
- None
- none
- none
- Not Refreshing because %s
- Not When Mounted
- Not When Resting
- Not When Shapeshifted
- Not When Stealthed
- Not with Spirit Tap
- Notice
- Notice Anchor
- Off Hand
- Only use single target buffs
- Only use single target buffs in arenas
- Only use single target buffs in battlegrounds
- Options to help you notice when things need doing
- Out of Combat
- Outline
- Outlining
- Out-of-date spell (should be %s). Will be updated when combat ends
- Output channel selection
- Party
- Pattern
- Perform extra checks for pets in case any missed the group buffs when they were done
- Portal Configuration
- Portal Spell
- Position the notification area
- Purchase levels for reagents
- Raid
- Reagent information
- Reagent Reminder
- Reagents Levels
- Rebuff if number of charges left is less than defined amount
- Rebuff prelude for %s (0=Module default)
- Rebuff prelude for %s (0=Module default)
- Rebuff Sound
- Relative Point
- Remember this spell when it's cast manually?
- Remember this spell when it's cast manually?
- Reminders
- Rename
- Rename this template
- Renamed template |cFFFFFF80%s|r to |cFFFFFF80%s|r
- Report
- Report Missing
- Report options
- Report raid buffs currently missing
- Reset
- Reset Icon Position
- Reset on Clear
- Reset the icon position to the centre of the screen
- Reset the position of the tracker icon
- Restore default keybindings
- Revert to the previously unsaved template
- Right Button
- Route notification messages through SinkLib
- Rune of Portals
- Rune of Teleportation
- RuneScroll/Drums
- Sacred Candle
- Salvation
- Sanctuary
- Save
- Save current setup as a new template
- Saved template %q
- Scale
- Scale
- Seals
- Select a soundfile to play when player's tracked buff expires
- Select sorting order for buff overview (can't be changed during combat)
- Select the arrangement layout for the portals
- Select the groups to buff
- Self
- Self Buff Configuration
- Self buffing behaviour
- Self Buffs Template:
- Selling
- Set the texture for the buff timer bars
- Settings for the mouseover icon used by the popup player buff list
- Settings for the popup buff list
- Setup spell learning behaviour
- Shadow Protection
- Shift-
- Short Names
- Show
- Show All
- Show all portal spells, even if you have not learnt them yet.
- Show buff time remaining with bar
- Show message when spells requiring reagents are used
- Show notice on screen for buff needs
- Show player role icons
- Show Roles
- Show spell icons with spell names in messages
- Show the group number next to list
- Show the Notice area anchor
- Show the popup raid list when you are in a party
- Show the popup raid list when you are not in a raid or party
- Show the popup raid list when you in a raid
- Single spell configuration
- Single Spells
- Singles Always
- Singles in Arena
- Singles in BGs
- Sink Output
- Size
- Size of main icon
- Skip PVP Players
- Solo
- Sort Order
- Soul Shard
- Sound
- Special handling for Alchemy Flasks
- Spell Icons
- Spell Tracker
- Spirit
- Stamina
- Starleaf Seed
- Sticky
- Stranglethorn Seed
- Suspended
- Swirl
- Switched to template %q
- Switched to template %q because %s
- Symbol of Divinity
- Symbol of Kings
- Target
- Targetting
- Template configuration
- Template configuration
- Templates
- Templates
- Thick Outline
- This button is not clickable because it was created after you entered combat
- Timer Size
- Timer Threshold
- Tracker
- Tracker Icon for single target exclusive buffs
- Tracking
- Tracking configuration
- Training
- Unlocked, the portals can be dragged using the |cFF00FF00Right Mouse Button|r
- Unsorted
- Use auto-intelligent buffs such as Crusader Aura when mounted
- Use mousewheel to trigger auto buffing
- Use short spell names where appropriate
- Use this item or spell on the main hand weapon
- Use this item or spell on the off hand weapon
- Uses your main ZOMGBuffs spell for the floating icon, instead of the ZOMGBuffs default
- Vertical
- Visiblity options
- Wait for certain amount of the raid to arrive before group and class buffing commences. Zero to always buff.
- Wait for Raid
- Waiting for %d%% of raid to arrive before buffing commences (%d%% currently present)
- Warn about expiring buffs in combat. Note that auto buffing cannot be done in combat, this is simply a reminder
- Warning: %s has auto-assigned themselves to buff groups %s, but you have the Auto Group Assignment option disabled
- Warning: |cFF%s%s|r already applied by another %s
- WARNING: The intended target for this icon has changed since you entered combat. (Was %s)
- Well Fed
- When sticky, the portals open on one keypress and close on another. When disabled, you are required to hold the key whilst making your selection.
- Width
- Wild Berries
- Wild Quillvine
- Wild Spineleaf
- Wild Thornroot
- Wipe Talent Cache
- Wisdom
- You are now in a battleground
- You are now in a party
- You are now in a raid
- You are now in an arena
- You are now responsible for Groups %s
- You are now solo
- You can re-enable it by single clicking the ZOMGBuffs minimap/fubar icon
- You have run out of %q, now using single target buffs
- You need %s
- You need %s on %s
- You need %s on |c00FFFF80%s|r
- You need |c0080FF80%s|r on |c00FFFF80%s|r
- You need |cFFFFFF80%s|r