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    Jun 4, 2021
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Supported WoW Burning Crusade Classic Versions

  • 2.5.1


Changes since WoW-1.13.5-release1:

- Updated version in TOC to 20501
- Included LibTourist, updated for Burning Crusade. See for details.
- Removed number of herb and mining nodes because this data has been removed from LibTourist. The data was based on player reports and therefore not accurate.
- Increased the width of the panel somewhat to fit names of instances that are part of a complex (e.g. "Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts")
- Added Arenas
- Instance group sizes are now displayed in white, instead of red or orange without meaning

- New feature: Settings template
ZoneInfo settings are stored per character. Two new buttons have been added to  the Addon Settings dialog allowing you to copy settings to other characters.
Using the [Save to template] button you can save the current ZoneInfo settings to a global template. On any other character you can load and apply these settings from the global template with the [Load template] button.